3 Repositories
Python gvp Libraries
Implementation of the GVP-Transformer, which was used in the paper "Learning inverse folding from millions of predicted structures" for de novo protein design alongside Alphafold2
GVP Transformer (wip) Implementation of the GVP-Transformer, which was used in the paper Learning inverse folding from millions of predicted structure
Geometric Vector Perceptrons --- a rotation-equivariant GNN for learning from biomolecular structure
Geometric Vector Perceptron Implementation of equivariant GVP-GNNs as described in Learning from Protein Structure with Geometric Vector Perceptrons b
Geometric Vector Perceptron --- a rotation-equivariant GNN for learning from biomolecular structure
Geometric Vector Perceptron Code to accompany Learning from Protein Structure with Geometric Vector Perceptrons by B Jing, S Eismann, P Suriana, RJL T