5 Repositories
Python rip Libraries
Rip Raw - a small tool to analyse the memory of compromised Linux systems
Rip Raw Rip Raw is a small tool to analyse the memory of compromised Linux systems. It is similar in purpose to Bulk Extractor, but particularly focus
Simulation simplifiée du fonctionnement du protocole RIP
ProjetRIPlay v2 Simulation simplifiée du fonctionnement du protocole RIP par Eric Buonocore le 18/01/2022 Sur la base de l'exercice 5 du sujet zéro du
A Discord Bot - has a few commands. Built using python - Discord.py - RIP.
Discord_Bot A Discord Bot has been built here. It is capable of running a few commands. The below present screenshot should suffice in terms of explai
This is a rip off of the classical iPhone Calculator . This project has been made with PyQT5
iPhoneCalcRIP-OFF This is a rip off of the classical iPhone Calculator . This project has been made with PyQT5
Python CD-DA ripper preferring accuracy over speed
Whipper Whipper is a Python 3 (3.6+) CD-DA ripper based on the morituri project (CDDA ripper for *nix systems aiming for accuracy over speed). It star