3 Repositories
Python SimSwap Libraries
List some popular DeepFake models e.g. DeepFake, FaceSwap-MarekKowal, IPGAN, FaceShifter, FaceSwap-Nirkin, FSGAN, SimSwap, CihaNet, etc.
deepfake-models List some popular DeepFake models e.g. DeepFake, CihaNet, SimSwap, FaceSwap-MarekKowal, IPGAN, FaceShifter, FaceSwap-Nirkin, FSGAN, Si
Reimplement of SimSwap training code
SimSwap-train Reimplement of SimSwap training code Instructions 1.Environment Preparation (1)Refer to the README document of SIMSWAP to configure the
The official project of SimSwap (ACM MM 2020)
SimSwap: An Efficient Framework For High Fidelity Face Swapping Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia The official reposi