Unifi AP Device info
Provide Unifi device info via api to Home Assistant that will give ap sensors
Thanks to valvex
, https://community.home-assistant.io/t/monitoring-your-unifi-ap/259703 for giving the base for this.
To get started download, you must have https://github.com/custom-components/sensor.unifigateway install and working
The code above can be used with standalone as with https://github.com/finish06/pyunifi
Made to work with newer UnifiOS
Will give you a card as below:
Create a folder scripts
in your config
folder and copy the unifi_ap.py
and/or unifi_switch.py
into the folder. Edit with details in the section with your details:
- `host` -- the address of the controller host; IP or name
- `username` -- the username to log in with
- `password` -- the password to log in with
- `version` -- the base version of the controller API [v4|v5|unifiOS|UDMP-unifiOS]
- `site_id` -- the site ID to access
- `port` -- the port of the controller host
- `verify_ssl` -- Verify the controllers SSL certificate, default=True, can also be False or "path/to/custom_cert.pem"
- `target_mac` -- the mac address of your AP device
For AP:
Copy the content of configuration_ap.yaml
to 'configuration.yaml' under sensor.
For Switch:
Copy the content of configuration_switch.yaml
to 'configuration.yaml' under sensor.
To create the card, you will need https://github.com/benct/lovelace-multiple-entity-row and https://github.com/kalkih/mini-graph-card
For AP:
can be copied to a manual card in the frontend to create card as per image above.
For Switch:
can be copied to a manual card in the frontend to create card as per image above.
Reboot command
can be created via https://github.com/stevejenkins/unifi-linux-utils/blob/master/uap_reboot.sh, change uap_list
to only the ip of the device.
Then adding to configuration.yaml under shell_command:
reboot_unifi_ap: bash /config/shell/unifi_ap_reboot.sh
PS: command works via host, but not in home assistant. Will have to figure this out. Needs sshpass
in home assistant
When you have more than one ap/switch
Duplicated as needed per ap and change unifi_ap
to either ap name or unifi_ap1
an unifi_ap2
Duplicated as needed per ap and change unifi_switch
to either ap name or unifi_switch1
an unifi_switch
Remember then to update the sensor and card accordingly