1717 Repositories
Python Best-Karuta-Bot Libraries
Powerful spammer bots for telegram made with python and telethon.
Powerful spammer bots for telegram made with python and telethon. We can deploy upto 70 bots at a time.
The best discord Nuk3r !
Discord - Nuker ☢️ Nuk3r ☢️ STEP 1 ✅ We go create discord bot ! [] Go on https://discord.com/developers/applications [] Set the name of your applica
The best way to convert files on your computer, be it .pdf to .png, .pdf to .docx, .png to .ico, or anything you can imagine.
The best way to convert files on your computer, be it .pdf to .png, .pdf to .docx, .png to .ico, or anything you can imagine.
A telegram bot writen in python for mirroring files on the internet to Google Drive
owner of this repo :- AYUSH contact me :- AYUSH Slam Mirror Bot This is a telegram bot writen in python for mirroring files on the internet to our bel
TikTok downloader video without watermark from Telegram bot
⬇️ How to download video from Tik Tok via telegram bot? Send a link to the video from tik tok to our telegram bot and it will send you a video without
GUI Python Auto text bot.
Bagel Text Bot Auto text bot. Written in Python. Contributing Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what
My personal template for a discord bot, including an asynchronous database and colored logging :)
My personal template for a discord bot, including an asynchronous database and colored logging :)
❤️ Hi There Im Cozmo Music Bot A next gen powerful telegram group Music bot for get your Songs and music @Venuja_Sadew
🎵 Cozmo MUSIC 🎵 Cozmo Music is a Music powerfull bot for playing music on telegram voice chat groups. Requirements FFmpeg NodeJS nodesource.com Pyth
Univerity-student oriented (lithuanian) discord bot
Univerity-student oriented (lithuanian) discord bot
A Recommendation System For Diabetes Detection And Treatment
Diabetes-detection-tg-bot A Recommendation System For Diabetes Detection And Treatment Данная система помогает определить наличие или отсутствие сахар
A python oriented telegram with API of yobit.net
YoBit-BTC A python oriented telegram bot with API of https://yobit.net/ Developed By @riz4d What is Yobit? ➪ YoBit is a cryptocurrency exchange that w
A Discord bot that enables using breakout rooms on a server
Discord Breakout Room Bot This bot enables you to use breakout rooms on your Discord server! Note This bot was thrown together within a few hours, so
A simple bot discord in PY with moderation controls
Voila un bot discord en py avec les commandes simples de modération tout simplement faut changer les lignes 70 vous mettez votre token de votre bot 53
Often discord bots just die, and we hardly find one that is durable
Muitas vezes bots do discord simplesmente morrem, e dificilmente achamos um que seja durável. Então porque não ter um próprio para emergências? Como c
Your one and only Discord Bot that helps you concentrate!
Your one and only Discord Bot thats helps you concentrate! Consider leaving a ⭐ if you found the project helpful. concy-bot A bot which constructively
Bot facebook
botfb Bot facebook Login via cookies cara install $pkg update && pkg upgrade $pkg install git python $git clone https://github.com/Ainx-BOT/botfb $cd
Simple Python Auto Follow Bot
Instagram-Auto-Follow-Bot Description Một IG BOT đơn giản. Tự động follow những người mà bạn muốn cướp follow. Tự động unfollow. Tự động đăng nhập vào
OLDBot (Online Lessons Discord Bot)
This program is designed to facilitate online lessons. With this you don't need to get up early. Just config and watch the program resolve itself. It automatically enters to the lesson at the specified start time, mutes itself and enters a text that we set.
A small and fun Discord Bot that is written in Python and discord-interactions (with discord.py)
Articuno (discord-interactions) A small and fun Discord Bot that is written in Python and discord-interactions (with discord.py) Get started If you wa
An API wrapper for Discord written in Python.
disnake A modern, easy to use, feature-rich, and async ready API wrapper for Discord written in Python. About disnake All the contributors and develop
A FORKED AND Modded version of TL:GD for 🅱️3R0K🧲support
for support join here working example group Leech Here For Any Issues/Imrovements or Discussions go here or here Please Leave A star And Fork this Rep
Python based Telegram bot. Search and download YouTube video or audio.
Python-Telegram-Youtube-Media-Bot Python based Telegram bot. Search and download YouTube video or audio. Just change settings.py and start TelegramBot
Python bot for send videos of a Youtube channel to a telegram group , channel or chat
py_youtube_to_telegram Usage: If you want to install ytt and use it, run this command: sudo sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nima
This is simple maker for level card in discord bot.
mariocard This is simple maker for level card in discord bot in discord.py or pycord. Installing Python 3.8 or higher is required # Linux/macOS pip3 i
Twitch Points Miner for multiple accounts with Discord logging
Twitch Points Miner for multiple accounts with Discord logging Creator of the Twitch Miner -- PLEASE NOTE THIS IS PROBABLY BANNABLE -- Made on python
Cookiecutter for creating open source Python packages
Cookiecutter for rapidly developing new open source Python packages. Best practices with all the modern bells and whistles included.
📈 A Discord bot for displaying the download stats of a repository made with Python, the Hikari API and PostgreSQL.
📈 axyl-stats axyl-stats is a Discord bot made with Python (with the Hikari API wrapper) and PostgreSQL, used as a download counter for a GitHub repo.
A simple discord bot based on python
A simple discord bot based on python
A bot that tweets info and location map for new bicycle parking added to OpenStreetMap within a GeoJSON boundary.
Bike parking tweepy bot app A twitter bot app that searches for bicycle parking added to OpenStreetMap. Relies on AWS Lambda/S3, Python3, Tweepy, Flas
Get random jokes bapack2 on telegram
Jokes Bapack2 Telegram Bot Get random jokes bapack2 from jokes-bapack2-api on telegram bot Screenshot Requirements python pip pipenv python-telegram-b
Discord bot code to stop users that are scamming with fake messages of free discord nitro on servers in order to steal users accounts.
AntiScam Discord bot code to stop users that are scamming with fake messages of free discord nitro on servers in order to steal users accounts. How to
Discord bot for Shran development
shranbot A discord bot named Herbert West that will monitor the Shran development discord server. Using dotenv shranbot uses a .env file to load secre
Shell Trality API for local development.
Trality Simulator Intro This package is a work in progress. It allows local development of Trality bots in an IDE such as VS Code. The package provide
A small bot to interact with the reddit API. Get top viewers and update the sidebar widget.
LiveStream_Reddit_Bot Get top twitch and facebook stream viewers for a game and update the sidebar widget and old reddit sidebar to show your communit
You can connect with Sanila Ranatunga using this bot😉😉
Sanila-Ranatunga-s-Assistant-Bot You can connect with Sanila Ranatunga using this bot 😉 😉 Reach me on Telegram Sanila's Assistant Bot What is Telegr
Bot Telegram per creare e gestire un Babbo Natale Segreto con amici ecc
Babbo Natale Segreto: Telegram Bot Bot Telegram per creare e gestire un Babbo Natale Segreto con amici ecc. Che cos'è? Il Babbo Natale Segreto è un gi
A simple Telegram bot can convert web docs, Telegraph links, etc. to Pdf !
A Telegram Bot to convert http Links to PDF
This bot is made with Python and it is running using Docker container and is concentrated on heroku.
This bot is made with Python and it is running using Docker container and is concentrated on heroku.
Fully Dockerized cryptocurrencies Trading Bot, based on Freqtrade engine. Multi instances.
Cryptocurrencies Trading Bot - Freqtrade Manager This automated Trading Bot is based on the amazing Freqtrade one. It allows you to manage many Freqtr
Simple Telegram Bot To Get Feedback from users & Some Other Features
FeedbackBot Simple Telegram Bot To Get Feedback from users & Some Other Features. Features Get Feedback from users Reply to user's feedback Customisab
SpaceManJax's open-source Discord Bot. Now on Github!
SpaceManBot This is SpaceManJax's open-source Discord.py Bot. Now on Github! This bot runs on Repl.it, which is a free online code editor. It can do a
A Telegram Bot written in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to Google Drive
No support is going to be provided of any kind, only maintaining this for vps user on request. This is a Telegram Bot written in Python for mirroring
A discord bot can stress ip addresses with python tool
Python-ddos-bot Coded by Lamp#1442 A discord bot can stress ip addresses with python tool. Warning! DOS or DDOS is illegal, i shared for educational p
A Telegram bot to send messages in Telegram groups or Channels using bots anonymously.
Group-chatting-bot A bot to send messeges to group using bot telegram bot ❤️ Support Made with Python3
Weather_besac is a French twitter bot that tweet the weather of the city of Besançon in Franche-Comté in France every day at 8am and 4pm.
Weather Bot Besac Weather_besac is a French twitter bot that tweet the weather of the city of Besançon in Franche-Comté in France every day at 8am and
A Python module to bypass Cloudflare's anti-bot page.
cloudflare-scrape A simple Python module to bypass Cloudflare's anti-bot page (also known as "I'm Under Attack Mode", or IUAM), implemented with Reque
Instagram bot for promoting ROKA trainee soldier(just like me)'s consolation letters.
Instagram_bot (필자를 포함한) 모든 대한민국 훈련병들을 위한 인스타그램 인편지기입니다. Instagram bot for promoting ROKA trainee soldier(just like me)'s consolation letters. 들어가기 (Ge
Telegram Bot to learn English by words and more.. ( in Arabic )
Get the mp3 files Extract the mp3.rar on the same file that bot.py on install requirements pip install -r requirements.txt #Then enter you bot token
DadBot 2.0 is an interactive bot that reflects the personality of a typical dad
DadBot 2.0 is an interactive bot that reflects the personality of a typical dad! You can start by running main while all directories are maintained as they are on this GitHub.
Scraping Bot for the Covid19 vaccination website of the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland.
Hi 👋 , I'm David A passionate developer from France. 🌱 I’m currently learning Kotlin, ReactJS and Kubernetes 👨💻 All of my projects are available
A discord bot for downloading youtube video and audio files
disctube disctube is a discord bot for downloading video and audio files from youtube using python pytube. disclaimer i am not the best python program
An automated Risk Management Monitor Bot for ByBit cryptocurrencies exchange.
An automated Risk Management Monitor Bot for ByBit cryptocurrencies exchange that forces all open positions to adhere to a specific risk ratio, defined per asset. It supports USDT Perpetual, Inverse Perpetual and Inverse Futures all on Mainnet and Testnet.
A discord bot written in discord.py to manage custom roles assigned to boosters of your server.
BBotty A discord bot written in discord.py to manage custom roles assigned to boosters of your server. v0.0.1-alpha released! This version is incomple
Telegram bot to clip youtube videos
youtube-clipper-bot Telegram bot to clip youtube videos How to deploy? Create a file called config.env BOT_TOKEN: Provide your bot token generated by
This bot automaticaly access to giveaway ! You can won free NFT !
This bot automaticaly access to giveaway ! You can won free NFT !
Telegram bot to trim and download videos from youtube.
Inline-YouTube-Trim-Bot Telegram bot to trim and download youtube videos Deploy You can deploy this bot anywhere. Demo - YouTubeBot Required Variables
A discord bot to check if messages have the correct code formatting.
discord-code-formatter A discord bot to check if messages have the correct code formatting. This was a basic project to help me learn Python and learn
MagTape is a Policy-as-Code tool for Kubernetes that allows for evaluating Kubernetes resources against a set of defined policies to inform and enforce best practice configurations.
MagTape is a Policy-as-Code tool for Kubernetes that allows for evaluating Kubernetes resources against a set of defined policies to inform and enforce best practice configurations. MagTape includes variable policy enforcement, notifications, and targeted metrics.
Userbot Telegram + Music Voice Chats. Dibuat Untuk Bersenang - Senang , Dan Mempermudah Kegiatan. Created By Rio.
RIO - USERBOT Disclaimer Saya tidak bertanggung jawab atas penyalahgunaan bot ini. Bot ini dimaksudkan untuk bersenang-senang sekaligus membantu Anda
A multipurpose Telegram Bot writen in Python for mirroring files
Deepak Clouds Mirror Deepak Clouds Torrent is a multipurpose Telegram Bot writen in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to our beloved Google D
Telegram Group Manager Bot + Userbot Written In Python Using Pyrogram.
Telegram Group Manager Bot + Userbot Written In Python Using PyrogramTelegram Group Manager Bot + Userbot Written In Python Using Pyrogram
Reddit bot for r/khiphop
khiphop-bot Description This project is a collection of scripts that better the state of the r/khiphop subreddit, which represents Korean Hip-Hop and
Code to help me strengthen my bot army
discord-bot-manager an api to help you manage your other bots auth lazy: using the browser dev tools, capture a post call and view the Authorization h
The world's first public V2ray manager Telegram bot
📌 DarkV2ray-Manager-Bot 0.1 UPDATE 11/11/2021 Telegram bot v2ray Test user expired date data limit paylode && sni usage user on/off heroku bot hostin
Log processor for nginx or apache that extracts user and user sessions and calculates other types of useful data for bot detection or traffic analysis
Log processor for nginx or apache that extracts user and user sessions and calculates other types of useful data for bot detection or traffic analysis
This is a Telegram Bot written in Python for searching data on Google Drive.
This is a Telegram Bot written in Python for searching data on Google Drive. Supports multiple Shared Drives (TDs). Manual Guide for deploying the bot
Pretend to be a discord bot
Pretendabot © Pretend to be a discord bot! About Pretendabot© is an app that lets you become a discord bot!. It uses discord intrigrations(webhooks) a
Simple python bot, that notifies about new manga chapters through Telegram.
Simple python bot, that notifies about new manga chapters through Telegram.
A Discord Self bot written in python
WitheredBot A Discord Self bot written in python Requirement Python = 3.9 How to Configure git clone https://github.com/a-a-a-aa/WitheredBot.git cd W
Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology University of Oxford Project November 2019
TradingBot6M Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology University of Oxford Project November 2019 Run Change api.txt to binance api key: https://www.binance.c
Discord bot that plays cricket with the user
CricBot Table of content Commands Installation Game rules License Commands S.No Command Use 1. cric Open the home window. This command is not necessa
An open-source Discord Bot Project based on programming!
An open-source Discord Bot Project based on programming!
cottonformation is a Python tool providing best development experience and highest productivity
Welcome to cottonformation Documentation Full Documentatioin Here cottonformation is a Python tool providing best development experience and highest p
Chess bot can play automatically as white or black on lichess.com, chess.com and any website using drag and drop to move pieces
Chessbot "Why create another chessbot ?" The explanation is simple : I did not find a free bot I liked online : all the bots I saw on internet are par
A better rename and convert bot with upload mode option and Auto detection
A better rename and convert bot with upload mode option and Auto detection
Program can control your server via discord bot
GTPS Controller Program can control your server via discord bot Require Python How To Use Download This Source Extract The Zip File Paste gtps.py to y
A Simple Advance Auto Filter Bot Complete Rewritten Version Of Adv-Filter-Bot
Adv Auto Filter Bot This Is Just An Simple Advance Auto Filter Bot Complete Rewritten Version Of Adv-Filter-Bot.. Just Sent Any Text As Query It Will
Host your own GPT-3 Discord bot
GPT3 Discord Bot Host your own GPT-3 Discord bot i'd host and make the bot invitable myself, however GPT3 terms of service prohibit public use of GPT3
A person does not exist image bot
A person does not exist image bot
Basic-Discord-Response-Bot, in Python
Response bot for Discord. EG: User: Hello! Bot: Hello there! About Very customizable, no credits needed. Edit the bot.py to what you want, basic Pytho
A simple bot that will help you in your learning and make it more fun.
hyperskill-SimpleChattyBot-python A simple bot that will help you in your learning and make it more fun. Syntax bot.py Stages Stage #1: Zuhura Bot we
The Best Multipurpose Discord Bot!
Polsu The Best Multipurpose Discord Bot! • Introduction • Screenshots • Setup • License Introduction Polsu is a Multipurpose Discord Bot. Polsu has a
Bot Music Pintar. Created by Rio
🎶 Rio Music 🎶 Kalo Fork Star Ya Bang Hehehe Requirements 📝 FFmpeg NodeJS nodesource.com Python 3.8+ or 3.7 PyTgCalls Generate String Using Replit ⤵
A telegram bot help you to get stylish fonts and text
Stylish Font Bot 🐿 This is a telegram bot help you to get stylish fonts and text. Config Vars 🤖 API_HASH: Get this value from my.telegram.org. API_K
The most versatile torrent leecher and youtube-dl bot for telegram
TorToolkit Telegram So basically Tortoolkit is aimed to be the most versatile torrent leecher and youtube-dl bot for telegram. This bot is highly cust
Discord nuke bot with python
Discord-nuke-bot 🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🇷🇺 TODO: Добавить команду: Удаления всех ролей Спама каналами Спама во все каналы @everyone Удаления всего aka
Aria/qBittorrent Telegram mirror/leech bot.
Missneha Mirror Leech Bot Aria/qBittorrent Telegram mirror/leech bot. missneha Mirror Leech Bot is a multipurpose Telegram Bot written in Python for m
A Advanced Powerful, Smart And Intelligent Group Management Bot With New And Powerful Features
Vegeta Robot A Advanced Powerful, Smart And Intelligent Group Management Bot With New And Powerful Features ... Written with Pyrogram and Telethon...
An example Music Bot written in Disnake and uses slash commands to operate.
Music Bot An example music bot that is written in Disnake [Maintained discord.py Fork] Disnake Disnake is a maintained and updated fork of discord.py.
A PowerFull Telegram Mirror Bot.......
- [ DEAD REPO AND NO MORE UPDATE ] Slam Mirror Bot Slam Mirror Bot is a multipurpose Telegram Bot written in Python for mirroring files on the Interne
This code will guide you on how you can make your own Twitter Bot.
This code will guide you on how you can make your own Twitter Bot. This bot retweets, and likes to tweet with a particular word, here Python3.
Repo to demo translating colab/jupyter notebook to streamlit webapp
Repo to demo translating colab/jupyter notebook to streamlit webapp
A powerfull Telegram Leech Bot
owner of this repo :- Abijthkutty contact me :- Abijth Telegram Torrent and Direct links Leecher Dont Abuse The Repo ... this is intented to run in Sm
Personal Discord Python Bot based on Discord.py
Personal Discord bot using the discord.py library by Rapptz
A Discord bot to combat phishing links for Steam trades and Discord gifts.
delink-bot A Discord bot to combat phishing links for Steam trades and Discord gifts. Requirement python3 -m pip install -U discord.py python3 -m pip
Data and a Twitter bot for the EPA's DOCUMERICA (1972-1977) program.
documerica This repository holds JSON(L) artifacts and a few scripts related to managing archival data from the EPA's DOCUMERICA program. Contents: Ma
tgEasy's Official Assistant Bot and Example Bot
tgEasy Assistant The assistant bot that helps people with tgEasy directly on Telegram. This repository contains the source code of @tgEasyRobot and th
A community Billy vs SNAKEMAN bot
BvS Bot A discord bot built for the Billy vs SNAKEMAN community! Dependencies An installation of Python 3.9.x with ssl compiled. The following pip pac
twitter bot tha uses tweepy library class to connect to TWITTER API
TWITTER-BOT-tweepy- twitter bot that uses tweepy library class to connect to TWITTER API replies to mentions automatically and follows the tweet.autho
Louis Manager Bot With Python
✨ Natsuki ✨ Are You Okay Baby I'm Natsuki Unmaintained. The new repo of @TheNatsukiBot is public. ⚡ (It is no longer based on this source code. The co