A course on getting started with the Twitter API v2 for academic research


Getting started with the Twitter API v2 for academic research


Welcome to this '101 course' on getting started with academic research using the Twitter API. The objective of this course is to help academic researchers learn how to get Twitter data using the new Twitter API v2.

By the end of this course, you will learn:

  • What the Twitter API is
  • How to apply for the Academic Research product track and what’s available in it
  • How to identify the endpoints to use for your use-case
  • How to get data from the Twitter API v2 using Python and R
  • How to write and build search queries

Who is this course for?

This is an introductory course (101), meant for anyone who is interested in getting started with the Twitter API v2 for research including

  • Academic Researchers
  • Students
  • Independent Researchers

Note: While undergraduate students & independent researchers do not qualify for the academic research product track (which provides ability to search for Tweets older than 7 days), they can still follow this course and use the standard product track and the code samples associated with it.

For most of this course, there are no prerequisites and anyone can follow along. Specifically for module 6 which is the labs, you need to know very basic coding in Python or R. If you want to first learn or review the syntax for these two languages, check out the appendix section. It provides links to introductory material on Python and R, along with instructions on how to install Python and R.

Who is this course not for?

This is designed like a 100-level course. If you already gained access to the Academic Research product track, and/or, you already know how to get data from the Twitter API v2 using Python or R, this course may feel too “introductory” for you.

How is this course structured

This course consists of 8 modules. Use this course as a complete start-to-finish lesson for getting started, or if you already know some of the basics, you can start off on one of the more advanced modules later on in the course.

  • Module 1: Learn what the Twitter API v2 is, and see examples of research done with it
  • Module 2: Learn how to apply for a Twitter developer account and how to choose the right product track for your project
  • Module 3: Learn how to decide what Twitter API endpoints to use, based on the data you need
  • Module 4: Learn how to get your keys and bearer token from the developer dashboard to start using the Twitter API
  • Module 5: Learn how to write search queries to get Tweets from the Twitter API
  • Module 6 Labs in Python and R to learn how to write code and use libraries and packages to get Twitter data
  • Module 7: Learn how to store Twitter data once you receive it, as well as data compliance and best practices
  • Module 8: See a summary of what we learned in this course and find links for important resources for future reference.

There is also an Appendix that contains additional information and a glossary of terms used throughout this course, so it is a good idea to keep it handy (maybe even open in a new tab) and reference it whenever you come across a new term in this course.



Whenever we refer to getting ‘Tweets’ using the Twitter API, we refer to only those Tweets that are publicly available. The Twitter API does not provide Tweet information for Tweets that have been deleted, and does not provide Tweets from users who have made their Tweets private.

V2 Only

We will only be using the new Twitter API v2 and not the old API (v1.1). To learn more about the Twitter API v2, check out this technical overview of the Twitter API v2.

Let us start with module 1, that provides an introduction to Twitter API and examples of research with it.

Get Started

  • Tweets and retweets only

    Tweets and retweets only

    Is there a combination to extract only the tweets and retweets of an account?

    In this way the mentions are also obtained: twarc2 search @barripdmx --archive test.jsonl

    Best regards barri

    opened by barripdmx 5
  • Fix a minor typo

    Fix a minor typo

    The 2nd line of 2nd paragraph under the section "Operator availability and query length" contained a typo. (".n the Standard product track..." instead of "In the Standard product track...").


    Explain the context and why you're making that change. What is the problem you're trying to solve? In some cases there is not a problem and this can be thought of being the motivation for your change.


    Describe the modifications you've done.


    What will change as a result of your pull request? Note that sometimes this section is unnecessary because it is self-explanatory based on the solution.

    opened by moingshaikh 1
  • Fix indentation

    Fix indentation


    Explain the context and why you're making that change. What is the problem you're trying to solve? In some cases there is not a problem and this can be thought of being the motivation for your change.


    Describe the modifications you've done.


    What will change as a result of your pull request? Note that sometimes this section is unnecessary because it is self-explanatory based on the solution.

    opened by L3str4nge 1
  • Postman develop module 6d

    Postman develop module 6d


    Modules were missing a Postman learning resource to support the Twitter API V2 public collection.


    Created a Module 6d, containing Postman enablement content.


    Note - The Postman public workspace which is associated with this learning module (6d) requires review before approval. Please see folder 13 in the Postman public workspace. Does the "batch compliance" copy accomplish the task which correlates with learning task 13? If it does not, there is an unfinished request which I've added to the folder. I would need clarity on what datasets are being compared for the learning task to be achieved in order to flesh out the request I've added. Please advise if the copied folder "Batch Compliance" achieves the task or if I should flesh out the additional request.

    opened by rubysattar 1
  • I can't read the Jsonl file with my twitter data

    I can't read the Jsonl file with my twitter data

    One line summary of the issue here.

    Expected behavior

    As concisely as possible, describe the expected behavior.

    Actual behavior

    As concisely as possible, describe the observed behavior.

    Steps to reproduce the behavior

    Please list all relevant steps to reproduce the observed behavior.

    opened by frabrusa 3
  • Update 6c-labs-code-academic-r.md

    Update 6c-labs-code-academic-r.md


    Getting a Warning in install.packages : package ‘academicTwitteR’ is not available for this version of R error when trying to install the package.


    Fixing the case of TwitteR to twitteR solved the issue.


    Edit to README.md

    opened by katkasian 1
  • twarc command line examples?

    twarc command line examples?

    This isn't a bug as much as an observation. First, I should say thank you for the examples using twarc in this documentation! As one of the maintainers of the module it's really nice to see it getting used and promoted by Twitter.

    One of the things that twarc tries to do is provide users with a reliable command line tool for collecting Twitter data so that they can use whatever language or tools they want to do their analysis. I was wondering if it might make sense to also provide command line versions of the operations you have here? People can do many of the things you describe here with twarc without writing any code at all. Would a PR along these lines be helpful to see what it would look like?

    opened by edsu 1
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