Rich Python data types for Redis

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ORM hot-redis

Created by Stephen McDonald


HOT Redis is a wrapper library for the redis-py client. Rather than calling the Redis commands directly from a client library, HOT Redis provides a wide range of data types that mimic many of the built-in data types provided by Python, such as lists, dicts, sets, and more, as well as many of the classes found throughout the standard library, such as those found in the Queue, threading, and collections modules.

These types are then backed by Redis, allowing objects to be manipulated atomically over the network - the atomic nature of the methods implemented on objects in HOT Redis is one of its core features, and many of these are backed by Lua code executed within Redis, which ensures atomic operations where applicable.

The name HOT Redis originally stood for "Higher Order Types for Redis", but since the implementation doesn't strictly fit the definition, the recursive acronym "HOT Object Toolkit for Redis" should appease the most luscious of bearded necks.

HOT Redis was drawn from the infrastructure behind the Kouio RSS reader, a popular alternative to Google Reader.


The easiest way to install hot-redis is directly from PyPi using pip by running the following command:

$ pip install -U hot-redis

Otherwise you can download and install it directly from source:

$ python install


Each of the types provided by HOT Redis strive to implement the same method signatures and return values as their Python built-in and standard library counterparts. The main difference is each type's __init__ method. Every HOT Redis type's __init__ method will optionally accept initial and key keyword arguments, which are used for defining an initial value to be stored in Redis for the object, and the key that should be used, respectively. If no key is provided, a key will be generated, which can then be accessed via the key attribute:

>>> from hot_redis import List
>>> my_list = List()
>>> my_list.key
>>> my_list_with_key = List(key="foo")
>>> my_list_with_key.key

Once you've determined a strategy for naming keys, you can then create HOT Redis objects and interact with them over the network, for example here is a List created on a computer we'll refer to as computer A:

>>> list_on_computer_a = List(key="foo", initial=["a", "b", "c"])

then on another computer we'll creatively refer to as computer B:

>>> list_on_computer_b = List(key="foo")
>>> list_on_computer_b[:]  # Performs: LRANGE foo 0 -1
['a', 'b', 'c']
>>> list_on_computer_b += ['d', 'e', 'f']  # Performs: RPUSH foo d e f

and back to computer A:

>>> list_on_computer_a[:]  # Performs: LRANGE foo 0 -1
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']
>>> 'c' in list_on_computer_a  # Works like Python lists where expected
>>> list_on_computer_a.reverse()
>>> list_on_computer_a[:]
['f', 'e', 'd', 'c', 'b', 'a']

The last interaction here is an interesting one. Python's list.reverse() is an in-place reversal of the list, that is, it modifies the existing list, rather than returning a reversed copy. If we were to implement this naively, we would first read the list from Redis, reverse it locally, then store the reversed list back in Redis again. But what if another client were to modify the list at approximately the same time? One computer's modification to the list would certainly overwrite the other's. In this scenario, and many others, HOT Redis provides its own Lua routine specifically for reversing the list in-place, within Redis atomically. I wrote in more detail about this in a blog post, Bitwise Lua Operations in Redis.


By default, HOT Redis attempts to connect to a Redis instance running locally on the default port 6379. You can configure the default client by calling the hot_redis.configure function, prior to instantiating any HOT Redis objects. The arguments given to configure are passed onto the underlying redis-py client:

>>> from hot_redis import configure
configure(host='myremotehost', port=6380)

Alternatively, if you wish to use a different client per object, you can explicitly create a HotClient instance, and pass it to each object:

>>> from hot_redis import HotClient, Queue
>>> client = HotClient(host="myremotehost", port=6380)
>>> my_queue = Queue(client=client)


Basic support for thread-safe transactions are provided using the Redis MULTI and EXEC commands:

>>> from hot_redis import List, Queue, transaction
>>> my_list = List(key="foo")
>>> my_queue = Queue(key="bar")
>>> with transaction():
...     for i in range(20):
...         my_list.append(i)
...         my_queue.put(i)

In the above example, all of the append and put calls are batched together into a single transaction, that is executed once the transaction() context is exited.

Data Types

The following table is the complete list of types provided by HOT Redis, mapped to their Python counterparts and underlying Redis types, along with any special considerations worth noting.

HOT Redis Python Redis Notes
List list list  
Set set set  
Dict dict hash  
String string string Mutable - string methods that normally create a new string object in Python will mutate the string stored in Redis
ImmutableString string string Immutable - behaves like a regular Python string
Int int int  
Float float float  
Queue Queue.Queue list  
LifoQueue Queue.LifoQueue list  
SetQueue N/A list + set Extension of Queue with unique members
LifoSetQueue N/A list + set Extension of LifoQueue with unique members
BoundedSemaphore threading.BoundedSemaphore list Extension of Queue leveraging Redis' blocking list pop operations with timeouts, while using Queue's maxsize arg to provide BoundedSemaphore's value arg
Semaphore threading.Semaphore list Extension of BoundedSemaphore without a queue size
Lock threading.Lock list Extension of BoundedSemaphore with a queue size of 1
RLock threading.RLock list Extension of Lock allowing multiple acquire calls
DefaultDict collections.DefaultDict hash  
MultiSet collections.Counter hash  
  • Working with arbitrary clients

    Working with arbitrary clients

    HotClient and Base now supports taking an arbitrary client, for example from a separate connection pool or a legacy system. Removed transactions since they will not work properly in current form.

    opened by jmizgajski 8
  • Multikey lua support, rank_lists_by_length, rank_sets_by_cardinality

    Multikey lua support, rank_lists_by_length, rank_sets_by_cardinality

    Suport for complex (multikey) lua scripts and ranking scripts for ranking lists according to lenght and sets according to cardinality. Minor refactor of script handling by HotClient

    opened by jmizgajski 6
  • Add transaction (or multi) support

    Add transaction (or multi) support

    It would be very useful to have transaction support in form of

    with hot_redis.transations.Transaction() as t:
        #do some stuff

    not all operations have to be supported at first.

    This would greatly improve interoperability with other transactional dbs, which is a common usecase.

    Kudos for a great library btw:)

    opened by jmizgajski 6
  • Added support for using remote Redis instances

    Added support for using remote Redis instances

    The previous version worked fine with a local Redis instance running on the default port/db, but there was no obvious way to specify a remote Redis instance of use non-default parameters. This patch is fully backwards-compatible, but allows users to pass a HotClient instance (with any Redis connection parameters) to HOT Redis types using the "client" keyword. A .gitignore file has been added to mirror the .hgignore. Documentation has also been updated for the patch.

    opened by brendanwood 6
  • feature/collections_using_redis_sorted_set - MultiSet on Redis SortedSet

    feature/collections_using_redis_sorted_set - MultiSet on Redis SortedSet

    Adds implementation of Counter on Redis SortedSets with better performance on 'most_common'. Also updated documentation. I also would like to know what others feel about inheriting from collections.MutableMapping abstract classes, as i think it might be a bit clearer in terms what should objects provide than simply writing methods. Lua implemention of in place operations will be added soon

    opened by glowskir 5
  • List type is broken

    List type is broken

    If it's important, the below behavior was seen under Python 3.4.

    It's not possible to overwrite your List object once it's created. In normal Python list type, if you set a list equal to a new list then it will just overwrite the existing list. However, in your List type if you try to overwrite the value it will call extend every time.

    I even tried closing my application and re-starting. Since the object in Redis is actually still storing the old value, the problem persists even through application restart. This is especially fun when you use the "initial" parameter on startup. You basically end up with a list that gets extended over and over again every time the application restarts.

    Also, you should respect the types of objects passed inside the list itself. In my example below, I'm passing INT types inside my list; but your library gives the list items back as STRING types. In normal python lists, if the list contains INT you get back INT.


    >>> pythonList = [1,2,3]
    >>> print(pythonList)
    [1, 2, 3]
    >>> pythonList = [4,5,6]
    >>> print(pythonList)
    [4, 5, 6]


    >>> from hot_redis import List
    >>> theList = List(key='abc', initial=[1,2,3])
    >>> print(theList)
    List(['1', '2', '3'], 'abc')
    >>> print(theList.value)
    ['1', '2', '3']
    >>> theList = List(key='abc', initial=[4,5,6])
    >>> print(theList)
    List(['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6'], 'abc')
    >>> print(theList.value)
    ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6']
    >>> theList.value = [1,2,3]
    >>> print(theList)
    List(['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '1', '2', '3'], 'abc')
    >>> print(theList.value)
    ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '1', '2', '3']
    opened by CompPhy 2
  • Integers in Dicts are not preserved

    Integers in Dicts are not preserved

    Adding the following test case, the tests fail.

    class DictTests(BaseTestCase):
        def test_integer(self):
            a = {"wagwaan": 5, "flute": "don"}
            self.assertEqual(hot_redis.Dict(a), a)


    FAIL: test_integer (__main__.DictTests)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 397, in test_integer
        self.assertEqual(hot_redis.Dict(a), a)
    AssertionError: Dict({u'wagwaan': u'5', u'flute': u'don'}, '5f74dc31-1bbb-4304-8ce8-a80a6337514a') != {'wagwaan': 5, 'flute': 'don'}
    Ran 105 tests in 4.337s
    FAILED (failures=1)

    Any idea why the 'wagwaan' int is transformed to a string?

    opened by stratosgear 2
  • Fix BoundedSemaphore.release method and Add Tests for Lock, BoundedSemaphore, Semaphore.

    Fix BoundedSemaphore.release method and Add Tests for Lock, BoundedSemaphore, Semaphore.

    Hi! BoundedSemaphore.release method always fails when is it called more than once. Here's an example.

    In [1]: import hot_redis
    In [2]: sem = hot_redis.BoundedSemaphore(value=2)
    In [3]: sem.acquire()
    Out[3]: True
    In [4]: sem.acquire()
    Out[4]: True
    In [5]: sem.release()
    In [6]: sem.release() # the second calling release method failed.
    RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
    <ipython-input-6-33a6461ef954> in <module>()
    ----> 1 sem.release()
    /Users/bluele/.virtualenvs/hot_redis_master/lib/python2.7/site-packages/hot_redis/types.pyc in release(self)
        704     def release(self):
        705         if not getattr(self, "acquired", False):
    --> 706             raise RuntimeError("Cannot release unacquired lock")
        707         self.acquired = False

    This pull-request fixed the above problem and added test code for Lock, BoundedSemaphore, Semaphore.

    opened by bluele 1
  • Fixing DeprecationWarning

    Fixing DeprecationWarning

    That will help hot-redis support python 3.9

    /hot-redis/hot_redis/ DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from '' is deprecated since Python 3.3, and in 3.9 it will stop working
    opened by ErhoSen 0
  • Setting Int to 0 or Float to 0.0 or String to '' won't be executed.

    Setting Int to 0 or Float to 0.0 or String to '' won't be executed.

    idk if this is by-design but the following code will invalidate primitive types' false values.

        def value(self, value):
            if value:

    p.s. Maybe this repo is no longer (actively) maintained, but I love the way that data structures in Python gets mapped to Redis in a Pythonic way. I'm trying to build an object mapping between Python and storage backends (e.g. Redis) and came across this project.

    opened by barius 0
  • Is this project dead?

    Is this project dead?

    I was looking for something like it and was excited when I found this project. But then I noticed that it seems to be dead. Did anyone find other alternatives?

    opened by fernandocamargoai 1
  • hot_redis in pytest

    hot_redis in pytest

    How would I use hot_redis within a pytest environment ?

    I would like to use a mock redis client connection, as say with pytest-redis.

    New to redis testing, so not sure if i'm even asking the right question.

    opened by gauss345 0
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