An implementation on "Curved-Voxel Clustering for Accurate Segmentation of 3D LiDAR Point Clouds with Real-Time Performance"



build passing velodyne_HDL_64 compliant

An implementation on "Curved-Voxel Clustering for Accurate Segmentation of 3D LiDAR Point Clouds with Real-Time Performance" from IROS 2019

Paper Link [link 1][link 2]

Update on 20210825

  1. Add a demo code
  2. Fix some problem

This file is just a function file, you may need to change a little bit to fit your own code

How to use:

       cluster_index = CVC(hvoxel,papr);
 most_frequent_value(cluster_index, cluster_id);


The output is the same as

For the demo code:

 mkdir build
 cd build
 cmake ..
 make -j


  1. Part of this code references to the
  2. Ground Remocve:


Image text

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        auto maxPosition2 = max_element(pi.begin(), pi.end());
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