2 Repositories
Python gammatone Libraries
spafe: Simplified Python Audio-Features Extraction
spafe aims to simplify features extractions from mono audio files. The library can extract of the following features: BFCC, LFCC, LPC, LPCC, MFCC, IMFCC, MSRCC, NGCC, PNCC, PSRCC, PLP, RPLP, Frequency-stats etc. It also provides various filterbank modules (Mel, Bark and Gammatone filterbanks) and other spectral statistics.
Gammatone-based spectrograms, using gammatone filterbanks or Fourier transform weightings.
Gammatone Filterbank Toolkit Utilities for analysing sound using perceptual models of human hearing. Jason Heeris, 2013 Summary This is a port of Malc