Auto selfbot Myuu
Auto selfbot Myuu is a self Discordbot, meaning it will use your TOKEN to logged as your account and take commands from yourself to play the game.
Main Feature
All the main feature for this selfbot:
- Auto leveling grinding without take over your keyboards.
- All automation commands is sent from the cloud.
- Auto catch shinies while leveling
- You don't have to sit and watch the screen for a long time, it automatically catch them for you.
- Auto EV training:
- Yes. The bot can detect the Pokémon name you provide in a list and will only fight them.
- Auto hunting:
- Auto hunting base on the Pokémon name you given out (Ditto, Greninja, etc.). It is all in the database.
How to access to the bot
Bot is put behind a paywall of 5$ per month to limited the access of users to either not breaking the games and its economy and also for me to keep the server alive. The purpose of this bot is to help those who dedicated in the game but don't have much time to grind and hunting, training.
For more detail, please contact me on email: Note: You will need to provide your account TOKEN so please consider this before emailing me.