MEAL V2: Boosting Vanilla ResNet-50 to 80%+ Top-1 Accuracy on ImageNet without Tricks



This is the official pytorch implementation of our paper: "MEAL V2: Boosting Vanilla ResNet-50 to 80%+ Top-1 Accuracy on ImageNet without Tricks" by Zhiqiang Shen and Marios Savvides from Carnegie Mellon University.

In this paper, we introduce a simple yet effective approach that can boost the vanilla ResNet-50 to 80%+ Top-1 accuracy on ImageNet without any tricks. Generally, our method is based on the recently proposed MEAL, i.e., ensemble knowledge distillation via discriminators. We further simplify it through 1) adopting the similarity loss and discriminator only on the final outputs and 2) using the average of softmax probabilities from all teacher ensembles as the stronger supervision for distillation. One crucial perspective of our method is that the one-hot/hard label should not be used in the distillation process. We show that such a simple framework can achieve state-of-the-art results without involving any commonly-used tricks, such as 1) architecture modification; 2) outside training data beyond ImageNet; 3) autoaug/randaug; 4) cosine learning rate; 5) mixup/cutmix training; 6) label smoothing; etc.


If you find our code is helpful for your research, please cite:

  title={MEAL V2: Boosting Vanilla ResNet-50 to 80%+ Top-1 Accuracy on ImageNet without Tricks},
  author={Shen, Zhiqiang and Savvides, Marios},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.08453},


[Dec. 5, 2021] New: Add FKD training support. We highly recommend to use FKD for training MEAL V2 models, which will be 2~4x faster with similar accuracy.

  • Download our soft label for MEAL V2.

  • run with the desired model architecture, the path to the ImageNet dataset and the path to the soft label, for example:

    # 224 x 224 ResNet-50
    python --save MEAL_V2_resnet50_224 \
    --batch-size 512 -j 48 \
    --model resnet50 --epochs 180 \
    --teacher-model gluon_senet154,gluon_resnet152_v1s \
    --imagenet [imagenet-folder with train and val folders] \
    --num_crops 8 --soft_label_type marginal_smoothing_k5 \
    --softlabel_path [path of soft label] \
    --schedule 100 180 --use-discriminator-loss

Add --cos if you would like to train with cosine learning rate.

New: Basically, adding back tricks (cosine lr, etc.) into MEAL V2 can consistently improve the accuracy:

New: Add CutMix training support, use --w-cutmix to enable it.

[Mar. 19, 2021] Long version of MEAL V2 is available on: arXiv or paper.

[Dec. 16, 2020] MEAL V2 is now available in PyTorch Hub.

[Nov. 3, 2020] Short version of MEAL V2 has been accepted in NeurIPS 2020 Beyond BackPropagation: Novel Ideas for Training Neural Architectures workshop. Long version is coming soon.


1. Requirements:

This repo is tested with:

  • Python 3.6

  • CUDA 10.2

  • PyTorch 1.6.0

  • torchvision 0.7.0

  • timm 0.2.1 (pip install timm)

But it should be runnable with other PyTorch versions.

2. Data:

Results & Models

We provide pre-trained models with different trainings, we report in the table training/validation resolution, #parameters, Top-1 and Top-5 accuracy on ImageNet validation set:

Models Resolution #Parameters Top-1/Top-5 Trained models
MEAL-V1 w/ ResNet50 224 25.6M 78.21/94.01 GitHub
MEAL-V2 w/ ResNet18 224 11.7M 73.19/90.82 Download (46.8M)
MEAL-V2 w/ ResNet50 224 25.6M 80.67/95.09 Download (102.6M)
MEAL-V2 w/ ResNet50 380 25.6M 81.72/95.81 Download (102.6M)
MEAL-V2 + CutMix w/ ResNet50 224 25.6M 80.98/95.35 Download (102.6M)
MEAL-V2 w/ MobileNet V3-Small 0.75 224 2.04M 67.60/87.23 Download (8.3M)
MEAL-V2 w/ MobileNet V3-Small 1.0 224 2.54M 69.65/88.71 Download (10.3M)
MEAL-V2 w/ MobileNet V3-Large 1.0 224 5.48M 76.92/93.32 Download (22.1M)
MEAL-V2 w/ EfficientNet-B0 224 5.29M 78.29/93.95 Download (21.5M)

Training & Testing

1. Training:

  • To train a model, run script/ with the desired model architecture and the path to the ImageNet dataset, for example:

    # 224 x 224 ResNet-50
    python --save MEAL_V2_resnet50_224 --batch-size 512 -j 48 --model resnet50 --epochs 180 --teacher-model gluon_senet154,gluon_resnet152_v1s --imagenet [imagenet-folder with train and val folders] 
    # 224 x 224 ResNet-50 w/ CutMix
    python --save MEAL_V2_resnet50_224 --batch-size 512 -j 48 --model resnet50 --epochs 180 --teacher-model gluon_senet154,gluon_resnet152_v1s --imagenet [imagenet-folder with train and val folders] --w-cutmix
    # 380 x 380 ResNet-50
    python --save MEAL_V2_resnet50_380 --batch-size 512 -j 48 --model resnet50 --image-size 380 --teacher-model tf_efficientnet_b4_ns,tf_efficientnet_b4 --imagenet [imagenet-folder with train and val folders]
    # 224 x 224 MobileNet V3-Small 0.75
    python --save MEAL_V2_mobilenetv3_small_075 --batch-size 512 -j 48 --model tf_mobilenetv3_small_075 --teacher-model gluon_senet154,gluon_resnet152_v1s --imagenet [imagenet-folder with train and val folders] 
    # 224 x 224 MobileNet V3-Small 1.0
    python --save MEAL_V2_mobilenetv3_small_100 --batch-size 512 -j 48 --model tf_mobilenetv3_small_100 --teacher-model gluon_senet154,gluon_resnet152_v1s --imagenet [imagenet-folder with train and val folders] 
    # 224 x 224 MobileNet V3-Large 1.0
    python --save MEAL_V2_mobilenetv3_large_100 --batch-size 512 -j 48 --model tf_mobilenetv3_large_100 --teacher-model gluon_senet154,gluon_resnet152_v1s --imagenet [imagenet-folder with train and val folders] 
    # 224 x 224 EfficientNet-B0
    python --save MEAL_V2_efficientnet_b0 --batch-size 512 -j 48 --model tf_efficientnet_b0 --teacher-model gluon_senet154,gluon_resnet152_v1s --imagenet [imagenet-folder with train and val folders] 

Please reduce the --batch-size if you get ''out of memory'' error. We also notice that more training epochs can slightly improve the performance.

  • To resume training a model, run script/ with the desired model architecture, starting number of training epoch and the path to the ImageNet dataset:

    sh script/ 

2. Testing:

  • To test a model, run with the desired model architecture, model path, resolution and the path to the ImageNet dataset:

    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python -a resnet50 --res 224 --resume MODEL_PATH -e [imagenet-folder with train and val folders]

change --res with other image resolution [224/380] and -a with other model architecture [tf_mobilenetv3_small_100; tf_mobilenetv3_large_100; tf_efficientnet_b0] to test other trained models.


Zhiqiang Shen, CMU (zhiqians at

Any comments or suggestions are welcome!

  •  what's the training result on imagenet when training from scratch ?

    what's the training result on imagenet when training from scratch ?

    Hi @MingSun-Tse, i have noticed that you said you may train you distillation from scratch (random initial) on imagenet , i am wondering whats your training result because i want to use your method to train on my own dataset , while all i have is a large model train on this dataset . should i train this model on resnet50 firstly and than use your code to finetune or i can directly use your code to distillation exists model ?

    opened by anxu829 9
  • resnet50 pretrained model has top1 ACC=79.02% ?

    resnet50 pretrained model has top1 ACC=79.02% ?

    Hi, I'm extremely interested with your work. But I'm confuse that your pretrained Resnet50 model already have top1 Acc=79.02%, which has a big gap from your paper baseline 76.5%. (The test code also use in your porject) Have you try the pretrained model? Or did I go wrong? Thank you.

    (Resnet50 pretrained weight download from timm link:

    good discussions 
    opened by yangydeng 9
  • some questions about experiment setting and discriminator

    some questions about experiment setting and discriminator

    HI~ @szq0214

    I'm highly intersted in your work! Here is a question, I hope you can give your thoughts about it.

    1. in experiment setting, why set weight_decay to 0, in general, weight_decay is important factor to the final performance, usually have 1% validation accuracy difference on ILSVRC2012 imagenet.

    2. about the discriminator, It contains three convolution operations, its inputs is the logits of student and combined logits of teachers, but the target for discriminator is not right, in code that is as following:

    target = torch.FloatTensor([[1, 0] for _ in range(batch_size//2)] + [[0, 1] for _ in range(batch_size//2)])

    I think the target should be [1,0] through the whole batch_size, so that is weird. are there any considerations? if so, the influence of discriminator loss is to make logit of students away from teachers, something like regularization?

    opened by freeman-1995 6
  • torch.nn.DataParallel error

    torch.nn.DataParallel error

    trian error :+1: RuntimeError: Expected all tensors to be on the same device, but found at least two devices, cuda:1 and cuda:0! how to solve this problem? i use to(device),but it do not work.error in @szq0214 image

    opened by gentlebreeze1 5
  • Discriminator LR Decay

    Discriminator LR Decay

    Thanks for your work and the code release!

    I have a small question about the lr decay schedule for the discriminator- the initial lr value for the discriminator is set to 1e-4 but it looks like it gets clobbered with the student lr value in _set_learning_rate:

    Is this intentional? The discriminator is a simple model so I don't think this would make a big difference either way.


    opened by normster 5
  • torch.nn.DataParallel error

    torch.nn.DataParallel error

    I want to train MEAL-V2 on a machine with 4 gpus, the train script as follow : python --gpus 0 1 2 3 --save MEAL_V2_resnet50_224 ...

    but get a error:

    RuntimeError: Caught RuntimeError in replica 0 on device 0.
    RuntimeError: Caught RuntimeError in replica 1 on device 1.
    Original Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/nn/parallel/", line 61, in _worker
            output = module(*input, **kwargs)
        File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 889, in _call_impl
            result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
        File "/mnt/codes/MEAL2-drink/models/", line 17, in forward
            out = F.relu(self.conv1(x))
        File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 889, in _call_impl
             result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
        File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 399, in forward
             return self._conv_forward(input, self.weight, self.bias)
        File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 396, in _conv_forward
             self.padding, self.dilation, self.groups)
    RuntimeError: Expected tensor for argument #1 'input' to have the same device as tensor for argument #2 'weight'; but device 1 does not equal 0 (while checking arguments for cudnn_convolution)
    opened by anonymoussss 2
  • why are top1 and top5  both 0.0?

    why are top1 and top5 both 0.0?

    I parpared my own data according to the imagenet format (train/ and val/ folders contain different classes of image folders.)and trained the model. But after 60 epoch ,the top1 and top5 are both still 0.0 What could be the problem?Looking forward to your reply.Thanks!

    INFO 2021-01-28 22:14:55,943: Epoch: [59][141/181] Time 1.25 (6.42) Data 0.00 (0.14) G_Loss 3.085 {3.283, 3.279} D_Loss 0.347 {0.347, 0.347} Top-1 0.00 {0.00, 0.00} Top-5 0.00 {0.00, 0.00} LR 0.01000 INFO 2021-01-28 22:15:20,853: Epoch: [59][161/181] Time 1.24 (5.78) Data 0.00 (0.12) G_Loss 3.101 {3.267, 3.255} D_Loss 0.347 {0.347, 0.347} Top-1 0.00 {0.00, 0.00} Top-5 0.00 {0.00, 0.00} LR 0.01000 INFO 2021-01-28 22:15:45,187: Epoch: [59][181/181] Time 0.65 (5.28) Data 0.00 (0.11) G_Loss 3.335 {3.266, 3.253} D_Loss 0.347 {0.347, 0.347} Top-1 0.00 {0.00, 0.00} Top-5 0.00 {0.00, 0.00} LR 0.01000 INFO 2021-01-28 22:15:45,965: Epoch: [59] -- TRAINING SUMMARY Time 955.00 Data 19.59 G_Loss 3.266 D_Loss 0.347 Top-1 0.00 Top-5 0.00

    opened by zylxadz 2
  • 使用mobilenet_v2的预训练参数,top1的精度从0开始,请问这正常嘛?


    你好,感谢您优秀的工作。我使用ImageNet预训练的teacher模型为resnet101和resnet152, student模型为ImageNet的预训练模型mobilenet_v2,但是刚开始训练的top1精度为0,请问这正常嘛?我将student换成shufflenet_x1_0,top1精度为73.2%。谢谢您的回复!

    opened by yukaizhou 2
  • What is the performance of the teacher model

    What is the performance of the teacher model

    As the results of table II in your paper, trainning from scratch using Resnet obbtains 76.51% accuracy. When the input size is 224 x 224, the student model Resnet 50 obtains 80.67% accuracy with senet154 and resnet152 v1 applied as teacher models through MEAL-V2. So I am wondering what is the performance of the pre-trained teacher model since they are with larger and more effcitive architectures?

    opened by PyJulie 2
  • Paper Inconsistency with Code

    Paper Inconsistency with Code

    The initial LR in your "Experimental Settings" section in the ARXIV paper says you use 0.01.

    Screenshot from 2020-11-09 16-07-33

    Although, analyzing your source code your ResNet50 model uses an initial LR of 0.1.

    Screenshot from 2020-11-09 16-08-03

    I believe the paper is mistaken, as running your source code seems to be fine. In fact, the whole experimental setup is incorrect in comparison to this LR_REGIME.

    opened by nollied 2
  • Could not find the generator loss.

    Could not find the generator loss.


    thanks for your great job.

    When I read the code, I found there is only the discriminator loss and no generator loss. In other words, there is no adversarial training in MEALv2, which is different from my intuition. I want to know what is the advantage of just using the discriminator.

    opened by PeterouZh 2
Zhiqiang Shen
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