This repository contains the source code implementation for ICDM submission paper Deep Reinforced Attention Regression for Partial Sketch Based Image Retrieval. The python files SBIR_*.py are the core framework codes to run this project under different settings, by integrating training code and evaluation code all in one file.
- numpy
- pickle
- pytorch>=1.5.0
- torchvision>=0.7.0
- tqdm
- tensorboard
- bresenham
- Pillow
Pre-trained Embeddings
Pre-trained Models
- In folder ckpt
Results and Commands
To produce such results, run the corresponding entrance main files.
- Triplet Network: main_pure.py
- Triplet + Vanilla RL: main_RL.py
- Triplet + PPO: main_finetune.py
- Bootstrapped DQN: main_dqn.py
- DARP-SBIR: main_boot.py
For the other two datasets, use main_shoev2.py and main_sketchy.py