Implementation of momentum^2 teacher


Momentum^2 Teacher: Momentum Teacher with Momentum Statistics for Self-Supervised Learning


  1. All experiments are done with python3.6, torch==1.5.0; torchvision==0.6.0


Data Preparation

Prepare the ImageNet data in ${root_of_your_clone}/data/imagenet_train, ${root_of_your_clone}/data/imagenet_val. Since we have an internal platform(storage) to read imagenet, I have not tried the local mode. You may need to do some modification in momentum_teacher/data/ to support the local mode.


Before training, ensure the path (namely ${root_of_clone}) is added in your PYTHONPATH, e.g.

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:${root_of_clone}

To do unsupervised pre-training of a ResNet-50 model on ImageNet in an 8-gpu machine, run:

  1. using -d to specify gpu_id for training, e.g., -d 0-7
  2. using -b to specify batch_size, e.g., -b 256
  3. using --experiment-name to specify the output folder, and the training log & models will be dumped to './outputs/${experiment-name}'
  4. using -f to specify the description file of ur experiment.


python3 momentum_teacher/tools/ -b 256 -d 0-7 --experiment-name your_exp -f momentum_teacher/exps/arxiv/exp_8_v100/

Linear Evaluation:

With a pre-trained model, to train a supervised linear classifier on frozen features/weights in an 8 gpus machine, run:

  1. using -d to specify gpu_id for training, e.g., -d 0-7
  2. using -b to specify batch_size, e.g., -b 256
  3. using --experiment-name to specify the folder for saving pre-training models.
python3 momentum_teacher/tools/ -b 256 --experiment-name your_exp -f momentum_teacher/exps/arxiv/


Results of Pretraining on a Single Machine

After pretraining on 8 NVIDIA V100 GPUS and 1024 batch-sizes, the results of linear-evaluation are:

pre-train code pre-train
pre-train time accuracy weights
path 100 ~1.8 day 70.7 -
path 200 ~3.6 day 72.7 -
path 300 ~5.5 day 73.8 -

After pretraining on 8 NVIDIA 2080 GPUS and 256 batch-sizes, the results of linear-evaluation are:

pre-train code pre-train
pre-train time accuracy wights
path 100 ~2.5 day 70.4 -
path 200 ~5 day 72.3 -
path 300 ~7.5 day 72.9 -

Results of Pretraining on Multiple Machines

E.g., To do unsupervised pre-training with 4096 batch-sizes and 32 V100 GPUs. run:

Suggesting that each machine has 8 V100 GPUs and there are 4 machines

# machine 1:
export MACHINE=0; export MACHINE_TOTAL=4; python3 momentum_teacher/tools/ -b 4096 -f xxx
# machine 2:
export MACHINE=1; export MACHINE_TOTAL=4; python3 momentum_teacher/tools/ -b 4096 -f xxx
# machine 3:
export MACHINE=2; export MACHINE_TOTAL=4; python3 momentum_teacher/tools/ -b 4096 -f xxx
# machine 4:
export MACHINE=3; export MACHINE_TOTAL=4; python3 momentum_teacher/tools/ -b 4096 -f xxx

results of linear-eval:

pre-train code pre-train
pre-train time accuracy weights
path 100 ~11hour 70.3 -
path 200 ~22hour 72.5 -
path 300 ~33hour 73.7 -

To do unsupervised pre-training with 4096 batch-sizes and 128 2080 GPUs, pls follow the above guides. Results of linear-eval:

pre-train code pre-train
pre-train time accuracy weights
path 100 ~5hour 69.0 -
path 200 ~10hour 71.5 -
path 300 ~15hour 72.3 -


This is an implementation for Momentum^2 Teacher, it is worth noting that:

  • The original implementation is based on our internal Platform.
  • This released version has slightly better performances compared with the tech report's.
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  • Teacher network weights used for linear evaluation

    Teacher network weights used for linear evaluation

    Hi, and thanks a lot for sharing your code! I noticed that both MoCo and BYOL use the frozen weights from the student network for linear evaluation, whereas your evaluation script uses the weights from the teacher network.

    In my tests (on another dataset) the linear evaluation score is much better when using the student network weights. Could you confirm which weights were used in the paper?

    opened by oliviermoliner 2
  • Question about the moco implementation

    Question about the moco implementation

    Hello, I'm a bit confused about the moco implementation in this paper. Since moco only has one forward pass for the teacher network, so I guess that the lazy update is not required for moco right? In this case, did you include the bn statistics for the current batch during the forward pass?

    To be more specific, do you update the running_mean and running_var before calculating x?

    with torch.no_grad():
        self.running_mean = self.momentum * mean + (1 - self.momentum) * self.running_mean
        self.running_var = self.momentum * var * n / (n - 1) + (1 - self.momentum) * self.running_var
    x = (x - self.running_mean[None, :, None, None].detach()) / (
        torch.sqrt(self.running_var[None, :, None, None].detach() + self.eps)

    or you calculate x first

    x = (x - self.running_mean[None, :, None, None].detach()) / (
        torch.sqrt(self.running_var[None, :, None, None].detach() + self.eps)
    with torch.no_grad():
        self.running_mean = self.momentum * mean + (1 - self.momentum) * self.running_mean
        self.running_var = self.momentum * var * n / (n - 1) + (1 - self.momentum) * self.running_var
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    Thanks for your excellent work.

    I try to implement a 3D version of momentum bn for self-supervised video representation learning. However, the performance of the pre-trained model is as good as pre-training with SyncBn. Can you provide the official implementation?

    Here is my implementation:

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    Thank you for sharing this great work!

    When I was running your code, I met NCCL error which is shown in the attached screenshot below. image

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