Color box that provides various colors‘ rgb decimal code.



Color box that provides various colors‘ rgb decimal code.


>> bgr("red") (0, 0, 255) >>> hex("red") '#FF0000' ">
>>> from colorbox import rgb, bgr, hex
>>> rgb("red")
(255, 0, 0)
>>> bgr("red")
(0, 0, 255)
>>> hex("red")

Color Map


推荐安装 vscode 插件 Color Highlight 更直观地查看以下颜色

Hex Code#RRGGBB Decimal CodeR,G,B en_name zh_name
#FF0000 (255,0,0) red 红色
#FFA500 (255,165,0) orange 橙色
#FFFF00 (255,255,0) yellow 黄色
#008000 (0,128,0) green 绿色
#00FFFF (0,255,255) cyan/aqua 青色/水色
#0000FF (0,0,255) blue 蓝色
#FF00FF (255,0,255) magenta/fuchsia 洋红色/紫红色
#7FFFD4 (127,255,212) aqua marine 海洋蓝
#FF2400 (255,36,0) scarlet 猩红色
#00FF00 (0,255,0) lime 酸橙绿
#FFFFFF (255,255,255) white 白色
#C0C0C0 (192,192,192) silver 银色
#808080 (128,128,128) gray 灰色
#008080 (0,128,128) teal 青色
#800000 (128,0,0) maroon 栗色
#808000 (128,128,0) olive 橄榄色
#800080 (128,0,128) purple 紫色
#000080 (0,0,128) navy 海军色
#FFD700 (255,215,0) gold 金色
#B8860B (184,134,11) dark golden rod 暗金棒
#DAA520 (218,165,32) golden rod 金棒
#000000 (0,0,0) black 黑色
#EEE8AA (238,232,170) pale golden rod 淡金色棒
#BDB76B (189,183,107) dark khaki 深卡其色
#F0E68C (240,230,140) khaki 卡其色
#9ACD32 (154,205,50) yellow green 黄绿色
#556B2F (85,107,47) dark olive green 深橄榄绿
#6B8E23 (107,142,35) olive drab 橄榄色
#7FFF00 (127,255,0) chart reuse 黄绿色
#ADFF2F (173,255,47) green yellow 黄绿色
#006400 (0,100,0) dark green 深绿色
#228B22 (34,139,34) forest green 森林绿
#32CD32 (50,205,50) lime green 柠檬绿
#90EE90 (144,238,144) light green 浅绿色
#8FBC8F (143,188,143) dark sea green 深海绿色
#00FA9A (0,250,154) medium spring green 中春绿
#00FF7F (0,255,127) spring green 春绿
#2E8B57 (46,139,87) sea green 海绿色
#66CDAA (102,205,170) medium aqua marine 中型海蓝
#3CB371 (60,179,113) medium sea green 中海绿
#20B2AA (32,178,170) light sea green 浅海绿色
#2F4F4F (47,79,79) dark slate gray 深石板灰
#008B8B (0,139,139) dark cyan 深青色
#E0FFFF (224,255,255) light cyan 淡青色
#00CED1 (0,206,209) dark turquoise 深绿松石
#40E0D0 (64,224,208) turquoise 绿松石
#48D1CC (72,209,204) medium turquoise 中绿松石
#AFEEEE (175,238,238) pale turquoise 淡绿松石
#B0E0E6 (176,224,230) powder blue 粉蓝色
#5F9EA0 (95,158,160) cadet blue 学员蓝
#4682B4 (70,130,180) steel blue 钢蓝色
#6495ED (100,149,237) corn flower blue 玉米花蓝色
#00BFFF (0,191,255) deep sky blue 深蓝色
#1E90FF (30,144,255) dodger blue 道奇蓝
#ADD8E6 (173,216,230) light blue 浅蓝
#87CEEB (135,206,235) sky blue 天蓝色
#87CEFA (135,206,250) light sky blue 淡天蓝色
#191970 (25,25,112) midnight blue 午夜蓝
#00008B (0,0,139) dark blue 深蓝
#0000CD (0,0,205) medium blue 中蓝色
#4169E1 (65,105,225) royal blue 宝蓝色
#8A2BE2 (138,43,226) blue violet 紫罗兰色
#4B0082 (75,0,130) indigo 靛青
#483D8B (72,61,139) dark slate blue 深石板蓝
#6A5ACD (106,90,205) slate blue 石板蓝
#7B68EE (123,104,238) medium slate blue 中石板蓝
#9370DB (147,112,219) medium purple 中紫色
#8B008B (139,0,139) dark magenta 深洋红色
#9400D3 (148,0,211) dark violet 深紫色
#9932CC (153,50,204) dark orchid 暗兰花
#BA55D3 (186,85,211) medium orchid 中等兰花
#D8BFD8 (216,191,216) thistle
#DDA0DD (221,160,221) plum 李子
#EE82EE (238,130,238) violet 紫色
#DA70D6 (218,112,214) orchid 兰花
#C71585 (199,21,133) medium violet red 中紫红色
#DB7093 (219,112,147) pale violet red 淡紫红色
#FF1493 (255,20,147) deep pink 深粉色
#FF69B4 (255,105,180) hot pink 亮粉色
#FFB6C1 (255,182,193) light pink 浅粉色
#FFC0CB (255,192,203) pink 粉色
#FAEBD7 (250,235,215) antique white 古色古香白色
#F5F5DC (245,245,220) beige 浅褐色
#FFE4C4 (255,228,196) bisque 浓汤
#FFEBCD (255,235,205) blanched almond 漂白杏仁
#F5DEB3 (245,222,179) wheat 小麦
#FFF8DC (255,248,220) corn silk 玉米须
#FFFACD (255,250,205) lemon chiffon 柠檬雪纺
#FAFAD2 (250,250,210) light golden rod yellow 淡金黄色
#FFFFE0 (255,255,224) light yellow 淡黄色
#8B4513 (139,69,19) saddle brown 马鞍棕色
#A0522D (160,82,45) sienna 赭色
#D2691E (210,105,30) chocolate 巧克力
#CD853F (205,133,63) peru 秘鲁
#F4A460 (244,164,96) sandy brown 沙棕色
#DEB887 (222,184,135) burly wood 魁梧木头
#D2B48C (210,180,140) tan 棕褐色
#BC8F8F (188,143,143) rosy brown 玫瑰棕色
#FFE4B5 (255,228,181) moccasin 软皮鞋
#FFDEAD (255,222,173) navajo white 纳瓦霍白
#FFDAB9 (255,218,185) peach puff 桃子泡芙
#FFE4E1 (255,228,225) misty rose 迷雾玫瑰
#FFF0F5 (255,240,245) lavender blush 薰衣草腮红
#FAF0E6 (250,240,230) linen 亚麻布
#FDF5E6 (253,245,230) old lace 旧花边
#FFEFD5 (255,239,213) papaya whip 木瓜鞭
#FFF5EE (255,245,238) sea shell 海贝壳
#F5FFFA (245,255,250) mint cream 薄荷奶油
#708090 (112,128,144) slate gray 板岩灰色
#778899 (119,136,153) light slate gray 浅石灰色
#B0C4DE (176,196,222) light steel blue 轻钢蓝
#E6E6FA (230,230,250) lavender 薰衣草
#FFFAF0 (255,250,240) floral white 花白
#F0F8FF (240,248,255) alice blue 爱丽丝蓝
#F8F8FF (248,248,255) ghost white 鬼白
#F0FFF0 (240,255,240) honeydew 甘露
#FFFFF0 (255,255,240) ivory 象牙
#F0FFFF (240,255,255) azure 天蓝色
#FFFAFA (255,250,250) snow
#696969 (105,105,105) dim gray/dim grey 暗灰色/暗灰色
#A9A9A9 (169,169,169) dark gray/dark grey 深灰/深灰
#D3D3D3 (211,211,211) light gray/light grey 浅灰/浅灰
#DCDCDC (220,220,220) gainsboro 格斯伯勒
#F5F5F5 (245,245,245) white smoke 白色烟
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