10349 Repositories
Python Publications-and-Code Libraries
OpenQuake's Engine for Seismic Hazard and Risk Analysis
OpenQuake Engine The OpenQuake Engine is an open source application that allows users to compute seismic hazard and seismic risk of earthquakes on a g
Lightweight, zero-dependency proxy and storage RTSP server
python-rtsp-server Python-rtsp-server is a lightweight, zero-dependency proxy and storage server for several IP-cameras and multiple clients. Features
A Telegram Music Bot written in Python using Pyrogram and Py-Tgcalls
A Telegram Music Bot written in Python using Pyrogram and Py-Tgcalls. This is Also The Source Code of The UserBot Which is Playing Music in @S1-BOTS Support Group ❤️
Create Data & AI apps in 20 lines of code with Shimoku
Install with: pip install shimoku-api-python Start with: from os import getenv import shimoku_api_python.client as Shimoku
Codes for the paper Contrast and Mix: Temporal Contrastive Video Domain Adaptation with Background Mixing
Contrast and Mix (CoMix) The repository contains the codes for the paper Contrast and Mix: Temporal Contrastive Video Domain Adaptation with Backgroun
Plantasia, all your plants and muchrooms in one place!
Plantasia Project Description Tkinter GUI to be used as a repository for plants and muchrooms. It helps to optimize the search for species that have h
Abstraction of a Unit, includes convertions and basic operations.
Units Abstraction of a Unit, includes convertions and basic operations. ------ EXAMPLE : Free Fall (No air resistance) ------- from units_test import
Set of scripts that schedules employees for shifts throughout the week based on availability, shift times, and shift necessities
Automatic-Scheduler Set of scripts that schedules employees for shifts throughout the week based on availability, shift times, and shift necessities *
Code implementation from my Medium blog post: [Transformers from Scratch in PyTorch]
transformer-from-scratch Code for my Medium blog post: Transformers from Scratch in PyTorch Note: This Transformer code does not include masked attent
Some python code to make twitter bots ;)
How to set up a twitter bot using python's tweepy library Create a twitter developer account and project Make sure you are logged into your twitter ac
A parser of Windows Defender's DetectionHistory forensic artifact, containing substantial info about quarantined files and executables.
A parser of Windows Defender's DetectionHistory forensic artifact, containing substantial info about quarantined files and executables.
Cookiecutter to create a Google Function. Powered by Poetry, GitHub actions, and Google Cloud Platform
Cookiecutter Google Function Cookiecutter template for a Google Function. Powered by Poetry, and GitHub actions. Quickstart Install the latest Cookiec
Generate your own QR Code and scan it to see the results! Never use it for malicious purposes.
QR-Code-Generator-Python Choose the name of your generated QR .png file. If it happens to open the .py file (the application), there are specific comm
Upload on Doodstream by Url, File and also by direct forward post from other channel...
Upload on Doodstream by Url, File and also by direct forward post from other channel...
Modeval (or Modular Eval) is a modular and secure string evaluation library that can be used to create custom parsers or interpreters.
modeval Modeval (or Modular Eval) is a modular and secure string evaluation library that can be used to create custom parsers or interpreters. Basic U
All the code and files related to the MI-Lab of UE19CS305 course in sem 5
Machine-Intelligence-Lab-CS305 The compilation of all the code an drelated files from MI-Lab UE19CS305 (of batch 2019-2023) offered by PES University
Code for the paper: Adversarial Machine Learning: Bayesian Perspectives
Code for the paper: Adversarial Machine Learning: Bayesian Perspectives This repository contains code for reproducing the experiments in the ** Advers
A websocket client for Source Filmmaker intended to trasmit scene and frame data to other applications.
SFM SOCK A websocket client for Source Filmmaker intended to trasmit scene and frame data to other applications. This software can be used to transmit
Train BPE with fastBPE, and load to Huggingface Tokenizer.
BPEer Train BPE with fastBPE, and load to Huggingface Tokenizer. Description The BPETrainer of Huggingface consumes a lot of memory when I am training
Final project code: Implementing BicycleGAN, for CIS680 FA21 at University of Pennsylvania
680 Final Project: BicycleGAN Haoran Tang Instructions 1. Training To train the network, please run train.py. Change hyper-parameters and folder paths
A PyTorch implementation of "TokenLearner: What Can 8 Learned Tokens Do for Images and Videos?"
TokenLearner: What Can 8 Learned Tokens Do for Images and Videos? Source: Improving Vision Transformer Efficiency and Accuracy by Learning to Tokenize
Telegram Bot to store Posts and Documents and it can Access by Special Links.
Telegram Bot to store Posts and Documents and it can Access by Special Links. I Guess This Will Be Usefull For Many People..... 😇 . Features Fully cu
Final project code: Implementing MAE with downscaled encoders and datasets, for ESE546 FA21 at University of Pennsylvania
546 Final Project: Masked Autoencoder Haoran Tang, Qirui Wu 1. Training To train the network, please run mae_pretraining.py. Please modify folder path
Takes a string and puts it through different languages in Google Translate a requested amount of times, returning nonsense.
PythonTextObfuscator Takes a string and puts it through different languages in Google Translate a requested amount of times, returning nonsense. Requi
Modeval (or Modular Eval) is a modular and secure string evaluation library that can be used to create custom parsers or interpreters.
modeval Modeval (or Modular Eval) is a modular and secure string evaluation library that can be used to create custom parsers or interpreters. Basic U
Keyhole Imaging: Non-Line-of-Sight Imaging and Tracking of Moving Objects Along a Single Optical Path
Keyhole Imaging Code & Dataset Code associated with the paper "Keyhole Imaging: Non-Line-of-Sight Imaging and Tracking of Moving Objects Along a Singl
ADCS cert template modification and ACL enumeration
Purpose This tool is designed to aid an operator in modifying ADCS certificate templates so that a created vulnerable state can be leveraged for privi
A module that used for encrypt code which includes RSA and AES
软件加密模块 requirement: Crypto,pycryptodome,pyqt5 本地加密信息为随机字符串 使用说明 命令行参数 -h 帮助 -checkWorking 检查是否能正常工作,后接1确认指令 -checkEndDate 检查截至日期,后接1确认指令 -activateCode
open detection and scanning tool for discovering and fuzzing for Log4J RCE CVE-2021-44228 vulnerability
CVE-2021-44228-log4jVulnScanner-metasploit open detection and scanning tool for discovering and fuzzing for Log4J RCE CVE-2021-44228 vulnerability pre
Dual languaged (rus+eng) tool for packing and unpacking archives of Silky Engine.
SilkyArcTool English Dual languaged (rus+eng) GUI tool for packing and unpacking archives of Silky Engine. It is not the same arc as used in Ai6WIN. I
A unified tokenization tool for Images, Chinese and English.
ICE Tokenizer Token id [0, 20000) are image tokens. Token id [20000, 20100) are common tokens, mainly punctuations. E.g., icetk[20000] == 'unk', ice
A Discord bot that allows you to rapidly deploy Minecraft servers seamlessly and painlessly from Discord.
Lyra - rapidly and painlessly deploy Minecraft servers from Discord Lyra lets you deploy Minecraft server instances via Docker with control through a
A simple countdown timer in eazy code to show timer with python
Countdown_Timer The simple CLI countdown timer in eazy code to show timer How Work First you fill the input by int-- (Enter the time in Seconds:) for
A web-based app that allows easy, simple - and if desired high-throughput - analysis of qPCR data
qpcr-Analyser A web-based GUI for the qpcr package that allows easy, simple and high-throughput analysis of qPCR data. As is described in more detail
A bot framework for Reddit to manage threads, wiki pages, widgets, menus and more.
Sub Manager Sub Manager is a bot framework for Reddit to automate a variety of tasks on one or more subreddits, and can be configured and run without
S3 file download with Python and access with VBA
S3 file download with Python and access with VBA This simple project is using the following stacks: Python AWS S3 VBA/Excel A Bitcoin API With this st
🐍PyNode Next allows you to easily create beautiful graph visualisations and animations
PyNode Next A complete rewrite of PyNode for the modern era. Up to five times faster than the original PyNode. PyNode Next allows you to easily create
A PYTHON Library for Controlling Motors using SOLO Motor Controllers with RASPBERRY PI, Linux, windows, and more!
A PYTHON Library for Controlling Motors using SOLO Motor Controllers with RASPBERRY PI, Linux, windows, and more!
A library for interacting with APNs and VoIP using HTTP/2.
kalyke A library for interacting with APNs and VoIP using HTTP/2. Installation kalyke requires python 3.6 or later. $ pip install kalyke-apns Usage AP
Example Code Notebooks for Data Visualization in Python
This repository contains sample code scripts for creating awesome data visualizations from scratch using different python libraries (such as matplotli
Python compiler that massively increases Python's code performance without code changes.
Flyable - A python compiler for highly performant code Flyable is a Python compiler that generates efficient native code. It uses different techniques
Ked interpreter built with Lex, Yacc and Python
Ked Ked is the first programming language known to hail from The People's Republic of Cork. It was first discovered and partially described by Adam Ly
Python package for the analysis and visualisation of finite-difference fields.
discretisedfield Marijan Beg1,2, Martin Lang2, Samuel Holt3, Ryan A. Pepper4, Hans Fangohr2,5,6 1 Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperia
An embedded application for toy-car controlling based on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and AlphaBot2-Pi.
An embedded application for toy-car controlling based on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and AlphaBot2-Pi. This is the source codes of my programming assignmen
Python script who crawl first shodan page and check DBLTEK vulnerability
🐛 MASS DBLTEK EXPLOIT CHECKER USING SHODAN 🕸 Python script who crawl first shodan page and check DBLTEK vulnerability
Source code for Zalo AI 2021 submission
zalo_ltr_2021 Source code for Zalo AI 2021 submission Solution: Pipeline We use the pipepline in the picture below: Our pipeline is combination of BM2
Source code of D-HAN: Dynamic News Recommendation with Hierarchical Attention Network
D-HAN The source code of D-HAN This is the source code of D-HAN: Dynamic News Recommendation with Hierarchical Attention Network. However, only the co
VolumeGAN - 3D-aware Image Synthesis via Learning Structural and Textural Representations
VolumeGAN - 3D-aware Image Synthesis via Learning Structural and Textural Representations 3D-aware Image Synthesis via Learning Structural and Textura
Code artifacts for the submission "Mind the Gap! A Study on the Transferability of Virtual vs Physical-world Testing of Autonomous Driving Systems"
Code Artifacts Code artifacts for the submission "Mind the Gap! A Study on the Transferability of Virtual vs Physical-world Testing of Autonomous Driv
Queuing with django celery and rabbitmq
queuing-with-django-celery-and-rabbitmq Install Python 3.6 or above sudo apt-get install python3.6 Install RabbitMQ sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-ser
A library for bridging Python and HTML/Javascript (via Svelte) for creating interactive visualizations
A library for bridging Python and HTML/Javascript (via Svelte) for creating interactive visualizations
🌟 A social media made with Django and Python and Bulma. 🎉
Vitary A simple social media made with Django Installation 🛠️ Get the source code 💻 git clone https://github.com/foxy4096/Vitary.git Go the the dir
An alternative launcher for Lunar Client which is aimed at portability and functionality.
Portaluna An alternative launcher for Lunar Client which is aimed at portability and functionality. Features Portable. Lightweight. Functional. Note:
Geospatial web application developed uisng earthengine, geemap, and streamlit.
geospatial-streamlit Geospatial web applications developed uisng earthengine, geemap, and streamlit. App 1 - Land Surface Temperature A simple, code-f
Python PostgreSQL database performance insights. Locks, index usage, buffer cache hit ratios, vacuum stats and more.
Python PG Extras Python port of Heroku PG Extras with several additions and improvements. The goal of this project is to provide powerful insights int
Copy online media to your USB pen by night and watch it on your daily commute
commute-tube commute-tube is your friend on your daily commute. It will download videos of your interest to your USB pen by night so that you're able
Python interface to ISLEX, an English IPA pronunciation dictionary with syllable and stress marking.
pysle Questions? Comments? Feedback? Pronounced like 'p' + 'isle'. An interface to a pronunciation dictionary with stress markings (ISLEX - the intern
A tool to auto generate the basic mocks and asserts for faster unit testing
Mock Generator A tool to generate the basic mocks and asserts for faster unit testing. 🎉 New: you can now use pytest-mock-generator, for more fluid p
Combine XPath, CSS Selectors and JSONPath for Web data extracting.
Data Extractor Combine XPath, CSS Selectors and JSONPath for Web data extracting. Quickstarts Installation Install the stable version from PYPI. pip i
Gas detection for Raspberry Pi using ADS1x15 and MQ-2 sensors
Gas detection Gas detection for Raspberry Pi using ADS1x15 and MQ-2 sensors. Description The MQ-2 sensor can detect multiple gases (CO, H2, CH4, LPG,
This tool allows to gather statistical profile of CPU usage of mixed native-Python code.
Sampling Profiler for Python This tool allows to gather statistical profile of CPU usage of mixed native-Python code. Currently supported platforms ar
A python library with various gambling and gaming classes
gamble is a simple library that implements a collection of some common gambling-related classes Features die, dice, d-notation cards, decks, hands pok
Elasticsearch tool for easily collecting and batch inserting Python data and pandas DataFrames
ElasticBatch Elasticsearch buffer for collecting and batch inserting Python data and pandas DataFrames Overview ElasticBatch makes it easy to efficien
Python document object mapper (load python object from JSON and vice-versa)
lupin is a Python JSON object mapper lupin is meant to help in serializing python objects to JSON and unserializing JSON data to python objects. Insta
Robotic Process Automation in Windows and Linux by using Driagrams.net BPMN diagrams.
BPMN_RPA Robotic Process Automation in Windows and Linux by using BPMN diagrams. With this Framework you can draw Business Process Model Notation base
This is a top level socket library, making servers and clients EASY!
quick-net Sockets don't have to be a pain That's the motto this library was built with, and that's exactly what we made! This is a top-level socket li
Simple multilingual lemmatizer for Python, especially useful for speed and efficiency
Simplemma: a simple multilingual lemmatizer for Python Purpose Lemmatization is the process of grouping together the inflected forms of a word so they
A simple yet powerful timer and time tracker from the command line.
Focus Phase Focus Phase (FP) is a simple yet powerful timer and time tracker. It is a command-line application written in Python and can be installed
A real-time photo feed using Django and Pusher
BUILD A PHOTO FEED USING DJANGO Here, we will learn about building a photo feed using Django. This is similar to instagram, but a stripped off version
coURLan: Clean, filter, normalize, and sample URLs
coURLan: Clean, filter, normalize, and sample URLs Why coURLan? “Given that the bandwidth for conducting crawls is neither infinite nor free, it is be
objectfactory is a python package to easily implement the factory design pattern for object creation, serialization, and polymorphism
py-object-factory objectfactory is a python package to easily implement the factory design pattern for object creation, serialization, and polymorphis
Free and Open, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine
Elasticsearch Elasticsearch is the distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine at the heart of the Elastic Stack. You can use Elasticsearch to st
⚡ Serverless Framework – Build web, mobile and IoT applications with serverless architectures using AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google CloudFunctions
⚡ Serverless Framework – Build web, mobile and IoT applications with serverless architectures using AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google CloudFunctions & more! –
YouCompleteMe: a code-completion engine for Vim
YouCompleteMe: a code-completion engine for Vim Help, Advice, Support Looking for help, advice or support? Having problems getting YCM to work? First
Make Your Company Data Driven. Connect to any data source, easily visualize, dashboard and share your data.
Redash is designed to enable anyone, regardless of the level of technical sophistication, to harness the power of data big and small. SQL users levera
An advanced Twitter scraping & OSINT tool written in Python that doesn't use Twitter's API, allowing you to scrape a user's followers, following, Tweets and more while evading most API limitations.
TWINT - Twitter Intelligence Tool No authentication. No API. No limits. Twint is an advanced Twitter scraping tool written in Python that allows for s
Apex lets you build, deploy, and manage AWS Lambda functions with ease.
No longer maintained This software is no longer being maintainted and should not be chosen for new projects. See this issue for more information Apex
Deduplicating archiver with compression and authenticated encryption.
More screencasts: installation, advanced usage What is BorgBackup? BorgBackup (short: Borg) is a deduplicating backup program. Optionally, it supports
🕺Full body detection and tracking
Pose-Detection 🤔 Overview Human pose estimation from video plays a critical role in various applications such as quantifying physical exercises, sign
Python3 command-line tool for the inference of Boolean rules and pathway analysis on omics data
BONITA-Python3 BONITA was originally written in Python 2 and tested with Python 2-compatible packages. This version of the packages ports BONITA to Py
Code for the DH project "Dhimmis & Muslims – Analysing Multireligious Spaces in the Medieval Muslim World"
Damast This repository contains code developed for the digital humanities project "Dhimmis & Muslims – Analysing Multireligious Spaces in the Medieval
A bunch of codes for procedurally modeling and texturing futuristic cities.
Procedural Futuristic City This is our final project for CPSC 479. We created a procedural futuristic city complete with Worley noise procedural textu
Albert launcher extension for converting units of length, mass, speed, temperature, time, current, luminosity, printing measurements, molecular substance, and more
unit-converter-albert-ext Extension for converting units of length, mass, speed, temperature, time, current, luminosity, printing measurements, molecu
Mazda Connected Service API wrapper based on pymazda and Flask.
Mazda Connected Service Relay Mazda Connected Service API wrapper based on pymazda and Flask. Usage Make POST calls to https://mymazda.herokuapp.com/{
This repository provides a set of easy to understand and tested Python samples for using Acronis Cyber Platform API.
Base Acronis Cyber Platform API operations with Python !!! info Copyright © 2019-2021 Acronis International GmbH. This is distributed under MIT licens
These are the scripts used for the project of ‘Assembly of a pan-genome for global cattle reveals missing sequence and novel structural variation, providing new insights into their diversity and evolution history’
script-SV-genotyping These are the scripts used for the project of ‘Assembly of a pan-genome for global cattle reveals missing sequence and novel stru
Contains descriptions and code of the mini-projects developed in various programming languages
TexttoSpeechAndLanguageTranslator-project introduction A pleasant application where the client will be given buttons like play,reset and exit. The cli
Repo for parser tensorflow(.pb) and tflite(.tflite)
tfmodel_parser .pb file is the format of tensorflow model .tflite file is the format of tflite model, which usually used in mobile devices before star
This program can detect your face and add an Christams hat on the top of your head
Auto_Christmas This program can detect your face and add a Christmas hat to the top of your head. just run the Auto_Christmas.py, then you can see the
Official PyTorch Implementation of paper "NeLF: Neural Light-transport Field for Single Portrait View Synthesis and Relighting", EGSR 2021.
NeLF: Neural Light-transport Field for Single Portrait View Synthesis and Relighting Official PyTorch Implementation of paper "NeLF: Neural Light-tran
Official code for NeurIPS 2021 paper "Towards Scalable Unpaired Virtual Try-On via Patch-Routed Spatially-Adaptive GAN"
Towards Scalable Unpaired Virtual Try-On via Patch-Routed Spatially-Adaptive GAN Official code for NeurIPS 2021 paper "Towards Scalable Unpaired Virtu
Paper and Code for "Curriculum Learning by Optimizing Learning Dynamics" (AISTATS 2021)
Curriculum Learning by Optimizing Learning Dynamics (DoCL) AISTATS 2021 paper: Title: Curriculum Learning by Optimizing Learning Dynamics [pdf] [appen
Code release for Transferable Curriculum for Weakly-Supervised Domain Adaptation (AAAI2019)
TCL Code release for Transferable Curriculum for Weakly-Supervised Domain Adaptation (AAAI2019) Dataset Office-31 dataset, with 0.4 label noise Requir
Code for MentorNet: Learning Data-Driven Curriculum for Very Deep Neural Networks
MentorNet: Learning Data-Driven Curriculum for Very Deep Neural Networks This is the code for the paper: MentorNet: Learning Data-Driven Curriculum fo
Code for the paper "Curriculum Dropout", ICCV 2017
Curriculum Dropout Dropout is a very effective way of regularizing neural networks. Stochastically "dropping out" units with a certain probability dis
Download your Spotify playlists and songs along with album art and metadata
spotDL Download your Spotify playlists and songs along with album art and metadata The fastest, easiest, and most accurate command-line music download
AKShare is an elegant and simple financial data interface library for Python, built for human beings
AKShare is an elegant and simple financial data interface library for Python, built for human beings
Tools and data for measuring the popularity & growth of various programming languages.
growth-data Tools and data for measuring the popularity & growth of various programming languages. Install the dependencies $ pip install -r requireme
Flask app + (html+css+ajax) contain ability add employee and place where employee work - plant or salon
#Manage your employees! With all employee information stored in one place, you no longer have to sift through hoards of spreadsheets to manually searc