Autotype on websites that have copy-paste disabled like Moodle, HackerEarth contest etc.



A quick and small python script that helps you autotype on websites that have copy paste disabled like Moodle, HackerEarth contests etc as it difficult to efficiently debug your code on an online compiler.


Install python3.x, pip

Install the dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run it as CLI app

Provide the path of the file to be autotyped and the delay time through teminal/shell.

python3 simulate_keyboard --path filePath --time delay_before_typing

python3 simulate_keyboard -p filePath -t delay_before_typing

Run it as follows if you are not familiar with CLI apps.

Put the text inside code in as follows

Line 14
code = """
Make sure to use triple quotes as it will preserve the code format.
  • Run the script python3
  • The script will start typing after 3s (you can change the wait time or delay)
  • After running the script click on the window wherever you want to auto-type.
  • Publish Autotype to PIP

    Publish Autotype to PIP

    Publish Autotype to PIP


    Make Autotype to Install Trough pip


    Package Installer for Python is the de facto and recommended package-management system written in Python and is used to install and manage software packages. It connects to an online repository of public packages, called the Python Package Index. Our Goal is the publish Autotype to pip so that users can install Autotype Via pip3 install Autotype and use is as a command line executable file ex - Autotype --help.

    Expected outcomes

    pip package for Autotype.


    Python, pip, Unix Executable File.

    Possible mentors

    Kanishk Pachauri, Anjuman Hassan

    Expected project size

    100 hours.



    Msoc hard 
    opened by AnjumanHasan 8
  • Fix the dependency problem.

    Fix the dependency problem.

    I have added optional-requirements.txt for darwin based system and requirements.txt for linux and windows systems and also added tk and pillow in requirements

    opened by Mr-Sunglasses 8
  • Add the black formatter GitHub Action

    Add the black formatter GitHub Action

    Add the black formatter GitHub Action


    Currently, there is no Code Formatter used in Autotype, Our Goal is to add a Black code formattingr in Autotype.


    Describe the solution you'd like - Add a GitHub action that checks a PR for coding style using black. The GHA should be able to format the code and commit it to the PR if the PR is not following the coding style.

    Expected outcomes

    A uniform coding style across Autotype, that Autoformat code on every PR.


    GitHub Actions, Python

    Possible mentors

    Kanishk Pachauri, Anjuman Hassan

    Expected project size

    50 hours.



    enhancement Msoc hard 
    opened by Mr-Sunglasses 6
  • Migrate to pipenv

    Migrate to pipenv


    Managing python requirements file manually is not a good idea, as it leads to problems down the road. Switch to pipenv

    opened by tushar5526 5
  • The current Ui of the script can be improved

    The current Ui of the script can be improved


    The current Ui of the script is a bit outdated and can be replaced with a better looking UI.Instead of tinkter , customtkinter library can be used in the for creating a smooth and modern UI


    • Re-wrote the whole
    • Moved the code = """ class Complex: def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y """ block inside the else block.This will make the code a bit more cleaner and readable.
    • Added a new attribute named Code in the Type function.

    How to test

    The new UI can be tested by just running the in a virtual environment having all the requirements installed.


    Dark Mode


    Light Mode


    opened by RyanWalker277 5
  • Fixed indentation issue for python code

    Fixed indentation issue for python code

    Closes #2 In order to avoid excessive Indentation #1 , program will type code line by line instead of typing whole code at once. This can be done by spliting the code by new line character \n, type that line then press Enter key for next line and then press Home to move the cursor at the start of the line and repeat the same process.

    It is a bit slower but working fine.

    opened by g-paras 4
  • migrate to pipenv for better package dependency

    migrate to pipenv for better package dependency


    Fixes #35

    Use pipenv for package dependency.


    Added Pipfile and .lock file

    How to test

    Describe the steps required to test the changes proposed in the pull request.

    1. Create a Virtual Environment using the following command
    pipenv install --python=3.9.0
    # it will detect requirements.txt file and install all packages
    1. Activate the shell
    pipenv shell
    # check if venv is activated or not
    pip -V
    1. Start the project
    python3 command_line_script --path filePath --delay delay_before_typing
    opened by nkilm 2
  • Improvement in the GUI of Autotype.

    Improvement in the GUI of Autotype.

    Improvement in the GUI of Autotype.


    Improvement in the GUI of Autotype for Better User Experience.


    The default GUI of is very Minimal the Approach is to Improve the UI of Autotype to Modern UI standards.

    Expected outcomes

    Improved GUI of Autotype


    Python, Tkinter, Some Knowledge of Design.

    Possible mentors

    Kanishk Pachauri, Anjuman Hassan

    Expected project size

    20 hours.



    Msoc medium 
    opened by AnjumanHasan 2
  • Update : added pip package and other binary files

    Update : added pip package and other binary files

    Made the initial pip package for autotype-cli.The .whl file is located in dist folder , @Mr-Sunglasses kindly review that and suggest necessary changes.This pr is just for code review , not for merging. I suggest making a seperate branch for handling the package release files.


    from autotype import type

    type() -'s autotype_cli() function is renamed to type() for ease of use , it takes the same parameters as autotype_cli() i.e path and time delay


    type("test.txt" , 6)

    assuming test.txt is in the directory where you are executing your python shell

    opened by RyanWalker277 1
  • Gui For Autotype

    Gui For Autotype

    The Command Line Interface of Autotype is great but we should enhance it with the support of GUI app. We can Create this App with the Help of Tkinter.

    opened by Mr-Sunglasses 1
  • Mac os monteray plus support

    Mac os monteray plus support


    When I'm Running the Script on my Mac m1 Big Sur and macos montrey . This is the error I get.

    Screenshot 2022-06-25 at 12 10 31 AM


    I think the problem is that pyobjc was updated a few days ago. Downgrading pyobjc to 7.3 also worked for all new MacOS versions and tested on Linux and Windows.


    Added a .gitignore file which helps in ignoring the common files which is not necessary in production

    opened by Mr-Sunglasses 1
  • Version1 dev

    Version1 dev


    Preparing for the first release of Autotype.


    You can see the roadmap of Changes here #30

    How to test

    Will attach full resources of working.

    opened by Mr-Sunglasses 1
  • added Dockerfile #20

    added Dockerfile #20


    Dockerized Autotype


    Added Dockerfile

    How to test

    Install xquartz In xquartz type :

    • xhost < ip address >

    In Terminal type:

    • docker build -t < image name > .
    • docker run -it -e DISPLAY=< ip address >:0 --name < container name > < image name >
    opened by GJS2162 1
  • Roadmap for the V1 of Autotype.

    Roadmap for the V1 of Autotype.

    1. - [X] Better File Format #39
    2. - [ ] Migration from requirements.txt -> pipenv
    3. - [ ] Publish to pip
    4. - [X] New GUI version (New UI) Fixed on #34
    5. - [ ] executable GUI file Windows, Macos and Linux
    6. - [ ] Dockerising Autotype
    7. - [ ] Sphinx Docs
    opened by Mr-Sunglasses 1
  • Add a branch to an older version of Autotype and mention it in the docs

    Add a branch to an older version of Autotype and mention it in the docs

    A lot of great features are being added in the Autotype, but I am seeing a need for users simply wanting the old script. I think we can checkout a branch to an old commit and mention the branch in the docs.

    @Mr-Sunglasses you would have to do this when you have the time for it.

    opened by tushar5526 4
  • Writing Unit Test For Autotype

    Writing Unit Test For Autotype

    Writing Unit Test For Autotype


    Autotype is Widely Used For Typing Automation, It will be nice to Write Unit Test.


    Unit testing is a software development process in which the smallest testable parts of an application, called units, are individually and independently scrutinized for proper operation. Using Pytest write some basic Unit Test to test the Simulation of the Files. Use Tox for the Automation of These Tests.

    Expected outcomes

    Working Unit Test For Autotype.


    Python, Unit Testing.

    Possible mentors

    Kanishk Pachauri, Anjuman Hassan

    Expected project size

    100 hours.



    Msoc hard 
    opened by AnjumanHasan 2
  • Dockerize Autotype

    Dockerize Autotype

    Dockerizing Autotype


    Make a Docker Container of Autotype for Easy Workflow.


    Docker is a set of platform-as-a-service products that use OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers. Containers are isolated from one another and bundle their own software, libraries, and configuration files; they can communicate with each other through well-defined channels. The main goal is to dockerize Autotype, so that it can run on any platform without any conflict.

    Expected outcomes

    Working Docker Container of Autotype with proper documentation in Docs to Run it in the


    Python, Docker

    Possible mentors

    Kanishk Pachauri, Anjuman Hassan

    Expected project size

    5 hours.



    enhancement Msoc Easy 
    opened by Mr-Sunglasses 7
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