Python Audio Analysis Library: Feature Extraction, Classification, Segmentation and Applications


A Python library for audio feature extraction, classification, segmentation and applications

This doc contains general info. Click here for the complete wiki. For a more generic intro to audio data handling read this article



pyAudioAnalysis is a Python library covering a wide range of audio analysis tasks. Through pyAudioAnalysis you can:

  • Extract audio features and representations (e.g. mfccs, spectrogram, chromagram)
  • Train, parameter tune and evaluate classifiers of audio segments
  • Classify unknown sounds
  • Detect audio events and exclude silence periods from long recordings
  • Perform supervised segmentation (joint segmentation - classification)
  • Perform unsupervised segmentation (e.g. speaker diarization) and extract audio thumbnails
  • Train and use audio regression models (example application: emotion recognition)
  • Apply dimensionality reduction to visualize audio data and content similarities


  • Clone the source of this library: git clone
  • Install dependencies: pip install -r ./requirements.txt
  • Install using pip: pip install -e .

An audio classification example

More examples and detailed tutorials can be found at the wiki

pyAudioAnalysis provides easy-to-call wrappers to execute audio analysis tasks. Eg, this code first trains an audio segment classifier, given a set of WAV files stored in folders (each folder representing a different class) and then the trained classifier is used to classify an unknown audio WAV file

from pyAudioAnalysis import audioTrainTest as aT
aT.extract_features_and_train(["classifierData/music","classifierData/speech"], 1.0, 1.0, aT.shortTermWindow, aT.shortTermStep, "svm", "svmSMtemp", False)
aT.file_classification("data/doremi.wav", "svmSMtemp","svm")

Result: (0.0, array([ 0.90156761, 0.09843239]), ['music', 'speech'])

In addition, command-line support is provided for all functionalities. E.g. the following command extracts the spectrogram of an audio signal stored in a WAV file: python fileSpectrogram -i data/doremi.wav

Further reading

Apart from this README file, to bettern understand how to use this library one should read the following:

  title={pyAudioAnalysis: An Open-Source Python Library for Audio Signal Analysis},
  author={Giannakopoulos, Theodoros},
  journal={PloS one},
  publisher={Public Library of Science}

For Matlab-related audio analysis material check this book.


Theodoros Giannakopoulos, Principal Researcher of Multimodal Machine Learning at the Multimedia Analysis Group of the Computational Intelligence Lab (MagCIL) of the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications, of the National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos"

  • "tuple index out of range" when training regression

    When I try to run featureAndTrainRegression I get this:

    File "", line 3, in <module>
      File "/home/oliver/Documents/pyAudioAnalysis/pyAudioAnalysis/", line 433, in featureAndTrainRegression
        numOfFeatures = featuresFinal[0].shape[1]
    IndexError: tuple index out of range

    This is after it finishes analyzing the 15 files in the directory. featureAndTrain works fine for me.

    opened by NaturalFigurehead 7
  • Import Error- No module named eyeD3

    Import Error- No module named eyeD3

    I am trying to use pyAudioAnalysis but am facing an issue for long i.e. no module named eyeD3. I have all libraries ( including eyeD3) already installed and there isn't any directory issue probably. I am using Python 2.7.13 for the purpose. from pyAudioAnalysis import XYZ whatever I write here, it shows import error in eyeD3. Would be glad for your help in this regard.

    opened by joyjitchatterjee 7

    This could probably do with a

    To make this work, everything should be moved into a subdirectory.

    Is there a prefered way to install pyAudioAnalysis currently ?

    opened by stuaxo 7
  • problem with nchroma in stChromaFeatures

    problem with nchroma in stChromaFeatures

    Hi, I got the following error : Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/jmw/Bureau/bacasable/musiques-stream/", line 42, in F = pafe.stFeatureExtraction(mysample[:2*w], Fs, w, pas) File "/home/jmw/Bureau/bacasable/musiques-stream/pyAudioAnalysis-master/pyAudioAnalysis/", line 591, in stFeatureExtraction chromaNames, chromaF = stChromaFeatures(X, Fs, nChroma, nFreqsPerChroma) File "/home/jmw/Bureau/bacasable/musiques-stream/pyAudioAnalysis-master/pyAudioAnalysis/", line 283, in stChromaFeatures print "nFreqsPerChroma[nChroma]",nFreqsPerChroma[nChroma] IndexError: index 56 is out of bounds for axis 1 with size 55 if the windows is small, e.g. below the max(nChroma), in my case the Win size is 110 (10ms with Fs=11000), half window is 55 then C /= nFreqsPerChroma[nChroma] crashes.

    This error happens only with a small window, e.g. Fs=11000 with 10ms window so I set Win=110 samples and half window =55 for FFT.

    I put a few prints in the code and saw that he nChroma table contains 92 samples) so that the code : C /= nFreqsPerChroma[nChroma] in stChromaFeatures crashes. This is because the nFreqPerChroma array is of size nChroma (=55) but nChroma contains values larger than 55. I think you should have a look at this code. best regards

    opened by jmw67 7
  • Compatible with both Python 2 and 3

    Compatible with both Python 2 and 3


    I have modified the code to be compatible with both Python2 and Python3. The following are all the changes I made:

    • Ran the codes through a Pep8 Linter to make code compatible with pep8 (spaces to tabs, spaces around arithmetic operators, etc.)
    • Changed "import cPickle" to "from six.moves import cPickle" to be compatible with Python 2 and 3
    • Change print statements from "print 'blah blah'" to "print("blah blah")"
    • Changed order of imports to alphabetical in every code
    • Changed some divisions from '/' to '//' so as to get integer output, to be compatible with both python versions
    • Added requirements.txt files for Python2 and Python3
    • Appended .gitignore file with lines from git's standard .gitignore file for Python

    I have tested the code for both Python2 and Python3, seems to be working well. I ran the same codes as mentioned in your Wiki and got the same files saved and the same graphs generated.

    Let me know if you face any problems! :)

    Regards, Vikram

    opened by voletiv 6
  • ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (5,5) (4,4)

    ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (5,5) (4,4)

    I am geting the following error when running aT.extract_features_and_train(["<path>\Audio Classification\BabyCry","<path>\Audio Classification\GlassBreaking", "<path>\Audio Classification\Gunshot", "<path>\Audio Classification\Falling", "<path>\Audio Classification\Background"], 1.0, 1.0, aT.shortTermWindow, aT.shortTermStep, "randomforest", "randomForest2", False). All the data in the folders are .wav files

    <more outputs>
    Feature extraction complexity ratio: 26.6 x realtime
    Analyzing file 1 of 3: <path>\Audio Classification\Background\2019-05-24-12-26-34-355000__1.wav
    Analyzing file 2 of 3: <path>\Audio Classification\Background\2019-05-24-12-26-34-355000__22.wav
    Analyzing file 3 of 3:<path>\Audio Classification\Background\2019-05-24-12-26-34-355000__24.wav
    Feature extraction complexity ratio: 25.8 x realtime
    Param = 10.00000 - classifier Evaluation Experiment 1 of 26
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<path>\", line 3, in <module>
        aT.extract_features_and_train(["<path>\Audio Classification\BabyCry","<path>\GlassBreaking", "D:\Research\Datasets\Audio Classification\Gunshot", "<path>\Audio Classification\Falling", "<path>\Audio Classification\Background"], 1.0, 1.0, aT.shortTermWindow, aT.shortTermStep, "randomforest", "randomForest2", False)
      File "<path>t\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pyAudioAnalysis\", line 298, in extract_features_and_train
        best_param = evaluate_classifier(features, class_names, classifier_type,
      File "<path>\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pyAudioAnalysis\", line 623, in evaluate_classifier
        cm = cm + cmt
    ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (5,5) (4,4) 
    opened by MiPlayer123 5
  • Non-music detection training fails

    Non-music detection training fails

    I'm trying to make a classifier with pyAudioAnalysis to detect non-music sections of songs. When I set everything up and run it, the trainer blows through every step in about 5 seconds total. It neither learns, nor changes with different parameters. If 40% of the data is music, it gets 40% wrong. It simply chooses to predict either music or non-music for every piece of data. Any insight into what might cause this?

    opened by tomjl 5
  • eyeD3 version

    eyeD3 version

    this project is amazing! I have tried the speaker diarization feature and it really works! Super Cool! However it is also worthwhile to specify the version of eyeD3 being used.. While I was installing this package, there was an error on eyeD3 module being used. The package will not work with the latest eyeD3 of versions 0.7.x but with versions 0.6.x.

    Hope this project will be added in PyPi. The project is promising!

    opened by bninopaul 5
  • What window size to use for beat_extraction() ?

    What window size to use for beat_extraction() ?

    The beat_extraction function is covered in the It requires two arguments: the short_features and the window size in seconds. Maybe it is since I am new to audio analysis, but I've been struggling to figure out what the right window size should be... Usually I encounter this error: ValueError: attempt to get argmax of an empty sequence or in other cases the estimated bpm always ends up as 60 The term "window size" seems ambiguous to me. I thought it could be either of two things: (1) The length of the audio snippet for which I want to estimate the bpm or (2) the short-term window size I have used previously to get the short term features. For reference, this is how I am extracting the short term features. From my understanding the window size in this case would be 1 second.

    [Fs, x] = audioBasicIO.read_audio_file(path)
    x = audioBasicIO.stereo_to_mono(x)
    # for reference: feature_extraction(signal, sampling_rate, window, step, deltas=True)
    f_names = ShortTermFeatures.feature_extraction(x, Fs, 1 * Fs, 1 * Fs)
    opened by ThuongCroud 4
  • Out of date wiki

    Out of date wiki

    On the segmentation wiki page, there are code examples which seem to be from an earlier version (pre-refactoring).

    To bring these up to date, references to the following functions should be updated

    1. mtFileClassification() -> mid_term_file_classification()
    2. mtFeatureExtraction() -> mid_feature_extraction()
    3. trainHMM_fromFile -> train_hmm_from_file()
    4. trainHMM_fromDir -> train_hmm_from_dir()
    5. hmmSegmentation() -> hmm_segmentation()
    6. evaluateSegmentationClassificationDir() -> evaluate_segmentation_classification_dir()
    7. aS.silenceRemoval(x, Fs, 0.020, 0.020, smoothWindow = 1.0, Weight = 0.3, plot = True) -> `segments = aS.silence_removal(x, Fs, 0.020, 0.020, smooth_window = 1.0, weight = 0.3, plot = True)

    I may have missed a couple. I would have PRed but it seems like I can't for wiki pages. Great library!

    opened by HPrickettMorgan 4
  • How to export diarization data to a file?

    How to export diarization data to a file?

    #54 addressed this briefly, to "use flags2segs" but I'm not sure where/when/how is the best way to put that function call. Could someone walk through what that process would look like?

    opened by ossim 4
  • AttributeError: module 'pyAudioAnalysis.audioTrainTest' has no attribute 'featureAndTrain'

    AttributeError: module 'pyAudioAnalysis.audioTrainTest' has no attribute 'featureAndTrain'

    Hello, I am having the error bellow while running my program. I believe there have been some updates on_ PyAudioAnalysis

    AttributeError: module 'pyAudioAnalysis.audioTrainTest' has no attribute 'featureAndTrain'

    I am wondering if there is a possibility to update this script:

    from pyAudioAnalysis import audioTrainTest as aT aT.featureAndTrain("...")

    Thank you :)

    opened by Emi77H 0
  • Plot the wav image Value Error on silence_removal

    Plot the wav image Value Error on silence_removal


    Try this wave sound

    Reference Line 798


    Please help

    opened by mengtongun 0
  • Fix for Issue 376 about read_audio_generic's signal shape

    Fix for Issue 376 about read_audio_generic's signal shape

    This pull request fixes issue #376 . I know you should use read_audio_file and it will call read_audio_generic if needed and then flatten the signal, but one might end up using the generic function by discovering its existence from hints in an environment such as jupyter notebooks.
    On the other hand this does not break the current behavior of the read_audio_file -> read_audio_generic option.

    opened by FrancescoManfredi 0
  • Signal from read_audio_generic causes ValueError in feature_extraction

    Signal from read_audio_generic causes ValueError in feature_extraction

    What is the problem

    The feature_extraction function requires the signal to be of shape (m, ) and fails when given a signal of shape (m, 1).
    Try running the following code as a test:

    from pyAudioAnalysis import ShortTermFeatures as aF
    from pyAudioAnalysis import audioBasicIO as aIO
    import numpy as np
    Fs, s = aIO.read_audio_file("data/mio_audio.wav")
    Fs2, s2 = aIO.read_audio_generic("data/audio_test.mp3")
    # extracting features directly from the first signal is ok
    _, _ = aF.feature_extraction(s, Fs, 500, 500, deltas=False)
    # extracting features from the second requires reshaping
    # causes
    # ValueError: shapes (250,1) and (250,40) not aligned: 1 (dim 1) != 250 (dim 0)
    _, _ = aF.feature_extraction(s2, Fs2, 500, 500, deltas=False)
    # reshaping to (m, ) fixes the issue
    s2 = s2.reshape((s2.shape[0], ))
    _, _ = aF.feature_extraction(s2, Fs2, 500, 500, deltas=False)

    Why this matters

    This is not a critical flaw but the inconsistency is annoying as it might be hard to spot when working with read_audio_generic.

    Proposed fix

    Add a check at the beginning of feature_extraction to detect signals in the form (m, 1) and reshape them to (m, ).
    Return a signal with the same shape as read_audio_file from read_audio_generic.

    opened by FrancescoManfredi 0
  • docs: Fix a few typos

    docs: Fix a few typos

    There are small typos in:

    • pyAudioAnalysis/
    • pyAudioAnalysis/
    • pyAudioAnalysis/


    • Should read plotted rather than ploted.
    • Should read optional rather than optinal.
    • Should read exactly rather than exacty.

    Semi-automated pull request generated by

    opened by timgates42 0
Theodoros Giannakopoulos
Principal Researcher of Multimodal Machine Learning
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