Improving Factual Completeness and Consistency of Image-to-text Radiology Report Generation

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Improving Factual Completeness and Consistency of Image-to-text Radiology Report Generation

The reference code of Improving Factual Completeness and Consistency of Image-to-text Radiology Report Generation.

Implemented Models

Supported Radiology Report Datasets

Radiology NLI Dataset

The Radiology NLI dataset (RadNLI) is available at a corresponding PhysioNet project.


  • A Linux OS (tested on Ubuntu 16.04)
  • Memory over 24GB
  • A gpu with memory over 12GB (tested on NVIDIA Titan X and NVIDIA Titan XP)


Python Setup

Create a conda environment

$ conda env create -f environment.yml

NOTE : environment.yml is set up for CUDA 10.1 and cuDNN 7.6.3. This may need to be changed depending on a runtime environment.


  1. Download MIMIC-CXR-JPG
  2. Make a resized copy of MIMIC-CXR-JPG using (MIMIC_CXR_ROOT is a dataset directory containing mimic-cxr)
    • $ python MIMIC_CXR_ROOT
  3. Create the sections file of MIMIC-CXR (mimic_cxr_sectioned.csv.gz) with
  4. Move mimic_cxr_sectioned.csv.gz to MIMIC_CXR_ROOT/mimic-cxr-resized/2.0.0/

Compute Document Frequencies

Pre-calculate document frequencies that will be used in CIDEr by:

$ python MIMIC_CXR_ROOT mimic-cxr_train-df.bin.gz

Recognize Named Entities

Pre-recognize named entities in MIMIC-CXR by:

$ python --stanza-download MIMIC_CXR_ROOT mimic-cxr_ner.txt.gz

Download Pre-trained Weights

Download pre-trained CheXpert weights, pre-trained radiology NLI weights, and GloVe embeddings

$ cd resources
$ ./

Training a Report Generation Model

First, train the Meshed-Memory Transformer model with an NLL loss.

$ python --cuda --corpus mimic-cxr --cache-data cache --epochs 32 --batch-size 24 --entity-match mimic-cxr_ner.txt.gz --img-model densenet --img-pretrained resources/chexpert_auc14.dict.gz --cider-df mimic-cxr_train-df.bin.gz --bert-score distilbert-base-uncased --corpus mimic-cxr --lr-scheduler trans MIMIC_CXR_ROOT resources/glove_mimic-cxr_train.512.txt.gz out_m2trans_nll

Second, further train the model a joint loss using the self-critical RL to achieve a better performance.

# RL with NLL + BERTScore + EntityMatchExact
$ python --cuda --corpus mimic-cxr --cache-data cache --epochs 32 --batch-size 24 --rl-epoch 1 --rl-metrics BERTScore,EntityMatchExact --rl-weights 0.01,0.495,0.495 --entity-match mimic-cxr_ner.txt.gz --baseline-model out_m2trans_nll/model_31-152173.dict.gz --img-model densenet --img-pretrained resources/chexpert_auc14.dict.gz --cider-df mimic-cxr_train-df.bin.gz --bert-score distilbert-base-uncased --lr 5e-6 --lr-step 32 MIMIC_CXR_ROOT resources/glove_mimic-cxr_train.512.txt.gz out_m2trans_nll-bs-emexact
# RL with NLL + BERTScore + EntityMatchNLI
$ python --cuda --corpus mimic-cxr --cache-data cache --epochs 32 --batch-size 24 --rl-epoch 1 --rl-metrics BERTScore,EntityMatchNLI --rl-weights 0.01,0.495,0.495 --entity-match mimic-cxr_ner.txt.gz --baseline-model out_m2trans_nll/model_31-152173.dict.gz --img-model densenet --img-pretrained resources/chexpert_auc14.dict.gz --cider-df mimic-cxr_train-df.bin.gz --bert-score distilbert-base-uncased --lr 5e-6 --lr-step 32 MIMIC_CXR_ROOT resources/glove_mimic-cxr_train.512.txt.gz out_m2trans_nll-bs-emnli

Checking Result with TensorBoard

A training result can be checked with TensorBoard.

$ tensorboard --logdir out_m2trans_nll-bs-emnli/log
Serving TensorBoard on localhost; to expose to the network, use a proxy or pass --bind_all
TensorBoard 2.0.0 at http://localhost:6006/ (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Evaluation using CheXbert

NOTE: This evaluation assumes that CheXbert is set up in ./CheXbert.

First, extract reference reports to a csv file.

$ python extract_reports.csv MIMIC_CXR_ROOT/mimic-cxr-resized/2.0.0/mimic_cxr_sectioned.csv.gz MIMIC_CXR_ROOT/mimic-cxr-resized/2.0.0/mimic-cxr-2.0.0-split.csv.gz mimic-imp
$ mv mimic-imp CheXbert/src/

Second, convert generated reports to a csv file. (TEST_SAMPLES is a path to test samples. e.g., out_m2trans_nll-bs-emnli/test_31-152173_samples.txt.gz)

$ python TEST_SAMPLES gen.csv
$ mv gen.csv CheXbert/src/

Third, run CheXbert against the reference reports.

$ cd CheXbert/src/
$ python -d mimic-imp/reports.csv -o mimic-imp -c chexbert.pth

Fourth, run to obtain CheXbert scores.

$ cp ../../ . 
$ python mimic-imp gen.csv gen_chex.csv
2947 references
2347 generated

Inferring from a Checkpoint

An inference from a checkpoint can be done with (CHECKPOINT is a path to the checkpoint)

$ python --cuda --corpus mimic-cxr --cache-data cache --batch-size 24 --entity-match mimic-cxr_ner.txt.gz --img-model densenet --img-pretrained resources/chexpert_auc14.dict.gz --cider-df mimic-cxr_train-df.bin.gz --bert-score distilbert-base-uncased --corpus mimic-cxr --lr-scheduler trans MIMIC_CXR_ROOT CHECKPOINT resources/glove_mimic-cxr_train.512.txt.gz out_infer

Pre-trained checkpoints for M2 Transformer can be obtained with a download script.

$ cd checkpoints
$ ./


See LICENSE and clinicgen/external/LICENSE_bleu-cider-rouge-spice for details.

  • inference


    Hello and thank you for sharing your work! I was wondering how can I make an inference with your provided pretrained model checkpoint. Thank you very much in advance!

    opened by luantunez 5
  • about CheXpert&NegBio

    about CheXpert&NegBio

    Hello, ysmiura Thanks for opening your source code. It's very nice works. when i running the code,i have a few questions, it's mainly about the data preprocessing. i notice the sections file createed by are IMPRESSIONS instead FINDINGS, is that right? and if i should merge mimic_cxr_number_labeled.csv to one csv file and zip it to mimic-cxr-2.0.0-chexpert.csv.gz? and if the negbio( in the ifcc code is necessary?

    the other question is i have applied the license of mimic_cxr, while i have not seen the mimic-cxr-2.0.0-metadata.csv.gz and mimic-cxr-2.0.0-split.csv.gz, could you please tell me where i can find it?

    thank you very much, best wishes

    opened by newbietuan 2
  • Segmentation fault (core dumped)

    Segmentation fault (core dumped)

    Thanks for your great work. When I am following the tutorial to reproduce the results, some problems are raised. I would be appreciated if you tell me how to fix this issue.

    Step: python --cuda --corpus mimic-cxr --cache-data cache --epochs 32 --batch-size 24 --entity-match mimic-cxr_ner.txt.gz --img-model densenet --img-pretrained chexpert_densenet/model_auc14.dict.gz --bert-score distilbert-base-uncased --corpus mimic-cxr --lr-scheduler trans MIMIC_CXR_ROOT resources/glove_mimic-cxr_train.512.txt.gz out_m2trans_nll

    Return: Segmentation fault (core dumped)

    opened by tron19920125 1
  • about training NLL

    about training NLL

    Thanks for your great work. When i run python --cuda --corpus mimic-cxr --cache-data cache --epochs 32 --batch-size 24 --cider-df mimic-cxr_train-df.bin.gz --entity-match mimic-cxr_ner.txt.gz --img-model densenet --img-pretrained resources/chexpert_auc14.dict.gz --cider-df mimic-cxr_train-df.bin.gz --bert-score distilbert-base-uncased --corpus mimic-cxr --lr-scheduler trans MIMIC_CXR_ROOT resources/glove_mimic-cxr_train.512.txt.gz out_m2trans_nll, i got the message as below: Unexpected exception:Traceback(most recent call last): File “” ,line 165, in main save=args.log_models, progress=True) File “/home/mayt/ifcc-master/clinicgen/”, line 25, in log_datasets logger.evaluator.setup() File “/home/mayt/ifcc-master/clinicgen/”,line 752, in setup model = SimpleNLI.load_model(model) File "home/mayt/ifcc-master/clinicgen/",line 599. in load_model bertnli.load_state_dict(states_dict) ... RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for BERTNLI" Missing key(s) in state_dict:"bert.embeddings.position_ids".

    because the reason of net,i load bert-base-uncased and distilbert-base-uncased locally,and the number of line aforementioned may be small changes。(i had run the ./ )

    opened by newbietuan 0
  • Clinical metrics Macro vs. Micro average?

    Clinical metrics Macro vs. Micro average?

    Hi, In the article, the metrics related to clinical accuracy (chexBert-labeler) F-1, P, R are reported in their Micro average version. Most papers in the area report the Macro average, making this method difficult to compare. Could you provide the Macro average version of these metrics (Table 2)?


    opened by denisparra 2
  • How to run the all the trained models to get metrics for comparing?

    How to run the all the trained models to get metrics for comparing?

    Hi, I am trying to run all the trained models on MIMIC-CXR data to get the BLEU, ROGUE metrics. How do I get that?. Do I have to get the prediction of the trained models and compute the metric separately?. Your help is much appreciated.

    opened by aj280192 0
  • error  in the when using it on the open-i dataset

    error in the when using it on the open-i dataset

    when trying to use the using the following parameters !python --cuda --corpus open-i --stanza-download --splits /content/ifcc/meta.txt --cache-data cache --batch-size 24 --entity-match /content/open-i_ner.txt.gz --cider-df /content/drive/MyDrive/open-i_train-df.bin.gz --img-model densenet --img-pretrained resources/chexpert_auc14.dict.gz /content/open-i /content/ifcc/checkpoints/checkpoint_nll-bs-emnli.dict.gz resources/glove_mimic-cxr_train.512.txt.gz out_infer we get the following error : Unexpected exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 88, in main EpochLog.log_datasets(logger, pbar_vals, 0, 0, None, val_loader, test_loader, save=False, progress=True) File "/content/ifcc/clinicgen/", line 30, in log_datasets results[split] = logger.evaluator.generate_and_eval(data_loader, prog_name) File "/content/ifcc/clinicgen/", line 668, in generate_and_eval scores, scores_detailed = self.eval(report_ids, refs, hypos, tfidf_vectorizer) File "/content/ifcc/clinicgen/", line 559, in eval mse, sde, msn, sdn = self.entity_matcher.score(ref_ids, hypos_l) File "/content/ifcc/clinicgen/", line 156, in score _, _, _, stats = self.nli.sentence_scores_bert_score(texts1, texts2, label='all', prf=self.prf) File "/content/ifcc/clinicgen/", line 221, in sentence_scores_bert_score _, _, bf = self.bert_score_model.score(bsents1, bsents2) File "/content/ifcc/clinicgen/", line 535, in score device=self.device, batch_size=self.batch_size, all_layers=self.all_layers).cpu() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/bert_score/", line 520, in bert_cos_score_idf sen_batch, model, tokenizer, idf_dict, device=device, all_layers=all_layers File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/bert_score/", line 399, in get_bert_embedding model, padded_sens[i : i + batch_size], attention_mask=mask[i : i + batch_size], all_layers=all_layers, File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/bert_score/", line 309, in bert_encode out = model(x, attention_mask=attention_mask, output_hidden_states=all_layers) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1102, in _call_impl return forward_call(*input, **kwargs) TypeError: forward() got an unexpected keyword argument 'output_hidden_states'

    opened by ma5n1sh 1
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