3 Repositories
Python noto-cjk Libraries
Noto fonts go universal! Download Noto fonts combined to suit your region (South Asia, SE Asia, Africa-MiddleEast, Europe-Americas).
Go Noto Universal Noto fonts go universal! Download Noto fonts combined to suit your region (South Asia, SE Asia, East Asia, Africa-MiddleEast, Europe
Noto fonts go universal! Download Noto fonts combined to suit your region
noto-cjk Noto CJK fonts Noto Serif CJK update was released on 25 October 2021. We moved the release history and other notes into both Sans and Serif s
CJK computer science terms comparison / 中日韓電腦科學術語對照 / 日中韓のコンピュータ科学の用語対照 / 한·중·일 전산학 용어 대조
CJK computer science terms comparison This repository contains the source code of the website. You can see the website from the following link: Englis