Code for paper "Learning to Reweight Examples for Robust Deep Learning"



Code for paper Learning to Reweight Examples for Robust Deep Learning. [arxiv]


We tested the code on

  • tensorflow 1.10
  • python 3

Other dependencies:

  • numpy
  • tqdm
  • six
  • protobuf


The following command makes the protobuf configurations.


MNIST binary classification experiment

python -m mnist.mnist_train --exp ours

Please see mnist/ for more options.

CIFAR noisy label experiments

Download CIFAR dataset

bash cifar/ ./data

Config files are located in cifar/configs. For ResNet-32, use cifar/configs/cifar-resnet-32.prototxt. For Wide ResNet-28, use cifar/configs/cifar-wide-resnet-28-10.prototxt.

CIFAR-10/100 uniform flip noise experiment

python -m cifar.cifar_train --config [CONFIG]

Please see cifar/ for more options.

CIFAR-10/100 background flip noise experiment

python -m cifar.cifar_train_background --config [CONFIG]

Please see cifar/ for more options.


If you use our code, please consider cite the following: Mengye Ren, Wenyuan Zeng, Bin Yang, Raquel Urtasun. Learning to Reweight Examples for Robust Deep Learning. ICML 2018.

  author    = {Mengye Ren and Wenyuan Zeng and Bin Yang and Raquel Urtasun},
  title     = {Learning to Reweight Examples for Robust Deep Learning},
  booktitle = {ICML},
  year      = {2018},
  • The possibility of negative eps

    The possibility of negative eps

    Thanks for the great work! I was wondering whether you have tried to relax the constraint that eps must be greater than zero. I would be grateful if you could tell me.

    opened by xxchenxx 2
  • gradients of noisy loss w.r.t parameter \theta

    gradients of noisy loss w.r.t parameter \theta

    The basic procedure sounds like

    • (a) set \epsilon = 0, get grads to update \theta
    • (b) evaluate new \theta on clean validation set .
    • (c) set - grads (validation loss w.r.t \epsilon) as \epsilon
    • (d) use new \epsilon to evaluate noisy data and update parameters again

    My question is when \epsilon=0, the derivative of loss w.r.t. \theta =0? That means we don't update \theta actually in (a)?

    opened by qingerVT 2
  • No module named 'models.cnn.configs.resnet_model_config_pb2'

    No module named 'models.cnn.configs.resnet_model_config_pb2'

    Hi, thank you for open-sourcing learning-to-reweight-examples, interesting work!

    When I tired the code about CIFAR experiments, there is a file missing exception:

    File "~/projects/cifar/", line 54, in from models.cnn.configs.resnet_model_config_pb2 import ResnetModelConfig ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'models.cnn.configs.resnet_model_config_pb2'

    many scripts in cifar folder import this script resnet_model_config_pb2, but the file did not exist. is it a public file that I should download from the internet?

    opened by tonyqtian 1
  • tabular data/ noisy instances/ new datasets

    tabular data/ noisy instances/ new datasets

    Hi, thanks for sharing your implementation. I have some questions about it:

    1. Does it also work on tabular data?
    2. Is the code tailored to the datasets used in the paper or can one apply it to any data?
    3. Is it possible to identify the noisy instances (return the noisy IDs or the clean set)?


    opened by nazaretl 0
  • Implementing in Tensorflow 2

    Implementing in Tensorflow 2

    In Tensorflow 2, eager execution seems to remove epsilon (ex_wts_a) from the computational graph, and the derivative of Lg with respect to epsilon is none. Is there a way to make it work in Tensorflow 2?

    epsilon = tf.Variable([0.0 for i in range(batch_size)], dtype=tf.float32) with tf.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape: tape.reset() yf_hat = damage_classifier_model(Xf) binaryCrossEntropy = tf.keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy() loss_f = binaryCrossEntropy(yf,yf_hat) Lf = tf.reduce_sum(loss_f * epsilon) trainable_vars = damage_classifier_model.trainable_variables delta_theta = tape.gradient(Lf, trainable_vars) damage_classifier_model.optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(delta_theta, trainable_vars)) yg_hat = damage_classifier_model(Xg) Lg = damage_classifier_model.compiled_loss(yg,yg_hat)

    delta_epsilon = tape.gradient(Lg, epsilon) delta_epsilon

    opened by karthikm1987 1
  • Two issues

    Two issues

    If Adam optimizer is used, can it still work ? (Line 7. indicates a standard gradient desent method) Or, this just fit into the SGD based optimizer? 2. I would like to use this reweighting strategy in more complicated neural framework such as LSTM, BERT for other downstream tasks. Whether I must modify these to the 'meta-style' structures ? It seems to be trivial.

    opened by LindgeW 1
  • Code for noisy contamination is different compared to paper

    Code for noisy contamination is different compared to paper

    In file, there are some issues I don't understand:

    1. The paper claim using 10 images per class, but in fact the code choose randomly first 100 images, so it is not guaranteed to have 10 images per class. When I test the number of image per class is around 9-10-11-12
    2. The flip_data_background function: It does not flip data to background, but instead flip 40% data to another random class among number of class, and there is no guarantee they flip to wrong class as well.

    Please help me clarify these issues

    opened by Yurushia1998 0
  • Discrepancy between code and paper: number of clean examples in Cifar

    Discrepancy between code and paper: number of clean examples in Cifar

    Thanks very much for taking the effort to make your code available. While reproducing your results, I found that the default number of clean examples in the Cifar experiments is 100, while the paper reports using 1000. Is the number 1000 in the paper correct? If so, maybe you could change the defaults in your code.

    PS: does your Cifar code also include the MentorNet baseline somewhere?

    opened by tvogels 0
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