Walk with fastai


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Walk with fastai

What is this project?

Welcome to Walk with fastai! This project was started by me (Zachary Mueller) as a way to collect interesting techniques dotted throughout the fast.ai forums, my own course materials, and the fantastic work of others into one centralized place.

The goal is to have something much more than a "fastai recipe book," where instead authors can explore in-depth into topics involving the usage of the fastai library.

There is a central framework and theme for each super chapter, as you can see in the Table of Contents menu at the top of this screen. Topics are broken down by their super topic, such as:

  • Vision
    • Classification
      • Single Label

These collection of articles can be as simple as showing a few lines of code for a use-case, to as advanced as introducing and explaining a topic.

At the end of the day, I want this site to be a nice resource for folks to look up quickly how to do XYZ technique inside the library, that perhaps isn't 100% integrated or supported in the library's current status.

  • RuntimeError: running_mean should contain 1024 elements not 2048.

    RuntimeError: running_mean should contain 1024 elements not 2048.

    Hi. Posting this over here instead of fastai đź‘Ť I'm seeing the same exact issue all of the sudden: RuntimeError: running_mean should contain 1024 elements not 2048. https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1kY_qH-GCG9IiUhQmH0Gk3-IU338bD0Ea?usp=sharing

    Thanks! Charlie

    opened by craine 15
  • Running models takes hours

    Running models takes hours

    Since the issue yesterday and today, my models just running resnet50 on an image set is taking 4 hours an epoch. It used to take about 4 minutes. I'm running GPU and higher RAM on colabs. I've verified GPU is running. Is something up?

    opened by craine 10
  • Cannot pull in other efficientnet versions

    Cannot pull in other efficientnet versions

    Hi. I'm pulling in: from wwf.vision.timm import *

    When I ran your example: timm.list_models('efficientnet')[:10]

    I see various models but for some reason even though I see b4 when I try to run it I get: Pretrained model URL is invalid, using random initialization. <fastai.learner.Learner at 0x7fe259fdd9b0>

    But I don't get that with any b3 models.

    This is my learn: learn = timm_learner(dls, 'efficientnet_b4', loss_func=LabelSmoothingCrossEntropy(), metrics=[accuracy], opt_func=ranger)

    opened by craine 7
  • I ran a notebook last night, woke up this morning and re-ran it and it  is giving me this error:

    I ran a notebook last night, woke up this morning and re-ran it and it is giving me this error:

    I ran a notebook last night, woke up this morning and re-ran it and it is giving me this error: RuntimeError: running_mean should contain 4304 elements not 8608

    Here is what happened with my frozen parameters. Screen Shot 2021-10-18 at 8 22 12 AM

    Originally posted by @craine in https://github.com/walkwithfastai/walkwithfastai.github.io/issues/18#issuecomment-945710718

    opened by craine 5
  • add Interpretation.show_at method

    add Interpretation.show_at method

    This is basically the code added (by @muellerzr)

    def __getitem__(self:Interpretation, idxs):
        "Get the inputs, preds, targets, decoded outputs, and losses at `idx`"
        if not is_listy(idxs): idxs = [idxs]
        attrs = 'inputs,preds,targs,decoded,losses'
        res = L([getattr(self, attr)[idxs] for attr in attrs.split(',')])
        return res
    def show_at(self:Interpretation, idx:int, **kwargs):
        inp, _, targ, dec, _ = self[idx]
        dec, targ = L(dec, targ).map(Self.unsqueeze(0))
        self.dl.show_results((inp, dec), targ, **kwargs)

    I just showcased it following in a nb following the format of this repo. The methods are exported to the module basics.interp.py

    opened by vrodriguezf 5
  • lr_finder code and tutorial creation

    lr_finder code and tutorial creation

    This PR is adding enhancements to the lr_find of fastai, with a tutorial that goes along with it.

    The lr_find enhancement adds a visual marker on the lr_find graph to indicate where lr_min and lr_steep are. These are not new calculations, just added them to the graph as well.

    opened by Isaac-Flath 3
  • 02_MNIST inconsistency fixes

    02_MNIST inconsistency fixes

    Hi Zach, This is the small PR I mentioned on Discord, it fixes 2 minor inconsistencies:

    1. Description of the convolutional layer that you used uses 5x5 kernel and (more importantly) stride=1 resulting in 28x28 output layer of the first convolution. In the model you build below, the first layer has shape 14x14 due to stride=2. I added paragraph that provides a bit of clarification to those differences as well as link to more in-depth explanation of conv layers
    2. In the first net you build, you use the nn.Conv2d layer from PyTorch, which has bias on by default. This results in (3x3 +1) x 8 = 80 parameters for the first layer instead of expected 72 (other layers are altered the same way). Later in the notebook you use ConvLayer from FastAI, which has bias=None, resulting in expected number of params. I added bias=False to the initial conv definition for consistency.

    There were also 1 or 2 typos in the notebook.

    opened by JanSobus 2
  • No module named 'timm.models.layers.se'

    No module named 'timm.models.layers.se'

    Following is my code from fastai.vision.all import * from wwf.vision.timm import * learn = load_learner('models/predict.pkl')

    • gets following error
    • No module named 'timm.models.layers.se' Full error report

    ModuleNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last) in ----> 1 learn = load_learner('models/predict.pkl')

    ~/anaconda3/envs/fastjul/lib/python3.8/site-packages/fastai/learner.py in load_learner(fname, cpu, pickle_module) 382 "Load a Learner object in fname, optionally putting it on the cpu" 383 distrib_barrier() --> 384 res = torch.load(fname, map_location='cpu' if cpu else None, pickle_module=pickle_module) 385 if hasattr(res, 'to_fp32'): res = res.to_fp32() 386 if cpu: res.dls.cpu()

    ~/anaconda3/envs/fastjul/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/serialization.py in load(f, map_location, pickle_module, **pickle_load_args) 605 opened_file.seek(orig_position) 606 return torch.jit.load(opened_file) --> 607 return _load(opened_zipfile, map_location, pickle_module, **pickle_load_args) 608 return _legacy_load(opened_file, map_location, pickle_module, **pickle_load_args) 609

    ~/anaconda3/envs/fastjul/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/serialization.py in _load(zip_file, map_location, pickle_module, pickle_file, **pickle_load_args) 880 unpickler = UnpicklerWrapper(data_file, **pickle_load_args) 881 unpickler.persistent_load = persistent_load --> 882 result = unpickler.load() 883 884 torch._utils._validate_loaded_sparse_tensors()

    ~/anaconda3/envs/fastjul/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/serialization.py in find_class(self, mod_name, name) 873 def find_class(self, mod_name, name): 874 mod_name = load_module_mapping.get(mod_name, mod_name) --> 875 return super().find_class(mod_name, name) 876 877 # Load the data (which may in turn use persistent_load to load tensors)

    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'timm.models.layers.se'

    opened by johnyquest7 2
  • Fastai wwf,timm trained (exported)model, loading in sagemaker endpoint error

    Fastai wwf,timm trained (exported)model, loading in sagemaker endpoint error

    I am trying to deploy fastai trained model (build using wwf(walk with fastai), and time), to sagemaker endpoint. I have also included in required libraries as requirements.txt. But the model is not being able to loaded by load_learner:

    This is my model-fn

    ![Screenshot 2021-05-26 160613](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/62832721/119653690-7ba81580-bddc-11eb-84be-fa6757e9825b.png)
    # loads the model into memory from disk and returns it
    def model_fn(model_dir):
      path_model = Path(model_dir)
      logger.debug(f'Loading model from path: {str(path_model/EXPORT_MODEL_NAME)}')
      defaults.device = torch.device('cpu')
      print("Trying to Load Model::::")
      learn = load_learner(path_model/EXPORT_MODEL_NAME, cpu=True)
      logger.info('model loaded successfully')
      return learn

    So, in the screenshot it can be seen that "MODEL-LOADED" is not printed. Comparing, for a simple fastai-trained model, as a demo, that is working.

    So kindly help me with this.

    Thanks alot.

    opened by m-ali-awan 2
  • hf-transformers-glue


    transformers+fastai classification tutorial includes:

    • Brief description of GLUE tasks
    • Batched tokenize transform
    • How to make show_batch and show_results work
    • Customized Learner subclass
    opened by arampacha 2
  • grid_sampler(): expected input and grid to have same dtype, but input has float and grid has c10::Half

    grid_sampler(): expected input and grid to have same dtype, but input has float and grid has c10::Half


    I am trying to run an image regression task.

    dls = ImageDataLoaders.from_df(train, path = Path('./train'),fn_col='fn',label_col='wind_speed',y_block=RegressionBlock,seed=2020,item_tfms=Resize(224),batch_tfms=aug_transforms(size=224),bs=15) dls.show_batch()

    Above code works fine.

    But when I run the below code, training finishes smoothly but start of validation causes the error -

    grid_sampler(): expected input and grid to have same dtype, but input has float and grid has c10::Half

    May be related to issues with pytorch

    `archs = ['efficientnet']

    prediction_array = np.zeros(shape=(test.shape[0],1))

    for arch in archs: print('Model ',arch) cbs=SaveModelCallback(every_epoch=False,fname='/content/drive/My Drive/wind-speed/models/effnet') learn = timm_learner(dls, 'efficientnet_b3',loss_func=MSELossFlat(),metrics=[rmse],cbs=cbs) #learn = cnn_learner(dls,arch,loss_func=MSELossFlat(),metrics=[rmse],cbs=cbs).to_fp16() learn.fine_tune(5) tdl = learn.dls.test_dl(test) preds = learn.get_preds(dl=tdl) prediction_array += preds[0].numpy() print('Prediction completed !!!')`

    Model efficientnet

    0.00% [0/1 00:00<00:00] epoch train_loss valid_loss _rmse time

    0.00% [0/937 00:00<00:00]

    RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last) in () 10 learn = timm_learner(dls, 'efficientnet_b3',loss_func=MSELossFlat(),metrics=[rmse],cbs=cbs) 11 #learn = cnn_learner(dls,arch,loss_func=MSELossFlat(),metrics=[rmse],cbs=cbs).to_fp16() ---> 12 learn.fine_tune(5) 13 tdl = learn.dls.test_dl(test) 14 preds = learn.get_preds(dl=tdl)

    28 frames /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/fastai/callback/schedule.py in fine_tune(self, epochs, base_lr, freeze_epochs, lr_mult, pct_start, div, **kwargs) 155 "Fine tune with freeze for freeze_epochs then with unfreeze from epochs using discriminative LR" 156 self.freeze() --> 157 self.fit_one_cycle(freeze_epochs, slice(base_lr), pct_start=0.99, **kwargs) 158 base_lr /= 2 159 self.unfreeze()

    /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/fastai/callback/schedule.py in fit_one_cycle(self, n_epoch, lr_max, div, div_final, pct_start, wd, moms, cbs, reset_opt) 110 scheds = {'lr': combined_cos(pct_start, lr_max/div, lr_max, lr_max/div_final), 111 'mom': combined_cos(pct_start, *(self.moms if moms is None else moms))} --> 112 self.fit(n_epoch, cbs=ParamScheduler(scheds)+L(cbs), reset_opt=reset_opt, wd=wd) 113 114 # Cell

    /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/fastai/learner.py in fit(self, n_epoch, lr, wd, cbs, reset_opt) 209 self.opt.set_hypers(lr=self.lr if lr is None else lr) 210 self.n_epoch = n_epoch --> 211 self._with_events(self._do_fit, 'fit', CancelFitException, self._end_cleanup) 212 213 def _end_cleanup(self): self.dl,self.xb,self.yb,self.pred,self.loss = None,(None,),(None,),None,None

    /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/fastai/learner.py in with_events(self, f, event_type, ex, final) 158 159 def with_events(self, f, event_type, ex, final=noop): --> 160 try: self(f'before{event_type}'); f() 161 except ex: self(f'after_cancel{event_type}') 162 self(f'after_{event_type}'); final()

    /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/fastai/learner.py in _do_fit(self) 200 for epoch in range(self.n_epoch): 201 self.epoch=epoch --> 202 self._with_events(self._do_epoch, 'epoch', CancelEpochException) 203 204 def fit(self, n_epoch, lr=None, wd=None, cbs=None, reset_opt=False):

    /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/fastai/learner.py in with_events(self, f, event_type, ex, final) 158 159 def with_events(self, f, event_type, ex, final=noop): --> 160 try: self(f'before{event_type}'); f() 161 except ex: self(f'after_cancel{event_type}') 162 self(f'after_{event_type}'); final()

    /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/fastai/learner.py in _do_epoch(self) 195 def _do_epoch(self): 196 self._do_epoch_train() --> 197 self._do_epoch_validate() 198 199 def _do_fit(self):

    /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/fastai/learner.py in _do_epoch_validate(self, ds_idx, dl) 191 if dl is None: dl = self.dls[ds_idx] 192 self.dl = dl --> 193 with torch.no_grad(): self._with_events(self.all_batches, 'validate', CancelValidException) 194 195 def _do_epoch(self):

    /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/fastai/learner.py in with_events(self, f, event_type, ex, final) 158 159 def with_events(self, f, event_type, ex, final=noop): --> 160 try: self(f'before{event_type}'); f() 161 except ex: self(f'after_cancel{event_type}') 162 self(f'after_{event_type}'); final()

    /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/fastai/learner.py in all_batches(self) 164 def all_batches(self): 165 self.n_iter = len(self.dl) --> 166 for o in enumerate(self.dl): self.one_batch(*o) 167 168 def _do_one_batch(self):

    /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/fastai/data/load.py in iter(self) 101 for b in _loadersself.fake_l.num_workers==0: 102 if self.device is not None: b = to_device(b, self.device) --> 103 yield self.after_batch(b) 104 self.after_iter() 105 if hasattr(self, 'it'): del(self.it)

    /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/fastcore/transform.py in call(self, o) 196 self.fs.append(t) 197 --> 198 def call(self, o): return compose_tfms(o, tfms=self.fs, split_idx=self.split_idx) 199 def repr(self): return f"Pipeline: {' -> '.join([f.name for f in self.fs if f.name != 'noop'])}" 200 def getitem(self,i): return self.fs[i]

    /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/fastcore/transform.py in compose_tfms(x, tfms, is_enc, reverse, **kwargs) 148 for f in tfms: 149 if not is_enc: f = f.decode --> 150 x = f(x, **kwargs) 151 return x 152

    /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/fastai/vision/augment.py in call(self, b, split_idx, **kwargs) 33 def call(self, b, split_idx=None, **kwargs): 34 self.before_call(b, split_idx=split_idx) ---> 35 return super().call(b, split_idx=split_idx, **kwargs) if self.do else b 36 37 # Cell

    /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/fastcore/transform.py in call(self, x, **kwargs) 71 @property 72 def name(self): return getattr(self, '_name', _get_name(self)) ---> 73 def call(self, x, **kwargs): return self._call('encodes', x, **kwargs) 74 def decode (self, x, **kwargs): return self._call('decodes', x, **kwargs) 75 def repr(self): return f'{self.name}:\nencodes: {self.encodes}decodes: {self.decodes}'

    /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/fastcore/transform.py in _call(self, fn, x, split_idx, **kwargs) 81 def _call(self, fn, x, split_idx=None, **kwargs): 82 if split_idx!=self.split_idx and self.split_idx is not None: return x ---> 83 return self._do_call(getattr(self, fn), x, **kwargs) 84 85 def _do_call(self, f, x, **kwargs):

    /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/fastcore/transform.py in do_call(self, f, x, **kwargs) 88 ret = f.returns(x) if hasattr(f,'returns') else None 89 return retain_type(f(x, **kwargs), x, ret) ---> 90 res = tuple(self.do_call(f, x, **kwargs) for x in x) 91 return retain_type(res, x) 92

    /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/fastcore/transform.py in (.0) 88 ret = f.returns(x) if hasattr(f,'returns') else None 89 return retain_type(f(x, **kwargs), x, ret) ---> 90 res = tuple(self.do_call(f, x, **kwargs) for x_ in x) 91 return retain_type(res, x) 92

    /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/fastcore/transform.py in do_call(self, f, x, **kwargs) 87 if f is None: return x 88 ret = f.returns(x) if hasattr(f,'returns') else None ---> 89 return retain_type(f(x, **kwargs), x, ret) 90 res = tuple(self.do_call(f, x, **kwargs) for x in x) 91 return retain_type(res, x)

    /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/fastcore/dispatch.py in call(self, *args, **kwargs) 116 elif self.inst is not None: f = MethodType(f, self.inst) 117 elif self.owner is not None: f = MethodType(f, self.owner) --> 118 return f(*args, **kwargs) 119 120 def get(self, inst, owner):

    /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/fastai/vision/augment.py in encodes(self, x) 397 return x.affine_coord(self.mat, coord_func, sz=self.size, mode=mode, pad_mode=self.pad_mode, align_corners=self.align_corners) 398 --> 399 def encodes(self, x:TensorImage): return self._encode(x, self.mode) 400 def encodes(self, x:TensorMask): return self._encode(x, self.mode_mask) 401 def encodes(self, x:(TensorPoint, TensorBBox)): return self._encode(x, self.mode, reverse=True)

    /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/fastai/vision/augment.py in _encode(self, x, mode, reverse) 395 def _encode(self, x, mode, reverse=False): 396 coord_func = None if len(self.coord_fs)==0 or self.split_idx else partial(compose_tfms, tfms=self.coord_fs, reverse=reverse) --> 397 return x.affine_coord(self.mat, coord_func, sz=self.size, mode=mode, pad_mode=self.pad_mode, align_corners=self.align_corners) 398 399 def encodes(self, x:TensorImage): return self._encode(x, self.mode)

    /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/fastai/vision/augment.py in affine_coord(x, mat, coord_tfm, sz, mode, pad_mode, align_corners) 319 coords = affine_grid(mat, x.shape[:2] + size, align_corners=align_corners) 320 if coord_tfm is not None: coords = coord_tfm(coords) --> 321 return TensorImage(_grid_sample(x, coords, mode=mode, padding_mode=pad_mode, align_corners=align_corners)) 322 323 @patch

    /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/fastai/vision/augment.py in _grid_sample(x, coords, mode, padding_mode, align_corners) 304 else: 305 x = F.interpolate(x, scale_factor=1/d, mode='area') --> 306 return F.grid_sample(x, coords, mode=mode, padding_mode=padding_mode, align_corners=align_corners) 307 308 # Cell

    /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/nn/functional.py in grid_sample(input, grid, mode, padding_mode, align_corners) 3361 return handle_torch_function( 3362 grid_sample, tens_ops, input, grid, mode=mode, padding_mode=padding_mode, -> 3363 align_corners=align_corners) 3364 if mode != 'bilinear' and mode != 'nearest': 3365 raise ValueError("nn.functional.grid_sample(): expected mode to be "

    /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/overrides.py in handle_torch_function(public_api, relevant_args, *args, **kwargs) 1061 # Use public_api instead of implementation so torch_function 1062 # implementations can do equality/identity comparisons. -> 1063 result = overloaded_arg.torch_function(public_api, types, args, kwargs) 1064 1065 if result is not NotImplemented:

    /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/fastai/torch_core.py in torch_function(self, func, types, args, kwargs) 323 convert=False 324 if _torch_handled(args, self._opt, func): convert,types = type(self),(torch.Tensor,) --> 325 res = super().torch_function(func, types, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) 326 if convert: res = convert(res) 327 if isinstance(res, TensorBase): res.set_meta(self, as_copy=True)

    /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/tensor.py in torch_function(cls, func, types, args, kwargs) 993 994 with _C.DisableTorchFunction(): --> 995 ret = func(*args, **kwargs) 996 return _convert(ret, cls) 997

    /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/nn/functional.py in grid_sample(input, grid, mode, padding_mode, align_corners) 3389 align_corners = False 3390 -> 3391 return torch.grid_sampler(input, grid, mode_enum, padding_mode_enum, align_corners) 3392 3393

    RuntimeError: grid_sampler(): expected input and grid to have same dtype, but input has float and grid has c10::Half

    opened by anindabitm 2
  • Bump nokogiri from 1.12.5 to 1.13.9 in /docs

    Bump nokogiri from 1.12.5 to 1.13.9 in /docs

    Bumps nokogiri from 1.12.5 to 1.13.9.

    Release notes

    Sourced from nokogiri's releases.

    1.13.9 / 2022-10-18



    • [CRuby] Vendored libxml2 is updated to v2.10.3 from v2.9.14.
    • [CRuby] Vendored libxslt is updated to v1.1.37 from v1.1.35.
    • [CRuby] Vendored zlib is updated from 1.2.12 to 1.2.13. (See LICENSE-DEPENDENCIES.md for details on which packages redistribute this library.)


    • [CRuby] Nokogiri::XML::Namespace objects, when compacted, update their internal struct's reference to the Ruby object wrapper. Previously, with GC compaction enabled, a segmentation fault was possible after compaction was triggered. [#2658] (Thanks, @​eightbitraptor and @​peterzhu2118!)
    • [CRuby] Document#remove_namespaces! now defers freeing the underlying xmlNs struct until the Document is GCed. Previously, maintaining a reference to a Namespace object that was removed in this way could lead to a segfault. [#2658]

    sha256 checksums:

    9b69829561d30c4461ea803baeaf3460e8b145cff7a26ce397119577a4083a02  nokogiri-1.13.9-aarch64-linux.gem
    e76ebb4b7b2e02c72b2d1541289f8b0679fb5984867cf199d89b8ef485764956  nokogiri-1.13.9-arm64-darwin.gem
    15bae7d08bddeaa898d8e3f558723300137c26a2dc2632a1f89c8574c4467165  nokogiri-1.13.9-java.gem
    f6a1dbc7229184357f3129503530af73cc59ceba4932c700a458a561edbe04b9  nokogiri-1.13.9-x64-mingw-ucrt.gem
    36d935d799baa4dc488024f71881ff0bc8b172cecdfc54781169c40ec02cbdb3  nokogiri-1.13.9-x64-mingw32.gem
    ebaf82aa9a11b8fafb67873d19ee48efb565040f04c898cdce8ca0cd53ff1a12  nokogiri-1.13.9-x86-linux.gem
    11789a2a11b28bc028ee111f23311461104d8c4468d5b901ab7536b282504154  nokogiri-1.13.9-x86-mingw32.gem
    01830e1646803ff91c0fe94bc768ff40082c6de8cfa563dafd01b3f7d5f9d795  nokogiri-1.13.9-x86_64-darwin.gem
    8e93b8adec22958013799c8690d81c2cdf8a90b6f6e8150ab22e11895844d781  nokogiri-1.13.9-x86_64-linux.gem
    96f37c1baf0234d3ae54c2c89aef7220d4a8a1b03d2675ff7723565b0a095531  nokogiri-1.13.9.gem

    1.13.8 / 2022-07-23


    • XML::Reader#attribute_nodes is deprecated due to incompatibility between libxml2's xmlReader memory semantics and Ruby's garbage collector. Although this method continues to exist for backwards compatibility, it is unsafe to call and may segfault. This method will be removed in a future version of Nokogiri, and callers should use #attribute_hash instead. [#2598]


    • XML::Reader#attribute_hash is a new method to safely retrieve the attributes of a node from XML::Reader. [#2598, #2599]


    ... (truncated)


    Sourced from nokogiri's changelog.

    1.13.9 / 2022-10-18



    • [CRuby] Vendored libxml2 is updated to v2.10.3 from v2.9.14.
    • [CRuby] Vendored libxslt is updated to v1.1.37 from v1.1.35.
    • [CRuby] Vendored zlib is updated from 1.2.12 to 1.2.13. (See LICENSE-DEPENDENCIES.md for details on which packages redistribute this library.)


    • [CRuby] Nokogiri::XML::Namespace objects, when compacted, update their internal struct's reference to the Ruby object wrapper. Previously, with GC compaction enabled, a segmentation fault was possible after compaction was triggered. [#2658] (Thanks, @​eightbitraptor and @​peterzhu2118!)
    • [CRuby] Document#remove_namespaces! now defers freeing the underlying xmlNs struct until the Document is GCed. Previously, maintaining a reference to a Namespace object that was removed in this way could lead to a segfault. [#2658]

    1.13.8 / 2022-07-23


    • XML::Reader#attribute_nodes is deprecated due to incompatibility between libxml2's xmlReader memory semantics and Ruby's garbage collector. Although this method continues to exist for backwards compatibility, it is unsafe to call and may segfault. This method will be removed in a future version of Nokogiri, and callers should use #attribute_hash instead. [#2598]


    • XML::Reader#attribute_hash is a new method to safely retrieve the attributes of a node from XML::Reader. [#2598, #2599]


    • [CRuby] Calling XML::Reader#attributes is now safe to call. In Nokogiri <= 1.13.7 this method may segfault. [#2598, #2599]

    1.13.7 / 2022-07-12


    XML::Node objects, when compacted, update their internal struct's reference to the Ruby object wrapper. Previously, with GC compaction enabled, a segmentation fault was possible after compaction was triggered. [#2578] (Thanks, @​eightbitraptor!)

    1.13.6 / 2022-05-08


    • [CRuby] Address CVE-2022-29181, improper handling of unexpected data types, related to untrusted inputs to the SAX parsers. See GHSA-xh29-r2w5-wx8m for more information.

    ... (truncated)

    • 897759c version bump to v1.13.9
    • aeb1ac3 doc: update CHANGELOG
    • c663e49 Merge pull request #2671 from sparklemotion/flavorjones-update-zlib-1.2.13_v1...
    • 212e07d ext: hack to cross-compile zlib v1.2.13 on darwin
    • 76dbc8c dep: update zlib to v1.2.13
    • 24e3a9c doc: update CHANGELOG
    • 4db3b4d Merge pull request #2668 from sparklemotion/flavorjones-namespace-scopes-comp...
    • 73d73d6 fix: Document#remove_namespaces! use-after-free bug
    • 5f58b34 fix: namespace nodes behave properly when compacted
    • b08a858 test: repro namespace_scopes compaction issue
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

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    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • Bump tzinfo from 1.2.9 to 1.2.10 in /docs

    Bump tzinfo from 1.2.9 to 1.2.10 in /docs

    Bumps tzinfo from 1.2.9 to 1.2.10.

    Release notes

    Sourced from tzinfo's releases.


    TZInfo v1.2.10 on RubyGems.org


    Sourced from tzinfo's changelog.

    Version 1.2.10 - 19-Jul-2022

    • 0814dcd Fix the release date.
    • fd05e2a Preparing v1.2.10.
    • b98c32e Merge branch 'fix-directory-traversal-1.2' into 1.2
    • ac3ee68 Remove unnecessary escaping of + within regex character classes.
    • 9d49bf9 Fix relative path loading tests.
    • 394c381 Remove private_constant for consistency and compatibility.
    • 5e9f990 Exclude Arch Linux's SECURITY file from the time zone index.
    • 17fc9e1 Workaround for 'Permission denied - NUL' errors with JRuby on Windows.
    • 6bd7a51 Update copyright years.
    • 9905ca9 Fix directory traversal in Timezone.get when using Ruby data source
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
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    • @dependabot use this milestone will set the current milestone as the default for future PRs for this repo and language

    You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the Security Alerts page.

    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • Object Detection is unable to build a dataloader

    Object Detection is unable to build a dataloader


    Using the current version of fastai, attempting to show a batch produces this error:

    RuntimeError: Error when trying to collate the data into batches with fa_collate, at least two tensors in the batch are not the same size.
    Mismatch found on axis 1 of the batch and is of type `TensorBBox`:
    	Item at index 0 has shape: torch.Size([6, 4])
    	Item at index 1 has shape: torch.Size([1, 4])
    Please include a transform in `after_item` that ensures all data of type TensorBBox is the same size

    If I install the versions listed on the page (fastai==2.1.10 fastcore==1.3.13 wwf==0.0.8), I get an initial import error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'torchvision.models.utils' ... for which there is a workaround, which then leaves me with this error for pascal.summary:

    TypeError: no implementation found for 'torch.Tensor.__getitem__' on types that implement __torch_function__: [<class 'fastai.torch_core.TensorMultiCategory'>, <class 'fastai.vision.core.TensorBBox'>]
    opened by RVirmoors 0
  • Typos in 'Single Label Classification with Computer Vision (Beginner)' documentation

    Typos in 'Single Label Classification with Computer Vision (Beginner)' documentation

    There is a typo in the 'Single Label Classification with Computer Vision (Beginner)'documentation. Instead of 'using only', 'usin gonly' is there just below the training code blocks.

    opened by pksX01 0
  • Integrate koila to avoid CUDA OOM errors

    Integrate koila to avoid CUDA OOM errors

    @muellerzr Adding this issue based on fastai-dev discussion . I would like to use this issue to learn about callbacks. I liked your idea about having a MemoryMangerCallback callback for this purpose.

    https://twitter.com/jeanmarcalkazzi/status/1465418318068781062?s=20 https://github.com/rentruewang/koila


    opened by manisnesan 3
  • Ch7 Super Resolution unet_config not defined

    Ch7 Super Resolution unet_config not defined

    currently using unet_config . An obsolete method for learner params

    #Problem: cfg = unet_config(blur=True, norm_type=NormType.Weight, self_attention=True, y_range=y_range)

    def create_gen_learner(): return unet_learner(dls_gen, bbone, loss_func=loss_gen, config=cfg)

    #Fix: remove cfg lne & Feed the params in directly to the learner def create_gen_learner(): return unet_learner(dls_gen, bbone, loss_func=loss_gen, blur=True, norm_type=NormType.Weight, self_attention=True, y_range=y_range)

    opened by Rebolforces 0
Walk with fastai
Home for the Walk with fastai project
Walk with fastai
The fastai deep learning library

Welcome to fastai fastai simplifies training fast and accurate neural nets using modern best practices Important: This documentation covers fastai v2,

fast.ai 23.2k Jan 7, 2023
The fastai deep learning library

Welcome to fastai fastai simplifies training fast and accurate neural nets using modern best practices Important: This documentation covers fastai v2,

fast.ai 20.4k Feb 12, 2021
tsai is an open-source deep learning package built on top of Pytorch & fastai focused on state-of-the-art techniques for time series classification, regression and forecasting.

Time series Timeseries Deep Learning Pytorch fastai - State-of-the-art Deep Learning with Time Series and Sequences in Pytorch / fastai

timeseriesAI 2.8k Jan 8, 2023
fastgradio is a python library to quickly build and share gradio interfaces of your trained fastai models.

fastgradio is a python library to quickly build and share gradio interfaces of your trained fastai models.

Ali Abdalla 34 Jan 5, 2023
An Agnostic Computer Vision Framework - Pluggable to any Training Library: Fastai, Pytorch-Lightning with more to come

IceVision is the first agnostic computer vision framework to offer a curated collection with hundreds of high-quality pre-trained models from torchvision, MMLabs, and soon Pytorch Image Models. It orchestrates the end-to-end deep learning workflow allowing to train networks with easy-to-use robust high-performance libraries such as Pytorch-Lightning and Fastai

airctic 789 Dec 29, 2022
Better directory iterator and faster os.walk(), now in the Python 3.5 stdlib

scandir, a better directory iterator and faster os.walk() scandir() is a directory iteration function like os.listdir(), except that instead of return

Ben Hoyt 506 Dec 29, 2022
A custom-designed Spider Robot trained to walk using Deep RL in a PyBullet Simulation

SpiderBot_DeepRL Title: Implementation of Single and Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for a Walking Spider Robot Authors(s): Arijit

Arijit Dasgupta 9 Jul 28, 2022
Random Walk Graph Neural Networks

Random Walk Graph Neural Networks This repository is the official implementation of Random Walk Graph Neural Networks. Requirements Code is written in

Giannis Nikolentzos 38 Jan 2, 2023
This repository hosts the code for Stanford Pupper and Stanford Woofer, Raspberry Pi-based quadruped robots that can trot, walk, and jump.

This repository hosts the code for Stanford Pupper and Stanford Woofer, Raspberry Pi-based quadruped robots that can trot, walk, and jump.

Stanford Student Robotics 1.2k Dec 25, 2022
An opensource library to use SNMP get/bulk/set/walk in Python

SNMP-UTILS An opensource library to use SNMP get/bulk/set/walk in Python Features Work with OIDS json list [Find Here](#OIDS List) GET command SET com

Alexandre Gossard 3 Aug 3, 2022
The last walk-through project in code institute diploma course

Welcome Rocky.C, This is the Code Institute student template for Gitpod. We have preinstalled all of the tools you need to get started. It's perfectly

Rocky.C 1 Jan 31, 2022
The fastai deep learning library

Welcome to fastai fastai simplifies training fast and accurate neural nets using modern best practices Important: This documentation covers fastai v2,

fast.ai 23.2k Jan 7, 2023
The fastai deep learning library

Welcome to fastai fastai simplifies training fast and accurate neural nets using modern best practices Important: This documentation covers fastai v2,

fast.ai 20.4k Feb 12, 2021
Pytorch NLP library based on FastAI

Quick NLP Quick NLP is a deep learning nlp library inspired by the fast.ai library It follows the same api as fastai and extends it allowing for quick

Agis pof 283 Nov 21, 2022
tsai is an open-source deep learning package built on top of Pytorch & fastai focused on state-of-the-art techniques for time series classification, regression and forecasting.

Time series Timeseries Deep Learning Pytorch fastai - State-of-the-art Deep Learning with Time Series and Sequences in Pytorch / fastai

timeseriesAI 2.8k Jan 8, 2023
fastgradio is a python library to quickly build and share gradio interfaces of your trained fastai models.

fastgradio is a python library to quickly build and share gradio interfaces of your trained fastai models.

Ali Abdalla 34 Jan 5, 2023
An Agnostic Computer Vision Framework - Pluggable to any Training Library: Fastai, Pytorch-Lightning with more to come

IceVision is the first agnostic computer vision framework to offer a curated collection with hundreds of high-quality pre-trained models from torchvision, MMLabs, and soon Pytorch Image Models. It orchestrates the end-to-end deep learning workflow allowing to train networks with easy-to-use robust high-performance libraries such as Pytorch-Lightning and Fastai

airctic 789 Dec 29, 2022