UNION: An Unreferenced Metric for Evaluating Open-ended Story Generation



Automatic Evaluation Metric described in the paper UNION: An UNreferenced MetrIc for Evaluating Open-eNded Story Generation (EMNLP 2020). Please refer to the Paper List for more information about Open-eNded Language Generation (ONLG) tasks. Hopefully the paper list will help you know more about this field.



The code is written in TensorFlow library. To use the program the following prerequisites need to be installed.

  • Python 3.7.0
  • tensorflow-gpu 1.14.0
  • numpy 1.18.1
  • regex 2020.2.20
  • nltk 3.4.5

Computing Infrastructure

We train UNION based on the platform:

  • OS: Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-98-generic x86_64)

Quick Start

1. Constructing Negative Samples

Execute the following command:

cd ./Data
python3 ./get_vocab.py your_mode
python3 ./gen_train_data.py your_mode
  • your_mode is roc for ROCStories corpus or wp for WritingPrompts dataset. Then the summary of vocabulary and the corresponding frequency and pos-tagging will be found under ROCStories/ini_data/entitiy_vocab.txt or WritingPrompts/ini_data/entity_vocab.txt.
  • Negative samples and human-written stories will be constructed based on the original training set. The training set will be found under ROCStories/train_data or WritingPrompts/train_data.
  • Note: currently only 10 samples of the full original data and training data are provided. The full data can be downloaded from THUcloud or GoogleDrive.

2. Training of UNION

Execute the following command:

python3 ./run_union.py --data_dir your_data_dir \
    --output_dir ./model/union \
    --task_name train \
    --init_checkpoint ./model/uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12/bert_model.ckpt
  • your_data_dir is ./Data/ROCStories or ./Data/WritingPrompts.
  • The initial checkpoint of BERT can be downloaded from bert. We use the uncased base version of BERT (about 110M parameters). We train the model for 40000 steps at most. The training process will task about 1~2 days.

3. Prediction with UNION

Execute the following command:

python3 ./run_union.py --data_dir your_data_dir \
    --output_dir ./model/output \
    --task_name pred \
    --init_checkpoint your_model_name
  • your_data_dir is ./Data/ROCStories or ./Data/WritingPrompts. If you want to evaluate your custom texts, you only need tp change your file format into ours.

  • your_model_name is ./model/union_roc/union_roc or ./model/union_wp/union_wp. The fine-tuned checkpoint can be downloaded from the following link:

Dataset Fine-tuned Model
ROCStories THUcloud; GoogleDrive
WritingPrompts THUcloud; GoogleDrive
  • The union score of the stories under your_data_dir/ant_data can be found under the output_dir ./model/output.

4. Correlation Calculation

Execute the following command:

python3 ./correlation.py your_mode

Then the correlation between the human judgements under your_data_dir/ant_data and the scores of metrics under your_data_dir/metric_output will be output. The figures under "./figure" show the score graph between metric scores and human judgments for ROCStories corpus.

Data Instruction for files under ./Data

├── Data
   └── `negation.txt`             # manually constructed negation word vocabulary.
   └── `conceptnet_antonym.txt`   # triples with antonym relations extracted from ConceptNet.
   └── `conceptnet_entity.csv`    # entities acquired from ConceptNet.
   └── `ROCStories`
       ├── `ant_data`        # sampled stories and corresponding human annotation.
              └── `ant_data.txt`        # include only binary annotation for reasonable(1) or unreasonable(0)
              └── `ant_data_all.txt`    # include the annotation for specific error types: reasonable(0), repeated plots(1), bad coherence(2), conflicting logic(3), chaotic scenes(4), and others(5). 
              └── `reference.txt`       # human-written stories with the same leading context with annotated stories.
              └── `reference_ipt.txt`
              └── `reference_opt.txt`
       ├── `ini_data`        # original dataset for training/validation/testing.
              └── `train.txt`
              └── `dev.txt`
              └── `test.txt`
              └── `entity_vocab.txt`    # generated by `get_vocab.py`, consisting of all the entities and the corresponding tagged POS followed by the mention frequency in the dataset.
       ├── `train_data`      # negative samples and corresponding human-written stories for training, which are constructed by `gen_train_data.py`.
              └── `train_human.txt`
              └── `train_negative.txt`
              └── `dev_human.txt`
              └── `dev_negative.txt`
              └── `test_human.txt`
              └── `test_negative.txt`
       ├── `metric_output`   # the scores of different metrics, which can be used to replicate the correlation in Table 5 of the paper. 
              └── `bleu.txt`
              └── `bleurt.txt`
              └── `ppl.txt`             # the sign of the result of Perplexity needs to be changed to get the result for *minus* Perplexity.
              └── `union.txt`
              └── `union_recon.txt`     # the ablated model without the reconstruction task
              └── ...
   └── `WritingPrompts`
       ├── ...
  • The annotated data file ant_data.txt and ant_data_all.txt are formatted as Story ID ||| Story ||| Seven Annotated Scores.
  • ant_data_all.txt is only available for ROCStories corpus. ant_data_all.txt is the same with ant_data.txt for WrintingPrompts dataset.


Please kindly cite our paper if this paper and the code are helpful.

    title={UNION: An Unreferenced Metric for Evaluating Open-ended Story Generation},
    author={Jian Guan and Minlie Huang},
  • `pip install -r requirements.txt` causes an error

    `pip install -r requirements.txt` causes an error

    Thank you for sharing your great work in GitHub! I'm working on NLP, especially on story analysis and generation, so I'm very interested in your proposed metric "UNION".

    I'd like to use the metric, but have trouble installing prerequisites. If you know how to avoid the error, could you please tell me how to solve it?

    First, I tried pip install -r requirements.txt in Python 3.8 environment, but failed in installing Tensorflow v1. Then, I downgraded Python to 3.7 (as you indicated in "Prerequisites" in "README.md"), and TensorFlow v1 could be installed. However, now I come across another error saying the version of regex "Could not find".

    (If you allow me to add information, "tensorflow-gpu==1.14.0" seems duplicated in requirements.txt. Is it something you intended?)

    <username>@<servername> $ conda activate py37_union
    (py37_union) <username>@<servername> $ pwd
    (py37_union) <username>@<servername> $ pip install -r requirements.txt
    Collecting tensorflow-gpu==1.14.0
      Downloading tensorflow_gpu-1.14.0-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (377.1 MB)
         |████████████████████████████████| 377.1 MB 5.2 kB/s
    Collecting numpy==1.18.1
      Downloading numpy-1.18.1-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (20.1 MB)
         |████████████████████████████████| 20.1 MB 38.1 MB/s
    ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement regex==2.5.76 (from -r requirements.txt (line 4)) (from versions: 2013-02-16, 2013-02-23, 2013-03-11, 2013-05-21, 2013-06-05, 2013-06-26, 2013-08-04, 2013-10-04, 2013-10-12, 2013-10-21, 2013-10-22, 2013-10-23, 2013-10-24, 2013-10-25, 2013-10-26, 2013-11-29, 2013-12-31, 0.1.20100217, 0.1.20100226, 0.1.20100305, 0.1.20100323, 0.1.20100331, 0.1.20100706, 0.1.20100706.1, 0.1.20100709, 0.1.20100709.1, 0.1.20100719, 0.1.20100725, 0.1.20100814, 0.1.20100816, 0.1.20100824, 0.1.20100912, 0.1.20100913, 0.1.20100918, 0.1.20101009, 0.1.20101029, 0.1.20101030b0, 0.1.20101030, 0.1.20101101, 0.1.20101102a0, 0.1.20101102, 0.1.20101106, 0.1.20101113, 0.1.20101120, 0.1.20101121, 0.1.20101123, 0.1.20101130, 0.1.20101207, 0.1.20101210, 0.1.20101224, 0.1.20101228a0, 0.1.20101228, 0.1.20101229, 0.1.20101230, 0.1.20101231, 0.1.20110104, 0.1.20110106, 0.1.20110124, 0.1.20110313, 0.1.20110314, 0.1.20110315, 0.1.20110429, 0.1.20110502, 0.1.20110504, 0.1.20110510, 0.1.20110514, 0.1.20110524, 0.1.20110608a0, 0.1.20110608, 0.1.20110609, 0.1.20110610, 0.1.20110616, 0.1.20110623a0, 0.1.20110623, 0.1.20110627, 0.1.20110702, 0.1.20110717, 0.1.20110917a0, 0.1.20110917, 0.1.20110922a0, 0.1.20110922, 0.1.20110927, 0.1.20110929, 0.1.20111004, 0.1.20111005, 0.1.20111006, 0.1.20111014, 0.1.20111103, 0.1.20111223, 0.1.20120103, 0.1.20120105, 0.1.20120112, 0.1.20120114, 0.1.20120115, 0.1.20120119, 0.1.20120122, 0.1.20120123, 0.1.20120126, 0.1.20120128, 0.1.20120129, 0.1.20120208, 0.1.20120209, 0.1.20120301, 0.1.20120303, 0.1.20120316, 0.1.20120317, 0.1.20120323, 0.1.20120416, 0.1.20120502, 0.1.20120503, 0.1.20120504, 0.1.20120506, 0.1.20120611, 0.1.20120613, 0.1.20120705, 0.1.20120708, 0.1.20120709, 0.1.20120710, 0.1.20120803, 0.1.20120825, 0.1.20120904, 0.1.20121008, 0.1.20121017, 0.1.20121031, 0.1.20121105, 0.1.20121113, 0.1.20121120, 0.1.20121216, 0.1.20130120, 0.1.20130124, 0.1.20130125, 2014.1.10, 2014.1.20, 2014.1.30, 2014.2.16, 2014.2.19, 2014.4.10, 2014.5.17, 2014.5.23, 2014.6.28, 2014.8.15, 2014.8.28, 2014.9.18, 2014.9.22, 2014.10.1, 2014.10.2, 2014.10.7, 2014.10.9, 2014.10.23, 2014.10.24, 2014.11.3, 2014.11.13, 2014.11.14, 2014.12.15, 2014.12.24, 2015.3.18, 2015.5.7, 2015.5.10, 2015.5.28, 2015.6.2, 2015.6.4, 2015.6.9, 2015.6.10, 2015.6.14, 2015.6.15, 2015.6.19, 2015.6.21, 2015.6.24, 2015.7.12, 2015.7.19, 2015.9.14, 2015.9.15, 2015.9.23, 2015.9.28, 2015.10.1, 2015.10.5, 2015.10.22, 2015.10.29, 2015.11.5b0, 2015.11.7, 2015.11.8, 2015.11.9, 2015.11.12, 2015.11.14, 2015.11.22, 2016.1.10, 2016.2.23, 2016.2.24, 2016.2.25, 2016.3.2, 2016.3.24, 2016.3.26, 2016.3.31, 2016.4.1, 2016.4.2, 2016.4.3, 2016.4.8, 2016.4.15, 2016.4.25, 2016.5.13, 2016.5.14, 2016.5.15, 2016.5.23, 2016.6.2, 2016.6.5, 2016.6.14, 2016.6.19, 2016.6.24, 2016.7.14, 2016.7.21, 2016.8.27, 2016.9.22, 2016.10.22, 2016.11.18, 2016.11.21, 2016.12.27, 2017.1.12, 2017.1.14, 2017.1.17, 2017.2.8, 2017.4.5, 2017.4.23, 2017.4.29, 2017.5.26, 2017.6.7, 2017.6.20, 2017.6.23, 2017.7.11, 2017.7.26, 2017.7.28, 2017.9.23, 2017.11.8, 2017.11.9, 2017.12.5, 2017.12.9, 2017.12.12, 2018.1.10, 2018.2.3, 2018.2.8, 2018.2.21, 2018.6.6, 2018.6.9, 2018.6.20, 2018.6.21, 2018.7.11, 2018.8.17, 2018.8.29, 2018.11.2, 2018.11.3, 2018.11.6, 2018.11.7, 2018.11.22, 2019.1.23, 2019.1.24, 2019.2.3, 2019.2.5, 2019.2.6, 2019.2.7, 2019.2.18, 2019.2.19, 2019.2.20, 2019.2.21, 2019.3.8, 2019.3.9, 2019.3.12, 2019.4.9, 2019.4.10, 2019.4.12, 2019.4.14, 2019.5.25, 2019.6.2, 2019.6.5, 2019.6.8, 2019.8.19, 2019.11.1, 2019.12.9, 2019.12.17, 2019.12.18, 2019.12.19, 2019.12.20, 2020.1.7, 2020.1.8, 2020.2.18, 2020.2.20, 2020.4.4, 2020.5.7, 2020.5.13, 2020.5.14, 2020.6.7, 2020.6.8, 2020.7.14, 2020.9.27, 2020.10.11)
    ERROR: No matching distribution found for regex==2.5.76 (from -r requirements.txt (line 4))

    Thank you in advance!

    opened by forest1988 4
  • Duplicate data for WritingPrompts

    Duplicate data for WritingPrompts

    Hi @JianGuanTHU Thanks again for sharing the work.

    The human-annotated data (ant_data_all.txt) for WritingPrompts domain does not include six label categories, but including the exact labels as ant_data.txt.

    Would the actual data (ant_data_all.txt) be re-upload in the future?

    opened by inimah 0
  • Computing Perplexity

    Computing Perplexity

    Hi, @JianGuanTHU Thanks for making the data publicly available.

    Could you please elaborate more on how the current work computes "Perplexity" metric? Is it sentence-perplexity or perplexity of predicting a token?

    The paper mentions in a footnote We take the minus of perplexity for all the following...

    But I do not think the metric outputs in ~/Data/../metric_output/ppl.txt are reasonably fit with the text inputs. What is "minus of perplexity" in this context?

    For example, score on sample-ID 151 from ant_data_all ((I am using HuggingFace -- evaluate perplexity metric))

    Prediction text: ["we were looking for something fun to do on a female night . Female wife and i were so excited . we went to the mall . we had a great time . we had a great time ."]

    results: {'perplexities': [55.47270202636719], 'mean_perplexity': 55.47270202636719}

    While, in ppl.txt the score is 2.5693

    opened by inimah 0
  • Some question occurred during training

    Some question occurred during training

    I try to train the union model with other dataset, but there is an issue about tensorflow " Cannot serialize protocol buffer of type tensorflow.GraphDef as the serialized size (3029951657bytes) would be larger than the limit (2147483647 bytes)"

    opened by a835194891 0
  • Not an unreference metric (as claimed in the paper).

    Not an unreference metric (as claimed in the paper).

    Hi, short question for running the repo with my own texts. Do the texts that I want to evaluate have to be in the "ant_data" format??

    That "ant_data" comes with annotations, so if we have to annotate our texts the metric it's not anymore an Unreferenced metric as claimed in the paper. I just ask this because when running the repo the number of outputs is 400. The same that the number of texts in the ant_data.txt.

    Just seeing the repo I thought that the texts that we want to analyze should go in the init_data folder. And split them up in train, dev and test. But apparently, it's not like that.

    Could you then please confirm the correct way to run the metric in our own texts :) Thanks so much for your help. I really appreciate and love your work. Have a nice day,


    opened by VictorOtin 0
  • Args for reproduce the fine-tuned model

    Args for reproduce the fine-tuned model


    In README.md, you wrote that the training steps are 40000 at most. However, when I tried to reproduce the fine-tuned model you kindly provide, it seems the training steps are too many if I run the script at the default setting (100.0 epochs are set as default for run_union.py).

    The initial checkpoint of BERT can be downloaded from bert. We use the uncased base version of BERT (about 110M parameters). We train the model for 40000 steps at most. The training process will task about 1~2 days.

    After the 100-epoch training, I got model.ckpt-1414000.

    If you don't mind, could you please tell me the appropriate args to be used for reproducing your fine-tuned UNION models used in the paper? Is it enough to change the training epochs?

    I'm sorry if there are already details somewhere.

    Thank you in advance.

    opened by forest1988 0
  • Can't reconstruct text

    Can't reconstruct text

    When i use run_union.py do predict-tokens task

    Input texts are: 1 An alien race encounters the most terrifying predator imaginable . A lone , unarmed human . The last time they 'd come ... they 'd arrived on the planet , expecting the worst . But when they arrived , they 'd been silent for a few days , and just as quickly they were gone . I mean , no one knows where they came from , or who they came from . However , in the end , they 'd never come . They 'd been at the top of the world , watching us from miles away . They were all on the planet , but we could see them , and we could see them , that 's what we wanted . We went over to the surface to find the planet we could live in , and they appeared , in the center of the planet . They were humanoid , with a large mass of black , but they looked like us . They were humanoid and seemed to be humanoid , except for at their appearance . They wore strange masks and wore strange helmets . They were humanoid , with strange attire , and wore strange garments .

    2 It 's surprising that the most important person in the world has so little security . '' Said the assassin to his target . I am here , there is no better security . '' Was the casual reply . `` I 'm not a security threat , I 'm a tool , I am a tool . '' I had always wanted to be a tool , and I had always wanted to be someone else . I was the only one who was n't a tool . I was the only one who could tell me what was going on . I was the only one who could prevent the death of those who I knew would kill me . I was the only one who could stop the murder of the most important people in the world to avoid a nuclear war . I was the only one who could stop the deaths of the world 's most important people .

    3 Write your heart onto your sleeve , Reddit . You 've got ta understand , I 'm a bit surprised . The stress is off , and I 'm a little worried about how much I 'm getting . I 'm a bit nervous , and I 'm not like you , I just want to tell you how much I love you . I 'm just so upset , I 'm really , really good at it , but here 's my feelings , and I love you so much . I 've been to many different schools , to be specific . I know you 're not real , and I know you 're not real . I know you 're not real , but you do n't know me . So I 'm going to let you know . I know that feeling , that ... that I 'm feeling right now . It 's kind of like that , you know ? It 's like that 's the first thing I 've ever felt .

    but the predict token are: 1 . [SEP] . . . . . . . . [SEP] [SEP] . [SEP] . [SEP] [SEP] [SEP] . . . [SEP] . . [SEP] . . . . . . [SEP] . . . . [SEP] . [SEP] . . . [SEP] . . [SEP] . . [SEP] [SEP] . . [SEP] . [SEP] [SEP] [SEP] [SEP] . [SEP] . [SEP] . . . [SEP] [SEP] . [SEP] . [SEP] . [SEP] . . [SEP] [SEP] . [SEP] . . . [SEP] [SEP] [SEP] . [SEP] . [SEP] [SEP] . . . . . [SEP] [SEP] . [SEP] . . . . [SEP] . . . [SEP] . . . [SEP] . . . . . . . . [SEP] . . [SEP] . . [SEP] . [SEP] . [SEP] [SEP] . . [SEP] . . . [SEP] [SEP] [SEP] . . . [SEP] . . [SEP] . . [SEP] [SEP] . . [SEP] . [SEP] . . [SEP] . . . [SEP] . [SEP] . [SEP] [SEP] [SEP] . . [SEP] . . . . . . . . . [SEP] [SEP] . [SEP] . [SEP] . [SEP] . [SEP] . . [SEP] . [SEP] [SEP] . .

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    and these tokens are wrong tokens.

    opened by Kalafinaian 1
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