Object mapper for Amazon's DynamoDB

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ORM python aws orm dynamodb


Build: build coverage
Documentation: http://flywheel.readthedocs.org/
Downloads: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/flywheel
Source: https://github.com/stevearc/flywheel

Object mapper for Amazon's DynamoDB

END OF LIFE WARNING: I haven't personally used this project, or even written much python, since early 2014. I will continue to respond to bugs and pull requests, but I am no longer doing active development. My apologies to those of you who have come to rely on Flywheel; I wish I had the time to continue it. If there is anyone in the community interested in becoming the new maintainer and continuing to move development forward, send me an email and we can discuss.

If you are looking for an alternative, I can recommend PynamoDB.

Getting Started

This is what a basic model looks like (schema taken from this DynamoDB API documentation)

from flywheel import Model, Field, GlobalIndex

class GameScore(Model):
    __metadata__ = {
        'global_indexes': [
            GlobalIndex('GameTitleIndex', 'title', 'top_score')
    userid = Field(hash_key=True)
    title = Field(range_key=True)
    top_score = Field(type=int)
    top_score_time = Field(type=datetime)
    wins = Field(type=int)
    losses = Field(type=int)

    def __init__(self, title, userid):
        self.title = title
        self.userid = userid

Create a new top score

>>> score = GameScore('Master Blaster', 'abc')
>>> score.top_score = 9001
>>> score.top_score_time = datetime.utcnow()
>>> engine.sync(score)

Get all top scores for a user

>>> scores = engine.query(GameScore).filter(userid='abc').all()

Get the top score for Galaxy Invaders

>>> top_score = engine.query(GameScore).filter(title='Galaxy Invaders')\
...     .first(desc=True)

Atomically increment a user's "wins" count on Alien Adventure

>>> score = GameScore('Alien Adventure', 'abc')
>>> score.incr_(wins=1)
>>> engine.sync(score)

Get all scores on Comet Quest that are over 9000

>>> scores = engine.query(GameScore).filter(GameScore.top_score > 9000,
...                                         title='Comet Quest').all()
  • Possible new issue...

    Possible new issue...

    I do the following:

    class AppDataModel(Model): """ The application data storage model. The indexed data includes:

        _country_code - ISO 3166-1 alpha-3, 3 character country code
        _app_type - application type, i.e. android, ios, etc. Always lower case
        _app_id - unique application identifier, usually a hash of some kind
        _app_version - version of application
        _analyzer_name - name of the analyzer that is responsible for some specific generated data
        _data_type - type of recorded data, i.e. log, call, output
        _creation_datetime - the ISO 8601 formatted date and time of when the data was created
    The following indices are available:
        Global index gcc-index allowing searching by _country_code
        Global index gat-index allowing searching by _app_type
        Global index lan-index allowing searching by _analyzer_name
        Primary key:
            Hash key composed of _country_code, _app_type, _app_id, _app_version
            Range key composed of _analyzer_name
        Local index ldt-index allow searching within an application by _data_type
        Local index lc-index allow searching within an application by _creation_datetime
    __metadata__ = {
       'global_indexes': [
            GlobalIndex.all( 'gcc-index','country_code' ),
            GlobalIndex.all( 'gat-index','app_type' ),
            GlobalIndex.all( 'gboth-index','app_type','app_id')
    country_code = Field( data_type=STRING )
    app_type = Field( data_type=STRING )
    app_id = Field( data_type=STRING )
    app_version = Field( data_type=STRING )
    composite_appid = Composite( 'country_code', 'app_type', 'app_id', 'app_version', hash_key=True )
    analyzer_name = Field( data_type=STRING, index='lan-index' )
    data_type = Field( data_type=STRING, index='ldt-index' )
    data_index = Field( data_type=NUMBER )
    creation_datetime = Field( data_type=datetime, index='lc-index' )
    r_key = Composite( 'analyzer_name', 'data_type', 'data_index', 'creation_datetime', merge=c_composite, range_key=True)

    def AppDataEngine(*_kwargs): # Connect to DynamoDB dyn = DynamoDBConnection( *_kwargs )

    # Connect to the server and create the table schema for the 'appdata' table.
    eng = Engine( dynamo=dyn, namespace=['appdata'] )
    eng.register( AppDataModel )
    # Return the engine.
    return( eng )

    Later on I do this:

    eng = AppDataEngine(**kwargs)

    followed by this:

        # Create the instance for us to use...
        i = AppDataModel( country_code=self.cc, app_type=self.at,
                          app_id=self.aid, app_version=self.av,
                          analyzer_name=self.an, data_type='CALL',
        # Write out the control data as a JSON struct
        i.data = { "WhoCalledMe":who_called_me, "args":args } )
        self.eng.save( i )

    When I execute this code I get the following error returned:

    oto.exception.JSONResponseError: JSONResponseError: 400 Bad Request {u'Message': u'Cannot do operations on a non-existent table', u'__type': u'com.amazonaws.dynamodb.v20120810#ResourceNotFoundException'}

    Since I'm running the "local dynamodb" system I can check the database and see all the stuff in Sqlite. So I know the table is there since I see 'appdata-AppDataModel' in the list of tables.

    opened by eprparadocs 13
  • Exception using scan with undefined `name` field

    Exception using scan with undefined `name` field

    There seems to be a bug where flywheel is trying to decode any string value for not defined name fields.

    Conditions seem to be:

    • name field present in dynamodb table while no corresponding field defined in model
    • custom table name defined using __metadata__ and _name
    • objects are obtained from dynamodb using scan and not get (did not check query yet)

    Sample Code

    from flywheel import Model, Field, Engine
    from flywheel.fields.types import StringType
    import uuid
    class Item(Model):
        __metadata__ = {
            '_name': 'items'
        uuid = Field(data_type=StringType(), hash_key=True, nullable=False)
        # name = Field(data_type=StringType())  # only not having this field defined will let the script crash
    # setup
    engine = Engine()
    # create an item
    unique_id = str(uuid.uuid1())
    i = Item()
    i.uuid = unique_id
    i.name = 'a name' # using name (which is not a field) while _name is defined in __metadata__
    # scan for
    engine.get(Item, [unique_id]) # no crash
    engine.scan(Item).filter().all() # crash happens here

    Stack Trace

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "addition_field.py", line 27, in <module>
        engine.scan(Item).filter().all() # crash happens here
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/flywheel/query.py", line 115, in all
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/flywheel/query.py", line 301, in gen
        yield self.model.ddb_load_(self.engine, result)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/flywheel/models.py", line 493, in ddb_load_
        obj.set_ddb_val_(key, val)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/flywheel/models.py", line 485, in set_ddb_val_
        setattr(self, key, Field.ddb_load_overflow(val))
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/flywheel/fields/__init__.py", line 265, in ddb_load_overflow
        return json.loads(val)
      File "/usr/local/Cellar/python3/3.5.2/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/python3.5/json/__init__.py", line 319, in loads
        return _default_decoder.decode(s)
      File "/usr/local/Cellar/python3/3.5.2/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/python3.5/json/decoder.py", line 339, in decode
        obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
      File "/usr/local/Cellar/python3/3.5.2/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/python3.5/json/decoder.py", line 357, in raw_decode
        raise JSONDecodeError("Expecting value", s, err.value) from None
    json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

    edit: I noticed something more. Actually running the script above works fine. But when you have a closer look at the content of the table / raw data returned by dynamo3for the scan you will notice the additional ": {'name': '"a name"', 'uuid': '5ebc745a-4def-11e6-864d-20c9d07f4883'}

    Manually removing them (e.g. {'name': 'a name', 'uuid': '6b87e066-4def-11e6-a7b2-20c9d07f4883'}) will trigger the exception/bug described above. I didn't dig deeper why and where these " get inserted. But there is definitely a problem relying on them when the data in the table also gets touched by other software.

    opened by t-unit 8
  • Add attribute_name to Field

    Add attribute_name to Field

    This is an absolutely fantastic library, by the way.

    Since attribute names count against the 64kb limit for items and against provisioned iops (docs), it would be great to specify a short attribute name, and still refer to the field by a longer name.

    For example:

    class MyModel(Model):
        my_long_id = Field(hash_key=True, data_type=BINARY, attribute_name='id')
        unreasonably_long_field_name_for_data = Field(attribute_name='data')

    I imagine that all external references would still use the model's meta field names - my_long_id - which would require an extra field_name -> attribute_name translation when constructing queries. Fallback when attribute_name isn't specified would use the existing behavior.

    If you're interested, I can get to work on a pr.

    This came about because I tried to change the name of a field before mapping it to an object as a workaround, but it didn't persist. That seems odd - maybe it's worth checking if field name is None here before overwriting it?

    A simple test case:

    f = Field(hash_key=True)
    f.name = 'custom name'
    print(f.name)  # prints 'custom name'
    class MyModel(Model):
        id = f
    print(MyModel.id.name)  # prints 'id'
    print(f.name)  # prints 'id'
    opened by numberoverzero 7
  • Query all giving an error

    Query all giving an error

    Here is the code I execute:

    def c_composite( analyzer_name, data_type, data_idx, creation_time ): """ Custom composite handler for range key of AppDataModel """ return( '%s:%s:%s:%s' % (analyzer_name,data_type,str(data_idx),str(creation_time)) )

    class AppDataModel(Model): metadata = { 'global_indexes': [ GlobalIndex.all( 'gcc-index','country_code' ), GlobalIndex.all( 'gat-index','app_type' ) ] }

    country_code = Field( data_type=STRING )
    app_type = Field( data_type=STRING )
    app_id = Field( data_type=STRING )
    app_version = Field( data_type=STRING )
    composite_appid = Composite( 'country_code', 'app_type', 'app_id', 'app_version', hash_key=True )
    analyzer_name = Field( data_type=STRING, index='lan-index' )
    data_type = Field( data_type=STRING, index='ldt-index' )
    data_index = Field( data_type=NUMBER )
    creation_datetime = Field( data_type=datetime, index='lc-index' )
    r_key = Composite( 'analyzer_name', 'data_type', 'data_index', 'creation_datetime', merge=c_composite, range_key=True)

    def init(....)

    Later on I do this:

    dyn = DynamoDBConnection( **args )
    eng = Engine( dynamo=dyn, namespace=['appdata'] )
    test = AppDataModel( country_code='united states',app_type='android',app_id='123', app_version='1.0')
    test.eng = eng
    i = test.eng.query(AppDataModel).all()
    for r in i:
        print r

    I get this traceback:

    Traceback (most recent call last): ... File .../flywheel/query.py line 79 in all

    File ../flywheel/query.py line 48 in gen

    File ../flywheel/fields/conditions.py line 54

    ValueError: Bad query arguments. You must provide a hash key and may optionally constrain on exactly one range key

    In fact when I check composite_appid it is set to u'USA:android:123:1.0' which is the composited hash key. Am I missing something?

    opened by eprparadocs 7
  • Engine-wide table name prefix

    Engine-wide table name prefix


    When working with a multi-tenant AWS account, it's a reasonable practice to prefix table names with some sort of token to indicate what tenant/application a table belongs to. This same design pattern is also relevant for having tables for different environments, such as dev/qa/prod.

    Hacky Failed Attempt

    I attempted to handle this with a sort of configuration parameter for a table prefix, which I could them update the class models' __metadata__ attributes with, but it did not work:

    APP_NAME = 'abc'
    APP_ENV = 'dev'
    TABLE_NAME_PREFIX = '-'.join([
    # Register our models with the engine
    for this_model in [
        # Insert the table name prefix
        if '_name' in this_model.__metadata__:
            print("Updating {}.__metadata__".format(this_model.__name__))
            print("  (old)_name='{}'".format(this_model.__metadata__['_name']))
                '_name': TABLE_NAME_PREFIX + this_model.__metadata__['_name'],
            print("  (new)_name='{}'".format(this_model.__metadata__['_name']))
    >>> Updating OAuthUser.__metadata__
    >>>   (old)_name='oauth_user'
    >>>   (new)_name='abc-dev_oauth_user'
    >>> Updating User.__metadata__
    >>>   (old)_name='user'
    >>>   (new)_name='abc-dev_user'

    This resulted in the creation of tables that were still only named oauth_user and user.

    Potential Resolutions

    • Add ability to the engine to set an engine-wide table prefix string

    • Add ability to the engine to set an engine-wide table name function

      def table_namer(original_name):
          return "my-prefix_" + original_name

      This implementation may also resolve @stevearc's enhancement request in #4 as the table_namer function could independently handle the naming of

      the table with a timestamp:

      import datetime
      def table_namer(original_name):
          if original_name == 'timeseries_table':
              now = datetime.datetime.now()
              return ''.join([
              return original_name
    opened by tomislacker 6
  • JSON decode issue when querying database

    JSON decode issue when querying database

    First of all, thanks for creating flywheel. Very helpful.

    I do have the following issue:

    Version is 0.44 running on python 3.43 under Windows 7 The db structure is:

    class scrobble(Model):
        artist = Field(hash_key=True)
        ts = Field(data_type=datetime, range_key=True)

    Works fine when database is queried through boto or when exploring through the DynamoDB Web interface. I believe the issue is that for some reason the timestamps have a dozen or more digits to the right of the decimal point when I view them in the DynamoDB.

    Whether that's it or not, all queries are throwing an Exception as follows:

    >>> z = engine(scrobble).filter(artist="Lucinda Williams")
    >>> z.first()
    Traceback (most recent call last):
       File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
      File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\flywheel\query.py", line 155, in first
    attributes=attributes, filter_or=filter_or):
      File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\flywheel\query.py", line 80, in gen
    yield self.model.ddb_load_(self.engine, result)
      File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\flywheel\models.py", line 458, in ddb_load_
    obj.set_ddb_val_(key, val)
      File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\flywheel\models.py", line 450, in set_ddb_val_
    setattr(self, key, Field.ddb_load_overflow(val))
      File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\flywheel\fields\__init__.py", line 265, in ddb_load_overflow
    return json.loads(val)
      File "C:\Python34\lib\json\__init__.py", line 318, in loads
    return _default_decoder.decode(s)
      File "C:\Python34\lib\json\decoder.py", line 343, in decode
    obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
      File "C:\Python34\lib\json\decoder.py", line 361, in raw_decode
        raise ValueError(errmsg("Expecting value", s, err.value)) from None
    ValueError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
    opened by slzatz 5
  • Field.ddb_dump assumes None -> None translation for all data_types

    Field.ddb_dump assumes None -> None translation for all data_types

    There probably aren't many types that would care, but I came across this code while looking into attribute_names.

    Any reason why None is always returning None, instead of delegating it to the data_type.ddb_dump call? I'd expect most custom types to check None anyway, and it doesn't leave much room for Types that care.

    Unless there's a strong case for not supporting custom load/dump for None, this condition should probably be removed.

    import uuid
    import dynamo3
    from flywheel import Field, Model, Engine
    from flywheel.fields.types import TypeDefinition, STRING
    class NonNullType(TypeDefinition):
        data_type = int
        ddb_data_type = STRING
        def coerce(self, value, force):
            return value
        def ddb_dump(self, value):
            if value is None:
                return ''
            return str(value)
        def ddb_load(self, value):
            if value == '':
                return None
            return int(value)
    class MyModel(Model):
        __metadata__ = {
            '_name': str(uuid.uuid4())
        pkey = Field(data_type=NonNullType(), hash_key=True)
    dynamo = dynamo3.DynamoDBConnection.connect(...)
    engine = Engine(dynamo=dynamo)
    pk = None
    from_typedef = NonNullType().ddb_dump(pk)
    m = MyModel(pkey=pk)
    from_model = m.ddb_dump_field_('pkey')

    And the output:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "crossj.py", line 77, in <module>
      File "/home/crossj/ws/flywheel/flywheel/engine.py", line 615, in sync
        self.save(item, overwrite=False)
      File "/home/crossj/ws/flywheel/flywheel/engine.py", line 465, in save
      File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/dynamo3/connection.py", line 382, in put_item
      File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/dynamo3/connection.py", line 207, in call
      File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/dynamo3/exception.py", line 46, in raise_if_error
    dynamo3.exception.DynamoDBError: ValidationException: One or more parameter values were \
      invalid: Missing the key pkey in the item
    Args: {'expected': {'pkey': {'ComparisonOperator': 'NULL'}},
     'item': {},
     'return_consumed_capacity': 'NONE',
     'return_values': 'NONE',
     'table_name': '91f18196-2d5c-41c3-ad1e-15d8f007e6a8'}
    opened by numberoverzero 5
  • Allow users to specify the namespace separator

    Allow users to specify the namespace separator

    My company Runscope is probably going to use Flywheel pretty heavily as we expand our use of DynamoDB. We're already familiar with the basic ORM approach from our experience with SQLAlchemy. I personally built one project on top of Flywheel so far, and I've been pretty happy with it.

    Anyway, we use table namespaces similar to what Flywheel supports, but we've already standardized on "." as the separator between elements. For example, our table names are prod.atlas.hosts and test.scorekeeper.requests. This commit allows Flywheel's namespace feature to work for us too.

    This is my first pull request to the Flywheel project, so let me know if there are any stylistic norms that I should follow.

    opened by RyanGWU82 5
  • Documentation references support for undeclared / overflow fields

    Documentation references support for undeclared / overflow fields

    Unless I'm mistaken, undeclared / overflow field support was removed in version 5.0.0, https://github.com/stevearc/flywheel/commit/5cf757e1e1a2d6b3caf6ebf6732e7af36ba4b6cc

    but support for undeclared fields is still mentioned in the documentation here: https://github.com/stevearc/flywheel/blame/master/doc/topics/models/basics.rst#L18

    I'm new to your library, so I hope I'm not missing something. If so, please disregard.

    opened by DaineDanielson 4
  • What is the best way to update just one model attribute

    What is the best way to update just one model attribute

    Sync seems to update all changed attributes of a model.

    Is there a way to update just one attribute (for instance for status updates)?

    Similar to ActiveRecord's update_column.

    opened by Govinda-Fichtner 3
  • Add support for engine.connect()

    Add support for engine.connect()

    It would be good to have support for dynamo3's connect method instead of having two separate methods connecting: connect_to_host and connect_to_region.

    Also, dynamo3 seems to have deprecated the connect_to_host and connect_to_region methods in the version which is used by the latest flywheel release. So there are DeprecationWarnings everywhere.

    opened by iartarisi 3
  • Query not returning result when using first()

    Query not returning result when using first()

    Version: flywheel==0.4.4

    I have encountered with an empty result issue when using "first" function on flywheel query object, but got result when using the "all" function (with the same query)

    DB schema:

    class User(Modal):
    __metadata__ = {
            '_name': 'test_table',
            'global_indexes': [
                GlobalIndex('name-age-index', 'name', 'age_min').throughput(5, 3),
    name = Field(hash_key=True)
    age_min = Field(data_type=int)      # OPTIONAL
    age_max = Field(data_type=int)       # OPTIONAL


    1. engine.query(User).filter(User.name == 'Erik', User.age_min <= age, User.age_max >= 18).first()
    result: None
    2.  engine.query(User).filter(User.name == 'Erik', User.age_min <= age, User.age_max >= 18).all()
    result: [<object>]
    opened by shaloba 1
  • Stream support

    Stream support

    It would be great if flywheel supported the creation of DynamoDB streams.

    Has any work been done (or planned) on streams support? It's something I need, and may have time to take a look at integrating directly into flywheel, if you think it's useful. (Until then, I can dive in and do it imperatively through boto.)

    opened by danfairs 2
  • version 0.5 breaks ddb_dump_()

    version 0.5 breaks ddb_dump_()

    I've observed a breaking bug in version 0.5 of flywheel. Took me awhile to figure out the issue.

                    print('Setting {}'.format(arg))
                    setattr(user, arg, args[arg])

    The result, I would see the secret question I just set on my user object, but in the result of user.ddb_dump_() all of my newly attrs were gone (and it appeared some values for attrs defined in the model statically were missing). Thus, none of my newly added attributes to my user object were saving and my project and tests were breaking when trying to update a model.

    There is something wrong with the user.ddb_dump_() method.. I believe that method is called for every model object to save to the database?

    For updating I use the engine.save(self, overwrite=True)

    I had to downgrade to 0.4.11 and everything started saving and working again.

    opened by drcoll 3
  • Feature Suggestions: Option to set to default value when None and option to treat

    Feature Suggestions: Option to set to default value when None and option to treat "" as None.

    When a field is set to None due to an explicit None value, there could be the option to set it to its default value before validation/

    I've written a field validator loop (https://github.com/mathcamp/flywheel/issues/29) and I've just recently added this check to it. Ideally you would want to check if nullable is false first but it looks like nullable isn't an attribute (it's just part of the init to append the not null check.)

    It might be possible to do what I propose in a check method, but python isn't my strongest language.

      def validate(self):
        self._fields_with_errors = []
        for field in self.meta_.fields.values():
            #check if the field's value is None and if it has a default, if it's none, set it to it's default.
            if field.resolve(self) is None and field.default is not None:
              setattr(self, field.name, field.default)
          except ValueError as e:
            res = re.search('Validation check on field (.*) failed for value (.*)', str(e))
        return len(self._fields_with_errors) == 0

    My other suggestion is to treat "" as None for the nullable check for str field types. Or to at least have that option. This one's not a big deal and can easily be overcome with a check.

    lambda x: x != ""
    opened by justinoue 2
  • engine.create_schema() fails to create tables

    engine.create_schema() fails to create tables

    When there are more than 100 table in user's account and a table for a model already exists engine.create_schema() will fail with: ResourceInUseException: Table already exists: table-name

    This happens because in engine.py line 204 the call to:

            tablenames = set(self.dynamo.list_tables())

    will return 100 first tables and in model_meta.py line 440:

            if tablename in tablenames:
                return None

    will miss the fact that the table already exists.

    Proposed solution: For each table to create deliberately validate that it doesn't exist. Like (proto-code):

            for model in self._ddb_engine.models.itervalues():
                if not self._ddb_engine.dynamo.describe_table(model.meta_.ddb_tablename()):
                    model.meta_.create_dynamo_schema(self._ddb_engine.dynamo, tablenames=[], wait=True)
    opened by dmitryzv 1
  • gen() iterator should support resumable paged queries/scans

    gen() iterator should support resumable paged queries/scans

    I’d like to be able to provide an API to our users that is backed by a query that returns a large number of results. We’d like to be able to retrieve and store a cursor from a result set (query or scan), then create a new result set that picks up where the last one left off, possibly minutes later. I know that dynamo3 supports this internally, but it's not exported via flywheel yet.

    Steve replied via email:

    I think you'd have to have a new terminator on the query (like gen(), all()). I think you'd need page() to fetch a single page from DynamoDB so that you have some knowledge of where the database query left off. The default gen() implementation just provides a straight-up iterator that handles it all transparently. We could make page() return an object that extends list and has a 'cursor' attribute. Then you make the query terminators also take 'cursor' as a keyword argument, pass that through to dynamo3 and it should just work. I'll have to make a couple of changes in dynamo3 to support fetching pages instead of just iterators, but that should be pretty easy.

    opened by natecode 11
Steven Arcangeli
Steven Arcangeli
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Beanie - is an Asynchronous Python object-document mapper (ODM) for MongoDB, based on Motor and Pydantic.

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A Python Object-Document-Mapper for working with MongoDB

MongoEngine Info: MongoEngine is an ORM-like layer on top of PyMongo. Repository: https://github.com/MongoEngine/mongoengine Author: Harry Marr (http:

MongoEngine 3.9k Dec 30, 2022
A Python Object-Document-Mapper for working with MongoDB

MongoEngine Info: MongoEngine is an ORM-like layer on top of PyMongo. Repository: https://github.com/MongoEngine/mongoengine Author: Harry Marr (http:

MongoEngine 3.9k Jan 8, 2023
Pony Object Relational Mapper

Downloads Pony Object-Relational Mapper Pony is an advanced object-relational mapper. The most interesting feature of Pony is its ability to write que

null 3.1k Jan 4, 2023
Async ODM (Object Document Mapper) for MongoDB based on python type hints

ODMantic Documentation: https://art049.github.io/odmantic/ Asynchronous ODM(Object Document Mapper) for MongoDB based on standard python type hints. I

Arthur Pastel 732 Dec 31, 2022
PubMed Mapper: A Python library that map PubMed XML to Python object

pubmed-mapper: A Python Library that map PubMed XML to Python object 中文文档 1. Philosophy view UML Programmatically access PubMed article is a common ta

灵魂工具人 33 Dec 8, 2022
Beanie - is an Asynchronous Python object-document mapper (ODM) for MongoDB

Beanie - is an Asynchronous Python object-document mapper (ODM) for MongoDB, based on Motor and Pydantic.

Roman 993 Jan 3, 2023
Pandas on AWS - Easy integration with Athena, Glue, Redshift, Timestream, QuickSight, Chime, CloudWatchLogs, DynamoDB, EMR, SecretManager, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLServer and S3 (Parquet, CSV, JSON and EXCEL).

AWS Data Wrangler Pandas on AWS Easy integration with Athena, Glue, Redshift, Timestream, QuickSight, Chime, CloudWatchLogs, DynamoDB, EMR, SecretMana

Amazon Web Services - Labs 3.3k Jan 4, 2023
A pythonic interface to Amazon's DynamoDB

PynamoDB A Pythonic interface for Amazon's DynamoDB. DynamoDB is a great NoSQL service provided by Amazon, but the API is verbose. PynamoDB presents y

null 2.1k Dec 30, 2022
A pythonic interface to Amazon's DynamoDB

PynamoDB A Pythonic interface for Amazon's DynamoDB. DynamoDB is a great NoSQL service provided by Amazon, but the API is verbose. PynamoDB presents y

null 2.1k Dec 30, 2022
Pandas on AWS - Easy integration with Athena, Glue, Redshift, Timestream, QuickSight, Chime, CloudWatchLogs, DynamoDB, EMR, SecretManager, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLServer and S3 (Parquet, CSV, JSON and EXCEL).

AWS Data Wrangler Pandas on AWS Easy integration with Athena, Glue, Redshift, Timestream, QuickSight, Chime, CloudWatchLogs, DynamoDB, EMR, SecretMana

Amazon Web Services - Labs 3.3k Dec 31, 2022
Open-Source Python CLI package for copying DynamoDB tables and items in parallel batch processing + query natural & Global Secondary Indexes (GSIs)

Python Command-Line Interface Package to copy Dynamodb data in parallel batch processing + query natural & Global Secondary Indexes (GSIs).

null 1 Oct 31, 2021
Usando o Amazon Textract como OCR para Extração de Dados no DynamoDB

dio-live-textract2 Repositório de código para o live coding do dia 05/10/2021 sobre extração de dados estruturados e gravação em banco de dados a part

hugoportela 0 Jan 19, 2022
A simple URL shortener app using Python AWS Chalice, AWS Lambda and AWS Dynamodb.

url-shortener-chalice A simple URL shortener app using AWS Chalice. Please make sure you configure your AWS credentials using AWS CLI before starting

Ranadeep Ghosh 2 Dec 9, 2022
Python Flask API service, backed by DynamoDB, running on AWS Lambda using the traditional Serverless Framework.

Serverless Framework Python Flask API service backed by DynamoDB on AWS Python Flask API service, backed by DynamoDB, running on AWS Lambda using the

Andreu Jové 0 Apr 17, 2022
Asynchronous, fast, pythonic DynamoDB Client

AsyncIO DynamoDB Asynchronous pythonic DynamoDB client; 2x faster than aiobotocore/boto3/botocore. Quick start With httpx Install this library pip ins

HENNGE 48 Dec 18, 2022
Dinamopy is a python helper library for dynamodb

Dinamopy is a python helper library for dynamodb. You can define your access patterns in a json file and can use dynamic method names to make operations.

Rasim Andıran 2 Jul 18, 2022
Python library for serializing any arbitrary object graph into JSON. It can take almost any Python object and turn the object into JSON. Additionally, it can reconstitute the object back into Python.

jsonpickle jsonpickle is a library for the two-way conversion of complex Python objects and JSON. jsonpickle builds upon the existing JSON encoders, s

null 1.1k Jan 2, 2023
whm also known as wifi-heat-mapper is a Python library for benchmarking Wi-Fi networks and gather useful metrics that can be converted into meaningful easy-to-understand heatmaps.

whm also known as wifi-heat-mapper is a Python library for benchmarking Wi-Fi networks and gather useful metrics that can be converted into meaningful easy-to-understand heatmaps.

Nischay Mamidi 128 Dec 16, 2022