Morpheus Morpheus is a telegram bot that helps to simplify the process of making custom telegram stickers.
As you may know, Telegram's official Stickers bot has strict requirements for a image to be made as a sticker. Morepheus helps to avoid this hassle. Simply send and image to Morpheus and it will return an image (that fulfills the requirements of the telegram overlords
Download the source code or clone it using
Change to Morpheus directory
cd Morpheus
Install the required libraries
pipenv install
To make your own bot, you need to obtain an api token from @BotFather. Follow the instructions here and obtain the same.
Create a file called key.py
and write in it as follows:
Now you are all set to run your bot. Enter the following commands in the terminal
pipenv shell
python bot.py
Your bot is now all set to receive instructions.