Gets instagram public username and returns usefull informations like profilepic(b64), video_urls etc.




Gets instagram public username and returns usefull informations like profilepic(b64), video_urls etc.


  • this project contains a main python file and the instagram-private-api module files, the main file uses the module only for authentication and the main program that extracts the data is our file.
  • the instapi directory is needed and the instagram-private-api module must be installed before use.

How to run

  • First of all run:
    pip install -r requirements.txt

1- to run directly :

  • run the file with or without arguments, if you do not provide the required information with arguments it will ask you to enter them manually in the terminal.
  • if you run the file directly the output will automatically be saved to an outputxx.json file where xx is a random number.

2- to use this feature in another file :

  • just import the extractIG function from -> "from main import extractIG"

  • you may face some import errors from 1 outta 10000 but if you did you have to manually put a . at the beggrning of some imports, I'll talk about it more at the end.

  • by importing and using "extractIG" in another file it will return all information as json.

  • to user the returned json for those who are not familiar just follow the steps below:

    • data = extractIG('username', 'password', 'target_username')
    • data = json.loads(data)

    now to access the data just follow the path like this:


    the returned json structure is:

        allInfo = {
        'user': {
            'username' : '',
            'uid' : '',
            'bio' : '',
            'followings_count' : '',
            'followers_count' : '',
            'profile_pic_url' : '',
            'profile_pic_b64': '',
            'videos' : [],

    to access the videos loop through them:

    videos = data["user"]["videos"]
    for video in videos:
        ... # do anything you want to each video


  • Do not try to print the data because the returned image is formated to base64 and that's a lots of text and makes it unreadable when printed to the terminal.

  • As I said at the beggining after running the main file directly all the returned data will be stored in a json file, you can use "Beautify" extension to make the json file more readable and tidier.

Do not HeZiTaTe to open issues if there was a problem!

❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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