Data Orchestration Platform

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What is DOP

Design Concept

DOP is designed to simplify the orchestration effort across many connected components using a configuration file without the need to write any code. We have a vision to make orchestration easier to manage and more accessible to a wider group of people.

Here are some of the key design concept behind DOP,

  • Built on top of Apache Airflow - Utilises it’s DAG capabilities with interactive GUI
  • DAGs without code - YAML + SQL
  • Native capabilities (SQL) - Materialisation, Assertion and Invocation
  • Extensible via plugins - DBT job, Spark job, Egress job, Triggers, etc
  • Easy to setup and deploy - fully automated dev environment and easy to deploy
  • Open Source - open sourced under the MIT license

Please note that this project is heavily optimised to run with GCP (Google Cloud Platform) services which is our current focus. By focusing on one cloud provider, it allows us to really improve on end user experience through automation

A Typical DOP Orchestration Flow

Typical DOP Flow

Prerequisites - Run in Docker

Note that all the IAM related prerequisites will be available as a Terraform template soon!

For DOP Native Features

  1. Download and install Docker (if you are on Windows, please follow instruction here as there are some additional steps required for it to work
  2. Download and install Google Cloud Platform (GCP) SDK following instructions here
  3. Create a dedicated service account for docker with limited permissions for the development GCP project, the Docker instance is not designed to be connected to the production environment
    1. Call it dop-docker-user@<your GCP project id> and create it in<your GCP project id>
    2. Assign the roles/bigquery.dataEditor and roles/bigquery.jobUser role to the service account under<your GCP project id>
  4. Your GCP user / group will need to be given the roles/iam.serviceAccountUser and the roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator role on thedevelopment project just for the dop-docker-user service account in order to enable Service Account Impersonation.
    Grant service account user
  5. Authenticating with your GCP environment by typing in gcloud auth application-default login in your terminal and following instructions. Make sure you proceed to the stage where application_default_credentials.json is created on your machine (For windows users, make a note of the path, this will be required on a later stage)
  6. Clone this repository to your machine.


  1. Setup a service account for your GCP project called dop-dbt-user in<your GCP project id>
  2. Assign the roles/bigquery.dataEditor and roles/bigquery.jobUser role to the service account at project level under<your GCP project id>
  3. Your GCP user / group will need to be given the roles/iam.serviceAccountUser and the roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator role on the development project just for the dop-dbt-user service account in order to enable Service Account Impersonation.

Instructions for Setting things up

Run Airflow with DOP in Docker - Mac

See README in the service project setup and follow instructions.

Once it's setup, you should see example DOP DAGs such as dop__example_covid19 Airflow in Docker

Run Airflow with DOP in Docker - Windows

This is currently working in progress, however the instructions on what needs to be done is in the Makefile

Run on Composer


  1. Create a dedicate service account for Composer and call it dop-composer-user with following roles at project level
    • roles/bigquery.dataEditor
    • roles/bigquery.jobUser
    • roles/composer.worker
    • roles/compute.viewer
  2. Create a dedicated service account for DBT with limited permissions.
    1. [Already done in here if it’s DEV] Call it dop-dbt-user@<GCP project id> and create in<your GCP project id>
    2. [Already done in here if it’s DEV] Assign the roles/bigquery.dataEditor and roles/bigquery.jobUser role to the service account at project level under<your GCP project id>
    3. The dop-composer-user will need to be given the roles/iam.serviceAccountUser and the roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator role just for the dop-dbt-user service account in order to enable Service Account Impersonation.

Create Composer Cluster

  1. Use the service account already created dop-composer-user instead of the default service account
  2. Use the following environment variables
    DOP_SERVICE_PROJECT_PATH := {REPLACE WITH THE ABSOLUTE PATH OF THE Service Project, i.e. /home/airflow/gcs/dags/dop_{service project name}
    and optionally
    DOP_GCR_PULL_SECRET_NAME:= {This maybe needed if the project storing the gcr images are not he same as where Cloud Composer runs, however this might be a better alternative}
  3. Add the following Python Packages
  4. Finally create a new node pool with the following k8 label
    value: kubernetes-task-pool


See Service Project README


Service Account Impersonation

Impersonation is a GCP feature allows a user / service account to impersonate as another service account.
This is a very useful feature and offers the following benefits

  • When doing development locally, especially with automation involved (i.e using Docker), it is very risky to interact with GCP services by using your user account directly because it may have a lot of permissions. By impersonate as another service account with less permissions, it is a lot safer (least privilege)
  • There is no credential needs to be downloaded, all permissions are linked to the user account. If an employee leaves the company, access to GCP will be revoked immediately because the impersonation process is no longer possible

The following diagram explains how we use Impersonation in DOP when it runs in Docker DOP Docker Account Impersonation

And when running DBT jobs on production, we are also using this technique to use the composer service account to impersonate as the dop-dbt-user service account so that service account keys are not required.

There are two very google articles explaining how impersonation works and why using it

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  • Release DOP v0.3.0

    Release DOP v0.3.0

    A number of new features where added in this version

    DOP v0.3.0 — 2021-08-11


    • Support for "generic" airflow operators: you can now use regular python operators as part of your config files.

    • Support for “dbt docs” command to generate documentation for all dbt tasks: Users can now add “docs generate” as a target in their DOP configuration and additionally specify a GCS bucket with the --bucket and --bucket-path options where documents are copied to.

    • Serve dbt docs: Documents generated by dbt can be served as a web page by deploying the provided app on GAE. Note that deploying is an additional step that needs to be carried out after docs have been generated. See infrastructure/dbt-docs/ for details.

    • dbt tasks artifacts run_results created by dbt tasks saved to BigQuery: This json file contains information on completed dbt invocations and is saved in the BQ table “run_results” for analysis and debugging.

    • Add support for Airflow v1.10.14 and v1.10.15 local environments: Users can specify which version they want to use by setting the AIRFLOW_VERSION environment variable.

    • Pre-commit linters: added pre-commit hooks to ensure python, yaml and some support for plain text file consistency in formatting and style throughout DOP codebase.


    • Ensure DAGs using the same DBT project do not run concurrently: Safety feature to safely allow selective execution of workflows by calling specific commands or tags (e.g. dbt run --m) within a single dbt project. This avoids creating inter-dependant workflows to avoid overriding each other's artifacts, since they will share the same target location (within the dbt container).

    • Test time-partitioning: Time-partitioning of datetime type properly validated as part of schema validation.

    • Use Python 3.7 and dbt 0.19.1 in Composer K8s Operator

    • Add Dataflow example task: with the introduction of "regular" in the yaml config Airflow Operators, it is now possible to run compute intensive Dataflow jobs. Check example_dataflow_template for an example on how to implement a Dataflow pipeline.

    opened by dinigo 0
  • v0.3.0(Aug 17, 2021)


    • Support for "generic" airflow operators: you can now use regular python operators as part of your config files.

    • Support for “dbt docs” command to generate documentation for all dbt tasks: Users can now add “docs generate” as a target in their DOP configuration and additionally specify a GCS bucket with the --bucket and --bucket-path options where documents are copied to.

    • Serve dbt docs: Documents generated by dbt can be served as a web page by deploying the provided app on GAE. Note that deploying is an additional step that needs to be carried out after docs have been generated. See infrastructure/dbt-docs/ for details.

    • dbt tasks artifacts run_results created by dbt tasks saved to BigQuery: This json file contains information on completed dbt invocations and is saved in the BQ table “run_results” for analysis and debugging.

    • Add support for Airflow v1.10.14 and v1.10.15 local environments: Users can specify which version they want to use by setting the AIRFLOW_VERSION environment variable.

    • Pre-commit linters: added pre-commit hooks to ensure python, yaml and some support for plain text file consistency in formatting and style throughout DOP codebase.


    • Ensure DAGs using the same DBT project do not run concurrently: Safety feature to safely allow selective execution of workflows by calling specific commands or tags (e.g. dbt run --m) within a single dbt project. This avoids creating inter-dependant workflows to avoid overriding each other's artifacts, since they will share the same target location (within the dbt container).

    • Test time-partitioning: Time-partitioning of datetime type properly validated as part of schema validation.

    • Use Python 3.7 and dbt 0.19.1 in Composer K8s Operator

    • Add Dataflow example task: with the introduction of "regular" in the yaml config Airflow Operators, it is now possible to run compute intensive Dataflow jobs. Check example_dataflow_template for an example on how to implement a Dataflow pipeline.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.0(Mar 30, 2021)

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