3 Repositories
Python CodeChef Libraries
A CLI application that downloads your AC submissions from OJ's like Atcoder,Codeforces,CodeChef and distil it into beautiful Submission HeatMap.
Yoda A CLI that takes away the hassle of managing your submission files on different online-judges by automating the entire process of collecting and organizing your code submissions in one single Directory on your Machine also it distils User Submissions into beautiful Submission HeatMap.
This is an API to get user details for competitive coding platforms - Codeforces, Codechef, SPOJ, Interviewbit. More Platform will be Added Soon.
Competitive-Programming-Score-API An API to get user details for competitive coding platforms - Codeforces, Codechef, SPOJ, Interviewbit Platforms Ava
Here You will Find CodeChef Challenge Solutions
Here You will Find CodeChef Challenge Solutions