Learning Signal-Agnostic Manifolds of Neural Fields
This is the uncleaned code for the paper Learning Signal-Agnostic Manifolds of Neural Fields. The cleaned code will be cleaned shortly.
Downloading Data
Please utilize the following link to download the underlying models and data used in the paper and extract it in the root directory. Please download the 3D shape dataset from here.
The underying audiovisual manifold illustrated in the paper may be constructed by utilizing the following command
python experiment_scripts/audiovisual_manifold_interpolate.py --experiment_name=audiovis_demo --checkpoint_path log_root/audiovis_demo/checkpoints/model_70000.pth
Training Different Signal Manifolds
Please utilize the following command to train an image manifold
python experiment_scripts/train_autodecoder_multiscale.py --experiment_name=celeba
Please utilize the following command to train a 3D shape manifold
python experiment_scripts/train_imnet_autodecoder.py --experiment_name=imnet
Please utilize the following command to train an audio manifold
python experiment_scripts/train_audio_autodecoder.py --experiment_name=audio
Please utilize the following command to train an audiovisual manifold
python experiment_scripts/train_audiovisual_autodecoder.py --experiment_name=audiovisual
Citing our Paper
If you find our code useful for your research, please consider citing
title={Learing Signal-Agnostic Manifolds of Neural Fields},
author={Du, Yilun and Collins, M. Katherine and and Tenenbaum, B. Joshua
and Sitzmann, Vincent},
booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},