4 Repositories
Python Zeus Libraries
Zues Auto Claimer Leaked By bazooka#0001
Zues Auto Claimer Leaked By bazooka#0001 put proxies in prox.txt put ssid in sid.txt put all users you want to target in user.txt for the login just t
Zeus - Advanced Punishments with Embeds.
Zeus Advanced Punishments with Embeds. Make sure to put the Discord Bot Token in the " TOKEN = '' " Language Python Features Ban Kick Mute Unmute Warn
zeus is a Python implementation of the Ensemble Slice Sampling method.
zeus is a Python implementation of the Ensemble Slice Sampling method. Fast & Robust Bayesian Inference, Efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), Bl
Zeus is an open source flight intellingence tool which supports more than 13,000+ airlines and 250+ countries.
Zeus Zeus is an open source flight intellingence tool which supports more than 13,000+ airlines and 250+ countries. Any flight worldwide, at your fing