113 Repositories
Python YOLOv5-Paddle Libraries
A DeepStack custom model for detecting common objects in dark/night images and videos.
DeepStack_ExDark This repository provides a custom DeepStack model that has been trained and can be used for creating a new object detection API for d
YOLOv5 in PyTorch ONNX CoreML TFLite
This repository represents Ultralytics open-source research into future object detection methods, and incorporates lessons learned and best practices evolved over thousands of hours of training and evolution on anonymized client datasets. All code and models are under active development, and are subject to modification or deletion without notice.
A GPU-accelerated library containing highly optimized building blocks and an execution engine for data processing to accelerate deep learning training and inference applications.
NVIDIA DALI The NVIDIA Data Loading Library (DALI) is a library for data loading and pre-processing to accelerate deep learning applications. It provi
YOLOv5 in DOTA with CSL_label.(Oriented Object Detection)(Rotation Detection)(Rotated BBox)
YOLOv5_DOTA_OBB YOLOv5 in DOTA_OBB dataset with CSL_label.(Oriented Object Detection) Datasets and pretrained checkpoint Datasets : DOTA Pretrained Ch
yolov5 deepsort 行人 车辆 跟踪 检测 计数
yolov5 deepsort 行人 车辆 跟踪 检测 计数 实现了 出/入 分别计数。 默认是 南/北 方向检测,若要检测不同位置和方向,可在 main.py 文件第13行和21行,修改2个polygon的点。 默认检测类别:行人、自行车、小汽车、摩托车、公交车、卡车。 检测类别可在 detect
Visualizer for neural network, deep learning, and machine learning models
Netron is a viewer for neural network, deep learning and machine learning models. Netron supports ONNX (.onnx, .pb, .pbtxt), Keras (.h5, .keras), Tens
Yolov5 deepsort inference,使用YOLOv5+Deepsort实现车辆行人追踪和计数,代码封装成一个Detector类,更容易嵌入到自己的项目中
用强化学习玩合成大西瓜 代码地址:https://github.com/Sharpiless/play-daxigua-using-Reinforcement-Learning 用强化学习DQN算法,训练AI模型来玩合成大西瓜游戏,提供Keras版本、PARL(paddle)版本和pytorch版本
PaddleRobotics is an open-source algorithm library for robots based on Paddle, including open-source parts such as human-robot interaction, complex motion control, environment perception, SLAM positioning, and navigation.
简体中文 | English PaddleRobotics paddleRobotics是基于paddle的机器人开源算法库集,包括人机交互、复杂运动控制、环境感知、slam定位导航等开源算法部分。 人机交互 主动多模交互技术TFVT-HRI 主动多模交互技术是通过视觉、语音、触摸传感器等输入机器人
yolov5-dnn-cpp-py yolov5s,yolov5l,yolov5m,yolov5x的onnx文件在百度云盘下载, 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1d67LUlOoPFQy0MV39gpJiw 提取码:bayj python版本的主程序是main_yolov5.
Torchserve server using a YoloV5 model running on docker with GPU and static batch inference to perform production ready inference.
Yolov5 running on TorchServe (GPU compatible) ! This is a dockerfile to run TorchServe for Yolo v5 object detection model. (TorchServe (PyTorch librar
Visualizer for neural network, deep learning, and machine learning models
Netron is a viewer for neural network, deep learning and machine learning models. Netron supports ONNX (.onnx, .pb, .pbtxt), Keras (.h5, .keras), Tens