Offcial repository for the IEEE ICRA 2021 paper Auto-Tuned Sim-to-Real Transfer.


Auto-Tuned Sim-to-Real Transfer

Offcial repository for the IEEE ICRA 2021 paper Auto-Tuned Sim-to-Real Transfer. The paper will be released shortly on arXiv.

This repository was forked from the CURL codebase.


Install mujoco, if it is not already installed.

Add this to bashrc:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/olivia/.mujoco/mujoco200/bin

Apt-install these packages:

sudo apt-get install libosmesa6-dev
sudo apt-get install patchelf

All of the dependencies are in the conda_env.yml file. They can be installed manually or with the following command:

conda env create -f conda_env.yml

Enter the environments directory and run

pip install -e .


Here is an example experiment run command.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --gpudevice 0 --id S3000 --outer_loop_version 3 --dr --start_outer_loop 5000 --train_sim_param_every 1 --prop_alpha --update_sim_param_from both --alpha 0.1 --mean_scale 1.75 --train_range_scale .5 --domain_name dmc_ball_in_cup --task_name catch --action_repeat 4 --range_scale .5 --scale_large_and_small --dr_option simple_dr --save_tb --use_img --encoder_type pixel --num_eval_episodes 1 --seed 1 --num_train_steps 1000000 --encoder_feature_dim 64 --num_layers 4 --num_filters 32 --sim_param_layers 2 --sim_param_units 400 --sim_param_lr .001 --prop_range_scale --prop_train_range_scale --separate_trunks --num_sim_param_updates 3 --save_video --eval_freq 2000 --num_eval_episodes 3 --save_model --save_buffer --no_train_policy
--outer_loop_version refers to the method by which we update simulation parameters. 1 means we update with regression, and 3 means binary classifier.
--scale_large_and_small means that half of the mean values in our simulation randomization will be randomly chosen to be too large, and the other half will be too small. If this flag is not provided, they will all be too large.
--mean_scale refers to the mean of the simulator distribution. A mean of k means that all simulation parameters are k times or 1/k times the true mean (randomly chosen for each param).
--range_scale refers to the range of the uniform distribution we use to collect samples to train the policy.
--train_range_scale refers to the range of the uniform distribution we use to collect samples to train the Search Param Model. This value is typically set >= to --range_scale.
--prop_range_scale and --prop_train_range_scale make the distribution ranges a scale multiple of the mean value rather than constants.

Check for a full list of run commands.

During training, in your console, you should see printouts that look like:

| train | E: 221 | S: 28000 | D: 18.1 s | R: 785.2634 | BR: 3.8815 | A_LOSS: -305.7328 | CR_LOSS: 190.9854 | CU_LOSS: 0.0000
| train | E: 225 | S: 28500 | D: 18.6 s | R: 832.4937 | BR: 3.9644 | A_LOSS: -308.7789 | CR_LOSS: 126.0638 | CU_LOSS: 0.0000
| train | E: 229 | S: 29000 | D: 18.8 s | R: 683.6702 | BR: 3.7384 | A_LOSS: -311.3941 | CR_LOSS: 140.2573 | CU_LOSS: 0.0000
| train | E: 233 | S: 29500 | D: 19.6 s | R: 838.0947 | BR: 3.7254 | A_LOSS: -316.9415 | CR_LOSS: 136.5304 | CU_LOSS: 0.0000

Log abbreviation mapping:

train - training episode
E - total number of episodes 
S - total number of environment steps
D - duration in seconds to train 1 episode
R - mean episode reward
BR - average reward of sampled batch
A_LOSS - average loss of actor
CR_LOSS - average loss of critic
CU_LOSS - average loss of the CURL encoder

All data related to the run is stored in the specified working_dir. To enable model or video saving, use the --save_model or --save_video flags. For all available flags, inspect To visualize progress with tensorboard run:

tensorboard --logdir log --port 6006

and go to localhost:6006 in your browser. If you're running headlessly, try port forwarding with ssh.

For GPU accelerated rendering, make sure EGL is installed on your machine and set export MUJOCO_GL=egl. For environment troubleshooting issues, see the DeepMind control documentation.

Debugging common installation errors

Error message ERROR: GLEW initalization error: Missing GL version

  • Make sure /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ and /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ exist. If not, apt-install them.
  • Try trying adding the powerset of those two paths to LD_PRELOAD.

Error Shadow framebuffer is not complete, error 0x8cd7

  • Like above, make sure libglew and libGL are installed.
  • If /usr/lib/nvidia exists but '/usr/lib/nvidia-430/(or some other number) does not exist, runln -s /usr/lib/nvidia /usr/lib/nvidia-430`. It may have to match the number of your nvidia driver, I'm not sure.
  • Consider adding that symlink to LD_LIBRARY PATH.
  • If /usr/lib/nvidia doesn't exist, and neither does /usr/lib/nvidia-xxx, then create the folder /usr/lib/nvidia /usr/lib/nvidia-430.

Error message `RuntimeError: Failed to initialize OpenGL:

  • Make sure MUJOCO_GL is correct (egl for DMC, osmesa for anything else).
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    hi @yuqingd ,thanks for your public work! When i run

    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --gpudevice 0 --id S3000 --outer_loop_version 3 --dr --train_sim_param_every 1 --prop_alpha --update_sim_param_from both --alpha 0.1 --mean_scale 1.75 --train_range_scale .5 --domain_name dmc_ball_in_cup --task_name catch --range_scale .5 --scale_large_and_small --dr_option simple_dr --save_tb --use_img --seed 1 --num_train_steps 1000000 --encoder_feature_dim 64 --prop_range_scale --prop_train_range_scale --separate_trunks --num_sim_param_updates 3 --save_video --eval_freq 2000 --num_eval_episodes 3 --save_model --save_buffer

    some errors happend:

    /home/yun/.conda/envs/curl/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torchvision/transforms/ DeprecationWarning: BILINEAR is deprecated and will be removed in Pillow 10 (2023-07-01). Use Resampling.BILINEAR instead. interpolation: int = Image.BILINEAR, /home/yun/.conda/envs/curl/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torchvision/transforms/ DeprecationWarning: NEAREST is deprecated and will be removed in Pillow 10 (2023-07-01). Use Resampling.NEAREST or Dither.NONE instead. interpolation: int = Image.NEAREST, /home/yun/.conda/envs/curl/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torchvision/transforms/ DeprecationWarning: BICUBIC is deprecated and will be removed in Pillow 10 (2023-07-01). Use Resampling.BICUBIC instead. interpolation: int = Image.BICUBIC, ball_mass 0.11453749999999999 cup_r 0.39999999999999997 cup_g 0.2857142857142857 cup_b 0.525 ball_r 0.39999999999999997 ball_g 0.22857142857142856 ball_b 0.11428571428571428 ground_r 0.5714285714285714 ground_g 0.5714285714285714 ground_b 0.5714285714285714 Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1097, in main() File "", line 614, in main import env_wrapper File "/home/yun/sim2real2sim_rad/", line 2, in from environments.metaworld.envs.mujoco import env_dict as ed File "/home/yun/sim2real2sim_rad/environments/metaworld/", line 7, in import metaworld.envs.mujoco.env_dict as _env_dict File "/home/yun/.conda/envs/curl/lib/python3.7/site-packages/metaworld/", line 7, in import metaworld.envs.mujoco.env_dict as _env_dict File "/home/yun/.conda/envs/curl/lib/python3.7/site-packages/metaworld/envs/", line 1, in from metaworld.envs.mujoco.env_dict import (ALL_V2_ENVIRONMENTS_GOAL_HIDDEN, File "/home/yun/.conda/envs/curl/lib/python3.7/site-packages/metaworld/envs/mujoco/", line 6, in from metaworld.envs.mujoco.sawyer_xyz.v1 import ( File "/home/yun/.conda/envs/curl/lib/python3.7/site-packages/metaworld/envs/mujoco/sawyer_xyz/v1/", line 1, in from metaworld.envs.mujoco.sawyer_xyz.v1.sawyer_assembly_peg import SawyerNutAssemblyEnv File "/home/yun/.conda/envs/curl/lib/python3.7/site-packages/metaworld/envs/mujoco/sawyer_xyz/v1/", line 5, in from metaworld.envs.mujoco.sawyer_xyz.sawyer_xyz_env import SawyerXYZEnv, _assert_task_is_set File "/home/yun/.conda/envs/curl/lib/python3.7/site-packages/metaworld/envs/mujoco/sawyer_xyz/", line 11, in from metaworld.envs.mujoco.mujoco_env import MujocoEnv, _assert_task_is_set File "/home/yun/.conda/envs/curl/lib/python3.7/site-packages/metaworld/envs/mujoco/", line 31, in class MujocoEnv(gym.Env, abc.ABC): TypeError: metaclass conflict: the metaclass of a derived class must be a (non-strict) subclass of the metaclasses of all its bases

    I couldn't find a solution to solve it. Can you help me?

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