SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Detector pytorch implementation focusing on simplicity


SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Detector


Here is my pytorch implementation of 2 models: SSD-Resnet50 and SSDLite-MobilenetV2. These models are based on original model (SSD-VGG16) described in the paper SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Detector. This implementation supports mixed precision training.

An example of SSD Resnet50's output.


Why this implementation exists while there are many ssd implementations already ?

I believe that many of you when seeing this implementation have this question in your mind. Indeed there are already many implementations for SSD and its variants in Pytorch. However most of them are either:

  • over-complicated
  • modularized
  • many improvements added
  • not evaluated/visualized

The above-mentioned points make learner hard to understand how original ssd looks like. Hence, I re-implement this well-known model, focusing on simplicity. I believe this implementation is suitable for ML/DL users from different levels, especially beginners. In compared to model described in the paper, there are some minor changes (e.g. backbone), but other parts follow paper strictly.


Dataset Classes #Train images #Validation images
COCO2017 80 118k 5k
  • COCO: Download the coco images and annotations from coco website. Make sure to put the files as the following structure (The root folder names coco):
    ├── annotations
    │   ├── instances_train2017.json
    │   └── instances_val2017.json
    │── train2017
    └── val2017 


For being convenient, I provide Dockerfile which could be used for running training as well as test phases

Assume that docker image's name is ssd. You already created an empty folder name trained_models for storing trained weights. Then you clone this repository and cd into it.


docker build --network=host -t ssd .


docker run --rm -it -v path/to/your/coco:/coco -v path/to/trained_models:/trained_models --ipc=host --network=host ssd

How to use my code

Assume that at this step, you either already installed necessary libraries or you are inside docker container

Now, with my code, you can:

  • Train your model by running python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=NUM_GPUS_YOU_HAVE --model [ssd|ssdlite] --batch-size [int] [--amp]. You could stop or resume your training process whenever you want. For example, if you stop your training process after 10 epochs, the next time you run the training script, your training process will continue from epoch 10. mAP evaluation, by default, will be run at the end of each epoch. Note: By specifying --amp flag, your model will be trained with mixed precision (FP32 and FP16) instead of full precision (FP32) by default. Mixed precision training reduces gpu usage and therefore allows you train your model with bigger batch size while sacrificing negligible accuracy. More infomation could be found at apex and pytorch.
  • Test your model for COCO dataset by running python --pretrained_model path/to/trained_model
  • Test your model for image by running python --pretrained_model path/to/trained_model --input path/to/input/file --output path/to/output/file
  • Test your model for video by running python --pretrained_model path/to/trained_model --input path/to/input/file --output path/to/output/file

You could download my trained weight for SSD-Resnet50 at link


I trained my models by using NVIDIA RTX 2080. Below is mAP evaluation for SSD-Resnet50 trained for 54 epochs on COCO val2017 dataset

SSD-Resnet50 evaluation.

SSD-Resnet50 tensorboard for training loss curve and validation mAP curve.


Some predictions are shown below:


  • training with a custom dataset

    training with a custom dataset

    I have two questions, how can I use this code to train the SSD with my own custom dataset? and after finishing the training process, how can I use the model for inference tasks on real-time camera applications? thank you for simplifying the SSD idea, I'm a beginner and I'm finding the existing implementations really complicated.

    opened by abdo-ameen 1
  • Thank you for the repo and some questions

    Thank you for the repo and some questions

    First of all, thanks for the repo. Was trying to find something like this. It will help me a lot. There are a few questions that I want to ask.

    1. The trained model that you are providing, is trained for 50 epochs, right?
    2. Also, any possibility to get trained weight for the SSDLite version anytime soon?

    Thanks again.

    opened by sovit-123 1
  • export the coco predictions in json file

    export the coco predictions in json file

    Hello Viet, thanks for this repo! I noticed that you used the coco eval API to evaluate the the trained model and the results are clear and impressive. I am wondering if the coco eval API also can be used in the to evaluate the prediction results on coco dataset, such as coco eval2017 dataset? Any suggestion will be appreciated ! : )

    opened by 123dddd 0
  • Default Bounding Box Priors

    Default Bounding Box Priors


    Thanks for your implementation. This makes understanding the model much more easier. I did notice one thing though. In the paper, the authors mention about defining default bounding boxes as priors and define different aspect ratios and scales for the same as well. Then during training they calculate the offset values between the priors with the overlap greater than a threshold w.r.t the ground truth bounding boxes and use that to calculate the localization loss. Although, this implementation trains and works well, but I couldn't find the use of default bounding boxes anywhere. Am I missing something here?


    opened by anujdutt9 0
  • pytorch_version


    Hello there, Which pytorch version is used for this repository ? I am using pytorch 1.0, I am getting the error "No module named box_convert" from the ops/ . Could you please provide the solution ? Thank you !

    Best regards

    opened by Amri95 1
Viet Nguyen
M.Sc. in Computer Science, majoring in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. Interest topics: Deep Learning in NLP and Computer Vision. Reinforcement Learning.
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