Barlow Twins and HSIC


Barlow Twins and HSIC

Unofficial Pytorch implementation for Barlow Twins and HSIC_SSL on small datasets (CIFAR10, STL10, and Tiny ImageNet).

Correspondence to:

Technical Report

A Note on Connecting Barlow Twins with Negative-Samples-Free Contrastive Learning
Yao-Hung Hubert Tsai, Shaojie Bai, Louis-Philippe Morency, and Ruslan Salakhutdinov

I hope this work will be useful for your research 🥰



A large portion of the code is from this repo, which is a great resource for academic development. Note that we do not perform extensive hyper-parameters grid search and hence you may expect a performance boost after tuning some hyper-parameters (e.g., the learning rate).

The official implementation of Barlow Twins can be found here. We have also tried the HSIC_SSL in this official repo and we find similar performance (we tried on ImageNet-1K and CIFAR10) between HSIC_SSL and Barlow Twins' method.


conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.0 -c pytorch
  • thop
pip install thop

Supported Dataset

CIFAR10, STL10, and Tiny_ImageNet.

Train and Linear Evaluation using Barlow Twins

python --lmbda 0.0078125 --corr_zero --batch_size 128 --feature_dim 128 --dataset cifar10
python --dataset cifar10 --model_path results/0.0078125_128_128_cifar10_model.pth

Train and Linear Evaluation using HSIC

python --lmbda 0.0078125 --corr_neg_one --batch_size 128 --feature_dim 128 --dataset cifar10
python --dataset cifar10 --model_path results/neg_corr_0.0078125_128_128_cifar10_model.pth
  • Speed Up Model by Using cudnn benchmark

    Speed Up Model by Using cudnn benchmark

    Not really an issue, but adding the following made training significantly faster (+29% on Titan X Pascal)

    if torch.cuda.is_available():
        torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True

    I thought I would mention it as others might benefit from this as well.

    Thanks for making your code available on GitHub!

    opened by davidrzs 1
  • Inaccuracy in the cross correlation for small batch sizes (<32)

    Inaccuracy in the cross correlation for small batch sizes (<32)


    first, thanks for sharing your research and code!


    Your code uses torch.std which uses Bessel's correction by default, therefore inhibiting that the values on the diagonal reach 1.

    While working with it, I noticed some small inaccuracy for in the calculation of the cross-correlation matrix.

    Opposed to original implementation, which uses BatchNorm1d you implemented the normalization with:

    I implemented a small test with two identical vectors coming from the projection head and was therefore expecting straight ones on the diagonal. But as you can see from my attached code, for a batch size of < 32 (here 8), the values on the diagonal can't get bigger than 0.75. I found that torch.std uses Bessel's correction by default. When this flag is set to false, the numbers match with the original implementation.

    I think there is no practical difference for batch sizes > 32, which is also the smallest batch size you presented in your paper, I think.

    import torch
    from torch import nn
    batch_size = 4
    size_z = 128
    z1 = torch.randn(batch_size, size_z)
    z2 = z1.clone()
    # your implementation
    z1_norm = (z1 - torch.mean(z1, dim=0)) / torch.std(z1, dim=0)
    z2_norm = (z2 - torch.mean(z2, dim=0)) / torch.std(z2, dim=0)
    cross_corr = torch.matmul(z1_norm.T, z2_norm) / batch_size
    print( cross_corr[0:5,0:5] )
    # tensor([[ 0.7500, -0.1065, -0.0837,  0.0630,  0.3664],
    #        [-0.1065,  0.7500, -0.2283, -0.3708, -0.5607],
    #        [-0.0837, -0.2283,  0.7500, -0.5013, -0.2554],
    #        [ 0.0630, -0.3708, -0.5013,  0.7500,  0.6334],
    #        [ 0.3664, -0.5607, -0.2554,  0.6334,  0.7500]])
    # original implementation
    bn = nn.BatchNorm1d(size_z, affine=False)
    z1_norm = bn(z1)
    z2_norm = bn(z2)
    cross_corr = z1_norm.T @ z2_norm / batch_size
    print( cross_corr[0:5,0:5] )
    # tensor([[ 1.0000, -0.1420, -0.1116,  0.0840,  0.4885],
    #        [-0.1420,  1.0000, -0.3043, -0.4944, -0.7476],
    #        [-0.1116, -0.3043,  1.0000, -0.6683, -0.3405],
    #        [ 0.0840, -0.4944, -0.6683,  1.0000,  0.8445],
    #        [ 0.4885, -0.7476, -0.3405,  0.8445,  1.0000]])
    # corrected code (without Bessel’s correction for the calculation of the standard deviation)
    z1_norm = (z1 - torch.mean(z1, dim=0)) / torch.std(z1, dim=0, unbiased=False)
    z2_norm = (z2 - torch.mean(z2, dim=0)) / torch.std(z2, dim=0, unbiased=False)
    cross_corr = torch.matmul(z1_norm.T, z2_norm) / batch_size
    print( cross_corr[0:5,0:5] )
    # tensor([[ 1.0000, -0.1421, -0.1116,  0.0840,  0.4885],
    #         [-0.1421,  1.0000, -0.3043, -0.4944, -0.7476],
    #         [-0.1116, -0.3043,  1.0000, -0.6683, -0.3405],
    #         [ 0.0840, -0.4944, -0.6683,  1.0000,  0.8446],
    #         [ 0.4885, -0.7476, -0.3405,  0.8446,  1.0000]])
    opened by JohannesK14 0
  • Result about tiny-imagenet

    Result about tiny-imagenet

    hi, have you run the model with the tiny-imagenet? can you tell the result on the tiny-imagenet as I try to run to the model on tiny-imagenet but it seems too low?

    opened by czzerone 0
  • Question re: reproducing Fig 2 from the paper

    Question re: reproducing Fig 2 from the paper

    Hello --

    I'm interested in trying to reproduce the Barlow Twins curve from Fig 2 in the paper.

    I'm running:

    python --lmbda 0.0078125 --corr_zero --batch_size 128 --feature_dim 128 --dataset cifar10

    and getting:

    Test Epoch: [5/1000] Acc@1:47.33% Acc@5:92.49%
    Test Epoch: [10/1000] Acc@1:53.80% Acc@5:94.87%
    Test Epoch: [15/1000] Acc@1:58.44% Acc@5:96.68%
    Test Epoch: [20/1000] Acc@1:63.11% Acc@5:96.86%
    Test Epoch: [25/1000] Acc@1:65.55% Acc@5:97.33%
    Test Epoch: [30/1000] Acc@1:66.59% Acc@5:97.61%
    Test Epoch: [35/1000] Acc@1:68.85% Acc@5:97.87%
    Test Epoch: [40/1000] Acc@1:69.17% Acc@5:97.75%
    Test Epoch: [45/1000] Acc@1:71.24% Acc@5:98.16%
    Test Epoch: [50/1000] Acc@1:72.38% Acc@5:98.26%

    In Fig 2, it looks like accuracy after 50 epochs should be ~ 79%, but I'm only getting to ~72%.

    Any ideas why there might be a gap? Perhaps the accuracies reported in Fig 2 are from training a linear classifier (eg, in rather than using the weighted KNN in


    opened by bkj 1
  • The feature normalization is necessary?

    The feature normalization is necessary?

    Hi, your code is very helpful and I want to firstly appreciate the code share.

    I have a question on whether this feature normalization is necessary (to make the cifar10 performance to about 92% accuracy).

    The original Barlow Twins does not contain this step. On the other hand, they rather define all linear layers in the projector with no bias.

    opened by le4m 0
  • Question Regarding Tranform

    Question Regarding Tranform

    The implementation is simple and easy to use. Thank you for that. I have one doubt,

    Given a mini batch with input x of size BxCxHxW

    we apply transformations to get y1 = self.transform(x) y2 = self.transform(x)

    So is this a batch transformation or image wise transformation

    Because as per the paper "More specifically, it produces two distorted views for all images of a batch X sampled from a dataset" there are two distorted views only i interpret it as for one distorted view we apply the same transformation for the images in a batch

    opened by lab176344 0
Yao-Hung Hubert Tsai
I'm currently a Ph.D. Student in Machine Learning Department, Carnegie Mellon University.
Yao-Hung Hubert Tsai
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