205 Repositories
Python covid-tracker Libraries
[rewrite 중] 코로나바이러스감염증-19(COVID-19)의 국내/국외 발생 동향 조회 API | Coronavirus Infectious Disease-19 (COVID-19) outbreak trend inquiry API
COVID-19API 코로나 바이러스 감염증-19(COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2)의 국내/외 발생 동향 조회 API Corona Virus Infectious Disease-19 (COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2) outbreak trend inquiry
🌍💉 Global COVID-19 vaccination data at the regional level.
COVID-19 vaccination data at subnational level. To ensure its officiality, the source data is carefully verified.
Format Covid values to ASCII-Table (Only for Germany and Austria)
Covid-19-Formatter (Only for Germany and Austria) Dieses Script speichert die gemeldeten Daten des RKIs / BMSGPK und formatiert diese zu einer Asci Ta
Using Python and Pushshift.io to Track stocks on the WallStreetBets subreddit
wallstreetbets-tracker Using Python and Pushshift.io to Track stocks on the WallStreetBets subreddit.
Script utilizando OpenCV e modelo Machine Learning para detectar o uso de máscaras.
Reconhecendo máscaras Este repositório contém um script em Python3 que reconhece se um rosto está ou não portando uma máscara! O código utiliza da bib