A script to automatically update the github's proxy IP in hosts file.



A script to automatically update the github's proxy IP in hosts file. Now only Mac and Linux are supported. (脚本自动更新本地hosts文件,目前仅支持Mac和linux系统。)


The data comes from this repository - GitHub520.


You need to have a python3 environment and use python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt command to install necessary third-party library.

How to run it(如何运行)

python3 main.py

Schedule it to run at any time(定时任务)

You need to create a crontab task to run it at any time. Such as:

0 */4 * * * echo [password] | sudo -S sh -c 'cd /Users/dapeng/Desktop/code/python3 && /Users/dapeng/.virtualenvs/py39/bin/python main.py >> crontask.log 2>&1'

I set this script to be run at minute 0 past every 4th hour.

Crontab Syntax(Crontab 语法)

Field Description Allowed Value
MIN Minute field 0 to 59
HOUR Hour field 0 to 23
DOM Day of Month 1 to 31
MON Month field 1 to 12
DOW Day Of Week 0 to 6
CMD Command Any command to be executed.

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    1. 以要写入文件的首行作为标识,去做为起始值
    2. 如果没有要写入的文件的首行,那就直接在原文件后面追加新内容
    def write_new_content_to_hosts(self):
            logger.info('Start to write the new contents to hosts file.')
            with open(self.hosts_file_origin, 'r') as f_r:
                self.origin_hosts = f_r.readlines()
            hosts_length = len(self.origin_hosts)
            for i in range(18, hosts_length)[::-1]:    # 这里需要修改start value.
                del self.origin_hosts[i]
            with open(self.hosts_file_origin, 'w') as f_w:
            logger.info('Write done.')
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