4 Repositories
Python Anon-msg Libraries
PyTorch-Multi-Style-Transfer - Neural Style and MSG-Net
PyTorch-Style-Transfer This repo provides PyTorch Implementation of MSG-Net (ours) and Neural Style (Gatys et al. CVPR 2016), which has been included
Neural Style and MSG-Net
PyTorch-Style-Transfer This repo provides PyTorch Implementation of MSG-Net (ours) and Neural Style (Gatys et al. CVPR 2016), which has been included
Um Script De Mensagem anonimas Para linux e Termux Feito em python
Um Script De Mensagem anonimas Para linux e Termux Feito em python feito em um celular
MSG-Transformer: Exchanging Local Spatial Information by Manipulating Messenger Tokens
MSG-Transformer Official implementation of the paper MSG-Transformer: Exchanging Local Spatial Information by Manipulating Messenger Tokens, by Jiemin