4 Repositories
Python bundles Libraries
An example of repository data as bundles
Bundles This repository is just an example of how we can host Git bundles in a way that supports fetching data from precomputed bundles without the or
1 Jan 2, 2022
Use webpack to generate your static bundles without django's staticfiles or opaque wrappers.
django-webpack-loader Use webpack to generate your static bundles without django's staticfiles or opaque wrappers. Django webpack loader consumes the
2.4k Dec 24, 2022
A django compressor tool that bundles css, js files to a single css, js file with webpack and updates your html files with respective css, js file path.
django-webpacker's documentation: Introduction: django-webpacker is a django compressor tool which bundles css, js files to a single css, js file with
72 Aug 18, 2022
py2app is a Python setuptools command which will allow you to make standalone Mac OS X application bundles and plugins from Python scripts.
py2app is a Python setuptools command which will allow you to make standalone Mac OS X application bundles and plugins from Python scripts. py2app is
222 Dec 30, 2022