7 Repositories
Python aalto-cs-msc-theses Libraries
Aalto-cs-msc-theses - Listing of M.Sc. Theses of the Department of Computer Science at Aalto University
Aalto-CS-MSc-Theses Listing of M.Sc. Theses of the Department of Computer Scienc
Astrostatistics class for the MSc degree in Astrophysics at the University of Milan-Bicocca (Italy)
Astrostatistics Davide Gerosa - davide.gerosa@unimib.it University of Milano-Bicocca, 2022. Schedule Introduction Probability and Statistics I Probabi
This thesis is mainly concerned with state-space methods for a class of deep Gaussian process (DGP) regression problems
Doctoral dissertation of Zheng Zhao This thesis is mainly concerned with state-space methods for a class of deep Gaussian process (DGP) regression pro
Supervised Classification from Text (P)
MSc-Thesis Module: Masters Research Thesis Language: Python Grade: 75 Title: An investigation of supervised classification of therapeutic process from
Planning Algorithms in AI and Robotics. MSc course at Skoltech Data Science program
Planning Algorithms in AI and Robotics course T2 2021-22 The Planning Algorithms in AI and Robotics course at Skoltech, MS in Data Science, during T2,
Code for MSc Quantitative Finance Dissertation
MSc Dissertation Code ReadMe Sector Volatility Prediction Performance Using GARCH Models and Artificial Neural Networks Curtis Nybo MSc Quantitative F
Repository of Jupyter notebook tutorials for teaching the Deep Learning Course at the University of Amsterdam (MSc AI), Fall 2020
Repository of Jupyter notebook tutorials for teaching the Deep Learning Course at the University of Amsterdam (MSc AI), Fall 2020