835 Repositories
Python discord-phishing Libraries
It's a discord.py simulator.
DiscordPySimulator It's a discord.py simulator. ⚠️ Things to fix Context As you may know, discord py commands provide the context as the first paramet
How to add reaction on message discord.py
BA / HR / RS: Python (discord.py) skripta pomocu koje dodajete reakciju na vasu poruku putem komande !v ili da se dodaje samo u nekoj odredjenoj sobi.
A simple Discord bot wrote with Python. Kizmeow let you track your NFT project and display some useful information
Kizmeow-OpenSea-and-Etherscan-Discord-Bot 中文版 | English Ver A Discord bot wrote with Python. Kizmeow let you track your NFT project and display some u
Malware for Discord, designed to steal passwords, tokens, and inject discord folders for long-term use.
Vital What is Vital? Vital is malware primarily used to collect and extract information from the Discord desktop client. While it has other features (
This is a music bot for discord written in python
this is a music bot for discord written in python, it is designed for educational use ONLY, I do not take any responsibility for uses outside of educational use
A discord bot with information and template tracking for pxls.space.
pyCharity A discord bot with information and template tracking for pxls.space. Inspired by Mikarific's Charity bot. Try out the beta version on your s
This is a Python package to create a snowflake identifier similar to Discord's or Twitter's.
snowflake2 Based on falcondai and fenhl's Python snowflake tool, but with documentation and simliarities to Discord. Installation instructions Install
🥀 Find the start of the token !
Discord Token Finder Find half of your target's token with just their ID. Install 🔧 pip install -r requeriments.txt Gui Usage 💻 Go to Discord Setti
LHXP・Official "LH - Cyber Security" Discord Leveling-Bot
LHXP・Official "LH - Cyber Security" Discord Leveling-Bot Based on nsde/NOVΛLIX Feature Overview /clear @user Requires admin permission Purges all XP
An API wrapper for Discord written in Python.
HCord A fork of discord.py project. HCord is a modern, easy to use, feature-rich, and async ready API wrapper for Discord written in Python. Key Featu
FUD Keylogger That Reports To Discord
This python script will capture all of the keystrokes within a given time frame and report them to a Discord Server using Webhooks. Instead of the traditional
A fork of discord.py
discord.py A modern, easy to use, feature-rich, and async ready API wrapper for Discord written in Python. The Future of discord.py Please read the gi
A Terminal UI for Discord
ToastCord ToastCord is a Discord Terminal UI. At the moment you can only look at Direct messages. TODO: - Add support for guilds - Message sending sup
A Discord bot coded in Python
Perseverance-Bot By Toricane Replit Code | GitHub Code | Discord Server | Website Perseverance is a multi-purpose bot coded in Python. It has moderati
Cogs for Red-DiscordBot
Redbot cogs for Red-DiscordBot authored by Kreusada This is my repository for Red Discord-Bot. I built these cogs because these were the features that
Due to changes to the discord API and discord.py being discontinued
Talia Due to changes to the discord API and discord.py being discontinued, Talia development has been halted permanently A customizable economy discor
Rich presence app for playstation 3. Display what game you are playing on the PS3 via Discord
PS3-Rich-Presence-for-Discord Discord Rich Presence script for PS3 consoles on HFW&HEN or CFW. Written in Python. Display what you are playing on your
Script for getting information in discord
User-info.py Script for getting information in https://discord.com/ Instalação: apt-get update -y apt-get upgrade -y apt-get install git pkg install
Redis-backed message queue implementation that can hook into a discord bot written with hikari-lightbulb.
Redis-backed FIFO message queue implementation that can hook into a discord bot written with hikari-lightbulb. This is eventually intended to be the backend communication between a bot and a web dashboard.
Total servers you're in!
Discord-Servercount With this script you can check the amount of servers you are in, along with statistics of how many servers you are owner in and in
Based on falcondai and fenhl's Python snowflake tool, but with documentation and simliarities to Discord.
python-snowflake-2 Based on falcondai and fenhl's Python snowflake tool, but with documentation and simliarities to Discord. Docs make_snowflake This
Bot inspirado no Baidu Antivírus
Baidu Bot Bot inspirado no lendário Baidu Antivírus Informações O programa foi inteiramente feito em Python, sinta-se livre para fazer qualquer altera
Discord.py Bot Series With Python
Discord.py Bot Series YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9nZZVP3OGOAx2S75YdBkrIbVpiSL5oc5 Installation pip install -r requireme
An Auto-Grinding bot made for Pokemeow. Efficient but not many features yet
PokeGrinder 🤖 This is an Auto-Grinding bot made for Pokemeow. Efficient but not many features yet. Supported features This bot can currently handle :
Role Discord Members (by username) from File
Role Discord Members (by username) from File Bot Setup Navigate to https://discord.com/developers/applications Create a new application Navigate to th
Undetectable Keylogger that reports to Discord
FUD Keylogger That Reports To Discord This python script will capture all of the keystrokes within a given time frame and report them to a Discord Ser
A discord bot for checking what linked profiles a user has to their Ubisoft account
ubisoft_discord_profiles A Discord bot for checking what linked profiles a user has to their Ubisoft account. This can be setup using an enviromental
A Discord chat bot for the Tardsquad guild (Discord name for server).
Tardsquad Discord Bot A Discord chat bot for the Tardsquad guild (Discord name for server). Resouces Discord Developer Portal A general tutorial for a
A simple, fast, and awesome discord nuke bot! The only thing you need to add is your bot token.
SimpleNukeBot A simple, fast, and awesome discord nuke bot! The only thing you need to add is your bot token. Instructions: All you need to do is crea
A simple, multipurpose Discord bot.
EpicBot 🏅 A simple, multipurpose Discord bot. • Info EpicBot is a multipurpose Discord bot that was designed to make your Discord life easier and coo
Boilerplate template for the discord-py-interactions library
discord-py-interactions_boilerplate Boilerplate template for the discord-py-interactions library Currently, this boilerplate supports discord-py-inter
🔍 📊 Look up information about anime, manga and much more directly in Discord!
AniSearch The source code of the AniSearch Discord Bot. Contribute You have an idea or found a bug? Open a new issue with detailed explanation. You wa
A tool to customize your discord tokens
Fastest Discord Token Manager - Features: Change Token Username Change Token Password Change Token Avatar Change Token Bio This tool is created by Ace
A Bot, which observes your counting-abilities and controls your drinking-habits, too!
Discord Counting Bot with Beer-Counter Heavily inspired by AlexVerricos Counting_bot, but adjusted a lot for the beer drinking habits of students. Inv
Simple and easy framework for phishing 🎣
👋 It's in beta, I'm still building How to install Linux and Termux: Clone Rp: git clone https://github.com/J4c5/superfish.git Install the dependencie
A self-hosted streaming platform with Discord authentication, auto-recording and more!
A self-hosted streaming platform with Discord authentication, auto-recording and more!
A discord self bot that replies to messages using cleverbot
cleverbot-discord-self A discord self bot that replies to messages using cleverbot Bot will respond to DMs and channels in the channels list. Need to
Discord bot that manages expiration of roles with subscriptions!
Discord bot that manages expiration of roles with subscriptions!
Discondelete, is a Discord self-bot to delete dm's or purge all messages from a guild.
Discondelete Discondelete, is a Discord self-bot to delete dm's or purge all messages from a guild. Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Contents Abo
Um simples bot público para todos usarem no discord!
Discord Bot - Código Público Características: Linguagem de Programação: Python Quantidade de comandos: 17 Comandos: Prefixo do bot: O prefixo desse bo
A simple Discord scraper for discord bots
A simple Discord scraper for discord bots. That includes sending an guild members ids to an file, Mass inviter for joining servers your bot is in and Fetching all the servers of the bot (w/MemberCount) to the console.
Cogs for Red-DiscordBot
matcha-cogs Cogs for Red-DiscordBot. Installation [p]repo add matcha-cogs
Say "good morning" on Discord, in batch, one-click.
🌞 gm Good Morning! Usage Simply copy the channel_list to gm.py and fill authorization_list with authorization token(s). Enjoy. Authorization Please r
A Python wrapper for Discord RPC API
Discord RPC An Python wrapper for Discord RPC API. Allow you to make own custom RPC Install PyPI pip install discord-rpc Quick example import Discord
Tool that creates a complete copy of your server
Discord-Server-Cloner Tool that creates a complete copy of your server Setup: Open run.bat If the file closes, open cmd And write: pip install -r requ
Moderation By Pokemon Bot (Discord)
Moderation Bot By Pokémon Bot (Discord) Official Moderation Bot for Pokemon Bot functional and based in the Discord Server, the bot is written in Pyth
A module making it easier to manage Discord oAuth with Quart
quart_discord A module making it easier to manage Discord oAuth with Quart Install pip install git+https://github.com/xelA/quart_discord@master How to
A Discord API Wrapper for Userbots/Selfbots written in Python.
DisCum A simple, easy to use, non-restrictive, synchronous Discord API Wrapper for Selfbots/Userbots written in Python. -using requests and websockets
Change your discord avatar every x h/d based on a list of images
Discord-Avatar-Autochange Introduction A simple script that automatically keeps changing your discord avatar after a given amount of time based on the
Automate coin farming for dankmemer. Unlimited accounts at once. Uses a proxy
dankmemer-farm Simple script to farm Dankmemer coins with multiple accounts at once. Requires: Proxies, Discord Tokens Disclaimer I don't take respons
A Simple , ☁️ Lightweight , 💪 Efficent JSON based database for 🐍 Python.
A Simple, Lightweight, Efficent JSON based DataBase for Python The current stable version is v1.6.1 pip install pysondb==1.6.1 Support the project her
The most annoying bot on Discord
FBot The most annoying bot on discord Features Lots of fun stuff Message responses, sort of our main feature, no big deal. FBot can respond to a wide
Discord Bot written in Python that plays music in your voice channel
Discord Bot that plays music! I decided to create a simple Discord bot using Python in order to advance my coding skills. Please don't ask me for help
A heraldry-related bot, designed for the Heraldry Community.
Heraldtron A heraldry-related bot, designed for the Heraldry Community. Requirements Python 3.9+ discord.py aiohttp (comes installed with discord.py)
Discord Bot Sending Members - Leaked by BambiKu ( Me )
Wokify Bot Discord Bot Sending Members - Leaked by BambiKu ( Me ) Info The Bot was orginaly made by someone else! Ghost-Dev just wanted to sell "priva
Bot Maker For Discord - Python Edition
BMFD-PE Bot Maker For Discord - Python Edition BMFD-PE is a new version of BMFD write in Python The Version of BMFD-PE is : alpha0.1 Longer support :
Library to manage your own custom RPC on your desktop
Info I don't recommend novices setting this up yourself. It requires Redis, a server to host the API on, and a bit of understanding of Windows & Pytho
Discord Rich Presence for Team Fortress 2
TF2 Rich Presence Discord Rich Presence for Team Fortress 2 Detects current game state, queue info, playtime, and more Configurable, reliable, and per
Discord Token Stealer Malware Protection
TokenGuard TokenGuard, protect your account, prevent token steal. Totally free and open source Discord Server: https://discord.gg/EmwfaGuBE8 Source Co
The source code of the bot that displays erotic images on Discord
説明 このコードはDiscord.pyとNeko APIを使ったNsfw画像表示ボットのソースコードです。 成人向けコンテンツを含むボットなので、不快になる方はこのボットの作成中止をおすすめします。 使い方 まず、install.batを起動してください。 そのあとに、config.json を開き
Discord Selfbot, 90+ commands
Setting the bot up. STEP 1: copy the directory yook.club selfbot was downloaded and extracted into, open cmd and type "cd " then paste. STEP 2: python
A simple Discord Bot created for basic functionality and fun chat commands for use in a private server.
LoveAndChaos-Bot v0.1.0 LoveAndChaos-Bot is a Discord Bot specifically designed for a private server; this bot is merely a test and a method to expose
A community made discord bot coded in Python and running on AWS.
Pogbot Project Open Group Discord This is an open source community ran project. Join the discord for more information on how to participate. Coded in
Discord bot written in python
Discord bot created by dpshark#3004 for fun List of features/commands: [keyword] responses tools !add [respons] Adds new response to [keyword] !remove
Change the discord status throught websocket every 5 seconds with an insult
Discord status insult changer Change the discord status throught websocket every 5 seconds with an insult! - pip install httpx - put your tokens in "t
A Discord bot written in Python to help with guild administration
forgotten-hydra A Discord bot written in Python to help with guild administration. External libraries Pycord-Development/pycord 1.7.3 djc/couchdb-pyth
This script will detect changes in your session using Discords built in Gateway.
Detect Session Gateway This script will detect changes in your session using Discords built in Gateway. What does this log? Discord build version Oper
Baseball Discord bot that can post up-to-date scores, lineups, and home runs.
Sunny Day Discord Bot Baseball Discord bot that can post up-to-date scores, lineups, and home runs. Uses webscraping techniques to scrape baseball dat
This Discord bot is to give timely notifications to Students in the Lakehead CS 2021 Guild
Discord-Bot Goal of Project The purpose of this Discord bot is to give timely notifications to Students in the Lakehead CS 2021 Guild. How can I contr
Discord bot ( discord.py ), uses pandas library from python for data-management.
Discord_bot A Best and the most easy-to-use Discord bot !! Some simple basic auto moderations, Chat functions. It includes a game similar to Casino, g
Discord Token Checker and Info
Discord Token Checker A simple way to check Discord user tokens and their info in bulk. By Roover#7098. https://discord.gg/W8hnMWY6XP Proxy support co
A Discord bot to allow people to create lists of random characters, with limit reroll options.
Mugen Bot A small bot I made to practice python and allow people to publically select random characters on a discord server. Uses py-cord, as that is
Linky bot, A open-source discord bot that allows you to add links to ur website, youtube url, etc for the people all around discord to see!
LinkyBot Linky bot, An open-source discord bot that allows you to add links to ur website, youtube url, etc for the people all around discord to see!
Discord bot that displays the current Swatch Internet Time (.beat) as a status.
Internet-Time-Display Discord bot that displays the current Swatch Internet Time (.beat) as a status. Visit the website! Add the bot to your server! A
Advanced GUI Discord Account Nuker that is easy to use, with many features.
AccountNukeV3 Showcase Youtube: Features: Remove all friends Block all friends Leave all servers Mass create servers Close all dms Mass dm Fuck Settin
Very Simple 2 Message Spammer!
Very Simple 2 Message Spammer!
New discord token grabber, password and general information
New discord token grabber, password and general information
Send embeds using your discord personal account
Welcome to Embed Sender 👋 Send embeds using your discord personal account Install pip install -r requirements.txt Usage Put your discord token in ./
A discord bot to crop an NFT image living on the Solana blockchain.
NFT Discord Cropper This discord bot crops an NFT in your set measures by getting it through the .cache file which has been used to make a candy machi
Halcyon is a Matrix bot library created with the intention of being easy to install and use. Inspired by discord.py
Halcyon is a Matrix bot library with the goal of being easy to install and use. The library takes inspiration from discord.py and the Slack li
Discord bot that automatically fills out health screenings
Auto Covid Bot Automatically fill out the NYC DOE health screening form by registering with a discord bot School code can be found on https://schoolse
Набор утилит для Discord с использованием языка программирования Python.
Discord Tools v0.1 Functions: WebHook spamer Spotify account generator (What?) QR Code Token stealer Token generator Discord nitro gen/check Discor to
A simple discord tool that translates english to either spanish, german or french and sends it. Free to rework but please give me credit.
discord-translator A simple discord tool that translates english to either spanish, german or french and sends it. Free to rework but please give me c
Discord bot that generates boba drinks. Submission for sunhacks 2021
boba-bot Team Poggies' submission for Sunhacks 2021. Find our project page on Devpost, and a video demonstration can be found on YouTube. Commands $he
Malware for Discord, designed to steal passwords, tokens, and inject discord folders for long-term use.
Vital What is Vital? Vital is malware primarily used to collect and extract information from the Discord desktop client. While it has other features (
An API wrapper around Discord API written in Python
Diskord This library is a maintained fork of now archived library, discord.py. A modern and easy to use API wrapper around Discord API written in Pyth
Multi-purpose bot made with discord.py
PizzaHat Discord Bot A multi-purpose bot for your server! ℹ️ • Info PizzaHat is a multi-purpose bot, made to satisfy your needs, as well as your serve
Automatically changes your discord status
Automatically changes your discord status, Be careful as this may get you rate limited and banned
Moderation and Utility Discord bot.
Qrista An advanced Moderation and Utility Discord bot. Features Uses Hikari and Lightbulb as a command handler Advance Logging & Whole new enviroment
Mips script decompiles MIPS assembly instructions & bot functionality
mips mips is a python-based script that decodes MIPS instructions. Usage cd into mips and run python decode.py command or open decode.py to run the sc
Aqui está disponível GRATUITAMENTE, um bot de discord feito em python, saiba que, terá que criar seu bot como aplicação, e utilizar seu próprio token, e lembrando, é um bot básico, não se utiliza Cogs nem slash commands nele!
BotDiscordPython Aqui está disponível GRATUITAMENTE, um bot de discord feito em python, saiba que, terá que criar seu bot como aplicação, e utilizar s
A Discord bot written in Python that can be used to control event management on a server.
Event Management Discord Bot A Discord bot written in Python that can be used to control event management on a Discord server. Made originally for GDS
Shell hunter for AF
AF-ShellHunter AF-ShellHunter: Auto shell lookup AF-ShellHunter its a script designed to automate the search of WebShell's in AF Team How to pip3 ins
Fast and small Discord-Toolset.
Mooncord 🌙 Discord server: https://discord.gg/frnpk2rg Fast and small Discord-Toolset. Enjoy? Star this repo ⭐ (Main file in Mooncord/Moon-1.0.1/vers
A simple python discord bot with commands for moderation and utility.
Discord Bot A simple python discord bot with commands for moderation, utility and fun. Moderation $kick user reason - Kick a user from the server
Python based Discord Bot with a simple music player
C32 Discord Bot Discord bot that plays music Table Of Contents About the Project Built With Acknowledgements About The Project Play music using the !p
Make Watson Assistant send messages to your Discord Server
Make Watson Assistant send messages to your Discord Server Prerequisites Sign up for an IBM Cloud account. Fill in the required information and press
An open-source, multipurpose, configurable discord bot that does it all
Spacebot is an open source discord bot that is designed to be fun, easy to use, and replace every other discord bot out there!! Feel free to add a star ⭐ to the repository to promote the project!
A discord bot that utilizes Google's Rest API for Calendar, Drive, and Sheets
Bott This is a discord bot that utilizes Google's Rest API for Calendar, Drive, and Sheets. The bot first takes the sheet from the schedule manager in
A multiplayer RPG Discord bot, where you play as a god.
To run Ensure your Python is up to date, and install packages from requirements.txt Duplicate secrets-template.yaml, and name it secrets.yaml Insert y