End-to-End Dense Video Captioning with Parallel Decoding (ICCV 2021)




Official implementation for End-to-End Dense Video Captioning with Parallel Decoding (ICCV 2021)

[paper] [valse论文速递(Chinese)]

This repo supports:

  • two video captioning tasks: dense video captioning and video paragraph captioning
  • two datasets: ActivityNet Captions and YouCook2
  • video features containing C3D, TSN, and TSP.
  • visualization of the generated captions of your own videos

Table of Contents:


  • (2021.11.19) add code for running PDVC on raw videos and visualize the generated captions (support Chinese and other non-English languages)
  • (2021.11.19) add pretrained models with TSP features. It achieves 9.03 METEOR(2021) and 6.05 SODA_c, a very competitive results on ActivityNet Captions without self-critical sequence training.
  • (2021.08.29) add TSN pretrained models and support YouCook2


PDVC is a simple yet effective framework for end-to-end dense video captioning with parallel decoding (PDVC), by formulating the dense caption generation as a set prediction task. Without bells and whistles, extensive experiments on ActivityNet Captions and YouCook2 show that PDVC is capable of producing high-quality captioning results, surpassing the state-of-the-art methods when its localization accuracy is on par with them. pdvc.jpg


Environment: Linux, GCC>=5.4, CUDA >= 9.2, Python>=3.7, PyTorch>=1.5.1

  1. Clone the repo
git clone --recursive https://github.com/ttengwang/PDVC.git
  1. Create vitual environment by conda
conda create -n PDVC python=3.7
source activate PDVC
conda install pytorch==1.7.1 torchvision==0.8.2 cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch
conda install ffmpeg
pip install -r requirement.txt
  1. Compile the deformable attention layer (requires GCC >= 5.4).
cd pdvc/ops
sh make.sh

Running PDVC on Your Own Videos

Download a pretrained model (GoogleDrive) with TSP features and put it into ./save. Then run:

bash test_and_visualize.sh $video_folder $output_folder $pdvc_model_path $output_language

check the $output_folder, you will see a new video with embedded captions. Note that we generate non-English captions by translating the English captions by GoogleTranslate. To produce chinese captions, set output_language=zh-cn. For other language support, find the abbreviation of your language at this url, and you also may need to download a font supporting your language and put it into ./visualization.


Training and Validation

Download Video Features

cd data/anet/features
bash download_anet_c3d.sh
# bash download_anet_tsn.sh
# bash download_i3d_vggish_features.sh
# bash download_tsp_features.sh

Dense Video Captioning

  1. PDVC with learnt proposals
# Training
python train.py --cfg_path ${config_path} --gpu_id ${GPU_ID}
# The script will evaluate the model for every epoch. The results and logs are saved in `./save`.

# Evaluation
eval_folder=anet_c3d_pdvc # specify the folder to be evaluated
python eval.py --eval_folder ${eval_folder} --eval_transformer_input_type queries --gpu_id ${GPU_ID}
  1. PDVC with ground-truth proposals
# Training
python train.py --cfg_path ${config_path} --gpu_id ${GPU_ID}

# Evaluation
python eval.py --eval_folder ${eval_folder} --eval_transformer_input_type gt_proposals --gpu_id ${GPU_ID}

Video Paragraph Captioning

  1. PDVC with learnt proposals
# Training
python train.py --cfg_path ${config_path} --criteria_for_best_ckpt pc --gpu_id ${GPU_ID} 

# Evaluation
eval_folder=anet_c3d_pdvc # specify the folder to be evaluated
python eval.py --eval_folder ${eval_folder} --eval_transformer_input_type queries --gpu_id ${GPU_ID}
  1. PDVC with ground-truth proposals
# Training
python train.py --cfg_path ${config_path} --criteria_for_best_ckpt pc --gpu_id ${GPU_ID}

# Evaluation
python eval.py --eval_folder ${eval_folder} --eval_transformer_input_type gt_proposals --gpu_id ${GPU_ID}


Dense video captioning

Model Features config_path Url Recall Precision BLEU4 METEOR2018 METEOR2021 CIDEr SODA_c
PDVC_light C3D cfgs/anet_c3d_pdvcl.yml Google Drive 55.30 58.42 1.55 7.13 7.66 24.80 5.23
PDVC C3D cfgs/anet_c3d_pdvc.yml Google Drive 55.20 57.36 1.82 7.48 8.09 28.16 5.47
PDVC_light TSN cfgs/anet_tsn_pdvcl.yml Google Drive 55.34 57.97 1.66 7.41 7.97 27.23 5.51
PDVC TSN cfgs/anet_tsn_pdvc.yml Google Drive 56.21 57.46 1.92 8.00 8.63 29.00 5.68
PDVC_light TSP cfgs/anet_tsp_pdvcl.yml Google Drive 55.24 57.78 1.77 7.94 8.55 28.25 5.95
PDVC TSP cfgs/anet_tsp_pdvc.yml Google Drive 55.79 57.39 2.17 8.37 9.03 31.14 6.05


Video paragraph captioning

Model Features config_path BLEU4 METEOR CIDEr
PDVC C3D cfgs/anet_c3d_pdvc.yml 9.67 14.74 16.43
PDVC TSN cfgs/anet_tsn_pdvc.yml 10.18 15.96 20.66
PDVC TSP cfgs/anet_tsp_pdvc.yml 10.46 16.42 20.91


  • Paragraph-level scores are evaluated on the ActivityNet Entity ae-val set.


If you find this repo helpful, please consider citing:

  title={End-to-End Dense Video Captioning with Parallel Decoding},
  author={Wang, Teng and Zhang, Ruimao and Lu, Zhichao and Zheng, Feng and Cheng, Ran and Luo, Ping},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision},
  author={Wang, Teng and Zheng, Huicheng and Yu, Mingjing and Tian, Qian and Hu, Haifeng},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology}, 
  title={Event-Centric Hierarchical Representation for Dense Video Captioning}, 


The implementation of Deformable Transformer is mainly based on Deformable DETR. The implementation of the captioning head is based on ImageCaptioning.pytorch. We thanks the authors for their efforts.

  • No such file or directory: 'visualization/output/generated_captions/dvc_results.json'

    No such file or directory: 'visualization/output/generated_captions/dvc_results.json'

    hi when I run code as below:

    bash test_and_visualize.sh $video_folder $output_folder $pdvc_model_path $output_language

    and the error is generated:

    **from densevid_eval3.SODA.soda import SODA

    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'densevid_eval3.SODA.soda' START VISUALIZATION Traceback (most recent call last): File "visualization/visualization.py", line 154, in d = json.load(open(opt.dvc_file))['results'] FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'visualization/output/generated_captions/dvc_results.json'**

    so where is dvc_results.json? and how can i got it?


    opened by yumulinfeng1 12
  • Question about the result difference of video paragraph captioning

    Question about the result difference of video paragraph captioning

    Thanks for the great work! I notice that in the Table 4 of your paper, PDVC can achieve "B@4 11.80| M 15.93 | C 27.27" in ActivityNet Captions ae-val set, but it is "B@4 10.18 | M 15.96 | C 20.66" for PDVC with TSN features shown in the Readme. I wonder if the two datasets (ActivityNet Captions v.s. ActivityNet Entity) are different that leads to such different results? Looking forward to your reply.

    opened by wanghao14 7
  • Few questions about training

    Few questions about training

    Hello @ttengwang , I am trying to train your model from scratch (just for learning purpose). However I am facing few issues:

    1. the train_caption_file or val_caption_file does not have labels, which is being used in video_dataset.py (also in class loss). Am I using some wrong file?
    2. I tried with labels from action_proposal dataset (with captioning related part removed), but the loss_ce doesn't decrease at all, both in train and val (did you face any issues like this?). Also the loss_ce is coming in ranges of 300-400.
    3. How many epochs you trained before getting decent captions?
    opened by saharshleo 7
  • "Running PDVC on Your Own Videos": Did i miss something?


    Thank you for your great work

    I loaded your pretrained model and ran your code using my video dataset (SumMe: video summarization benchmark),

    but the results are really weird.

    most captions doesn't represent visual features

    Capture Capture2 Capture4



    I just loaded your models and ran on the video datasets

    most video captions are very weird

    Did i miss something???

    thank you

    opened by Jeiyoon 6
  • 关于实验结果


    您好,我想问一下当我用PDVC with learnt proposals 训练出来的结果是与readme中Dense video caption(with learnt proposals)中的结果对比还是跟论文中Predicted proposals对比呢 Predicted proposals与learnt proposals又有什么不同呢? 麻烦您能回答我这个困惑么

    opened by llljjj88 5
  • About evaluation indicators

    About evaluation indicators

    I would like to ask if the evaluation index of the reproduction model of the paper is only described by video paragraphs. If I want to get the evaluation index of dense video caption

    opened by llljjj88 5
  • i3d+vggish results

    i3d+vggish results

    Hello professor,

    When I reproduced your ‘i3d+vggish’ model, I found that i can not achieve the same results compared with the original paper. I don't know if there is something wrong with my settings.


    opened by upccpu 4


    I'm sorry to bother you again, professor. As for the two indicators BLEU4 and CIDEr of Dense Video Caption task in the paper, how can I get these two results?

    opened by cyy-1102 4
  • 使用GT proposal时测得的paragraph captioning结果偏低

    使用GT proposal时测得的paragraph captioning结果偏低

    作者您好~我使用的是TSP的特征以及预训练好的模型,测试predicted proposal时得到与readme中相近结果(bleu4:10.46, METEOR: 16.43, CIDEr: 20.92),这个结果比论文Table 4中的结果要好,可能是因为用了更好的特征。

    但当我使用同样的特征和模型测试GT proposal时,得到(bleu4:11.17, METEOR15.58, CIDEr: 22.70),这个结果又明显不如论文Table 4中的结果,这是为什么呢?是测试GT proposal用的模型和测试predicted proposal的模型不一样吗?

    如果方便的话,能不能给我发一份模型在predicted proposal和GT proposal两种条件下的预测结果呀,我们打算搜集一些模型的结果进行一个人工评测,我的邮箱是[email protected],感谢!

    opened by PKULiuHui 4
  • caption my custom video

    caption my custom video

    Hi @ttengwang ~ Thanks for the sharing of your wonderful work! I want to caption my custom video, but unfortunately I find that most codes for captioning are starting from extracted features, and little instructions are provided for the extraction process. It's very inconvenient for me, cause I'm not so familiar with the captioning task, and I just want to utilize the tool for some applications. So could you please kindly give me some detailed instructions on how I can get the captions from a raw video? I will appreciate it a lot!

    Thanks, Zhihong

    opened by dawnlh 4
  • A question about object detection

    A question about object detection

    Thank you so much for this wonderful project. When I tried to run your code on my validation set, I ran into some problems. For example, in a video, a cat runs out of a Christmas gift box, but the prediction is: a woman runs out of the Christmas gift box. Another video of mine shows some sheep walking and the prediction is that some horses are walking. From this, it can be seen that the model can recognize the action, but not the type of the object. I think it may be the problem of ActivityNet, because the animal category in the dataset only contains dogs and horses. Could you please provide a pre training weight obtained after pre-training on ImageNet-22K. I think this may be really effective for the model when it comes to object detection. Finally thank you for your contribution.

    opened by qt2139 3
Teng Wang
My research interests focus on deep learning and computer vision.
Teng Wang
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