A Python Web Application for Checking vaccine slots by pincodes and auto slot booking.


CoWIN Vaccine Slot Monitoring and Auto Booking (With Auto Capcha Solver)

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About The Project


The Dashboard is developed using Bokeh and python 3.5+. This dashboard is useful for you if you are looking for something which will help you to book the vaccine slot once slots become available. Other Vaccine Finders will notify you once slots become available but you will still need to login to the portal and book the slot manually. This dashboard will look for slot availability continuously and will send the OTP itself once slots become available.

There are two modes available i.e Auto and Manual mode. In Manual mode, user will need to stay alert to enter the OTP manually.

And in Auto mode, user will need to do some installation and configuration as given here, so that script can detect the otp and will book the slot automatically. Auto Mode May not work all the time as this is a experimental feature

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If this Dashboard has helped you to book your appointment then please don't forget to leave comment here.

Why this project

Being software developer I always try to automate things which are important to me. I really struggled to book the slot on cowin portal and other vaccine finder scripts did not helped me at all. So I wanted to do build something which will not just look for vaccine availability but also help me in automating the otp sending and slot booking tasks.

How this app different from other applications

Other apps/scripts expects you to feed otp every 15 minutes or something which is really not the cool idea. When you use this application, you don't need to feed otp's continuously rather this app will keep on searching for availability and will send otp only when there is slot available. In Auto mode if you have configured things properly then you don't even need to stay near to your laptop provided your phone is always connected to wifi or mobile data

Getting Started


  • Docker: Click here to install Docker

If you don't want to use Docker then you will need python 3.5+ installed on your system and then clone this repository using into cowin-app folder using git clone https://github.com/suraj-deshmukh/CoWin-Vaccine-Slot-Monitoring-and-Auto-Booking.git cowin-app and install prequisites using pip install -r cowin-app/requirements.txt

Prior Gmail Settings and SMS Forwarder App Configuration for Auto Mode(Not required for Manual Mode)

Gmail App Password

You will need to generate gmail application password to use auto mode. The application password can be generated from here. This application password is different from you login password

Enable IMAP

Follow only Step 1 from this link


You will need to install SMS Forwarder - Auto forward SMS to PC or Phone from google play store

Once you install above app from google play store. Follow below steps.

  1. Open SMS Forwarder - Auto forward SMS to PC or Phone App. Click on bottom-right plus icon like below


  1. Enter your email id under Set up recipients as shown in below screenshot
  1. Enter Your OTP to register/access CoWIN is text under Rule for text as shown in below screenshot.
  1. Scroll down to More Settings and enter cowin under Filter Name and click on edit button to edit Email Subject and type [SMSForwarder] new otp %t and click on ok. Refer below image for the same.

Finally Click on SAVE button on top-right corner. You can always enable or disable this filter.

Usage for Docker

Auto Mode
  • Open Command Prompt and run docker run --pull always -p 5100:5100 -e PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 -e TZ=Asia/Kolkata suraj20/cowin-vaccine-monitoring-n-booking-dashboard:latest --args "you_gmail@gmail.com" "app_password_here". The argument --pull always makes sure you are pulling latest image from docker hub.
  • Open browser and type http://localhost:5100/cowin-app.
Manual Mode
  • Open Command Prompt and run docker run --pull always -p 5100:5100 -e PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 suraj20/cowin-vaccine-monitoring-n-booking-dashboard:latest. The argument --pull always makes sure you are pulling latest image from docker hub.
  • Open browser and type http://localhost:5100/cowin-app.

Usage for non Docker

Auto Mode
  • Make sure your system clock has set to IST(Indian Standard Time)
  • Clone this repo into folder 'cowin-app'
  • Change directory to the folder where you cloned this repository and then run bokeh serve --port 5100 cowin-app/ --args "you_gmail@gmail.com" "app_password_here"
  • Open browser and type http://localhost:5100/cowin-app.
Manual Mode
  • Clone this repo into folder 'cowin-app'
  • Change directory to the folder where you cloned this repository and then run bokeh serve --port 5100 cowin-app/
  • Open browser and type http://localhost:5100/cowin-app.

I recommend using docker option to run this dashboard. The docker option will make sure you always run latest image with latest features and bug fixes.

How to use

  1. Enter your name, select state, select districts, enter pincodes(incase of mulitple pincodes use csv format like 411001,411002 etc)associated with selected district only, 10 digit registered mobile number and reference ids(incase of mulitple ids use csv format like 12345678911234,12345678911111 etc. You will get this reference ids from cowin portal.
  2. Other Fields like date, dose number, age group,vaccine fee and vaccine type have default values. This are self explanatory fields and change as per your requirement.
  3. Select Mode. There are two modes i.e Auto and Manual. Select the one as per your choice
  4. For Dose 2, select the vaccine that you received on dose 1.

How does it work

  1. Enter all the details as explained above and the click on Submit Information button. All fields except OTP and Captcha one will be disabled.
  2. Once you click on Submit Information button, Start button will get enabled and then you can start the background process in seperate thread. The background thread will then monitor the given picodes continuously for slots availability as per the given filters. Once slots becomes available in any of the center in given pincodes, script will send otp to registered mobile number and background thread will stop checking for slots. You will get message as OTP sent successfully pn Reg Mob No. Please enter the OTP within 3 minutes. The center details for which slots are availbale will get populated under Center Name as shown below session
  3. If you have selected Manual mode then enter the OTP received on registered mobile number and click on Submit OTP. If otp is correct then you will get message on dashboard as below

Screenshot from 2021-06-06 22-37-15 (copy)

  1. If selected mode is Auto mode then user will not have to enter otp manually. The SMS Forwarder Application will forward the sms on given gmail id and python script has incoming email monioring code to check incoming emails related to cowin otp. Once script detects otp email it then parse the otp and book the slots directly. User will need to keep the mobile phone connected to wifi or mobile data all the time for SMS Forwarder to work



To Do

  • Validations on input fields
  • Resend OTP option
  • Resend Captcha if captcha verfication fails.

How to Contribute to this repo

Follow this

  • New age group 18+

    New age group 18+

    @suraj-deshmukh a new age group criteria 18+ has been introduced which involves all person of age of 18+ But in repo there is only 2 options 18-44 and 45 above. Plz add this criteria also. And plz make beep sound setting to atleast for 10-15 seconds. Or if beep spund is configurable by us then plz tell me setting so that i can change it. Thirdly plz add sputnik in vaccine criteria. Only covaxin and covishield are there in repo

    opened by 520rahul 7
  • How to use by python

    How to use by python

    Brother can u plz make a video on how to use it by python. I cant use docker as my system is on. Windows 7. I have tried ur instructions but not able to undersrand

    help wanted 
    opened by 520rahul 6
  • Feature request of beep/siren

    Feature request of beep/siren

    @suraj-deshmukh i have an request that plz add a feature of beep sound or some siren when a slot is found and otp has been sent to the mobile number in case of manual otp system, as we will have to not keep our eyes on computer all the time and whenever beep sound comes v vill check mobile to enter otp

    opened by 520rahul 3
  • Booked Successfully.

    Booked Successfully.

    Used Docker method to book my appointment.

    Bro i have some suggestion..

    1. Make otp verification before finding slot. And put a timer for 15 minutes to regenerate OTP. Because after finding the available slot it take few seconds to submit otp and in that few seconds the slot gets over. So make OTP generation during submit information.

    2. After submiting OTP.. fetch beneficiary REF ID and make a drop down box or check box to select beneficiary. It will make more easier for user to use.

    Rest all is fine. Thanks for your efforts and helping people to get their slot booked.


    opened by sunilgoudar 2
  • [Snyk] Security upgrade urllib3 from 1.25.11 to 1.26.5

    [Snyk] Security upgrade urllib3 from 1.25.11 to 1.26.5

    Snyk has created this PR to fix one or more vulnerable packages in the `pip` dependencies of this project.

    Changes included in this PR

    • Changes to the following files to upgrade the vulnerable dependencies to a fixed version:
      • requirements.txt
    โš ๏ธ Warning
    requests 2.23.0 has requirement urllib3!=1.25.0,!=1.25.1,<1.26,>=1.21.1, but you have urllib3 1.26.6.

    Vulnerabilities that will be fixed

    By pinning:

    Severity | Priority Score (*) | Issue | Upgrade | Breaking Change | Exploit Maturity :-------------------------:|-------------------------|:-------------------------|:-------------------------|:-------------------------|:------------------------- medium severity | 479/1000
    Why? Has a fix available, CVSS 5.3 | Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)
    SNYK-PYTHON-URLLIB3-1533435 | urllib3:
    1.25.11 -> 1.26.5
    | No | No Known Exploit

    (*) Note that the real score may have changed since the PR was raised.

    Some vulnerabilities couldn't be fully fixed and so Snyk will still find them when the project is tested again. This may be because the vulnerability existed within more than one direct dependency, but not all of the effected dependencies could be upgraded.

    Check the changes in this PR to ensure they won't cause issues with your project.

    Note: You are seeing this because you or someone else with access to this repository has authorized Snyk to open fix PRs.

    For more information: ๐Ÿง View latest project report

    ๐Ÿ›  Adjust project settings

    ๐Ÿ“š Read more about Snyk's upgrade and patch logic

    opened by snyk-bot 0
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