(Arxiv 2021) NeRF--: Neural Radiance Fields Without Known Camera Parameters


NeRF--: Neural Radiance Fields Without Known Camera Parameters

Project Page | Arxiv | Colab Notebook | Data

Zirui Wang¹, Shangzhe Wu², Weidi Xie², Min Chen³, Victor Adrian Prisacariu¹.

¹Active Vision Lab + ²Visual Geometry Group + ³e-Research Centre, University of Oxford.


We provide 3 training targets in this repository, under the tasks directory:

  1. task/nerfmm/train.py: This is our main training script for the NeRF-LLFF dataset, which estimates camera poses, focal lenghts and a NeRF jointly and monitors the absolute trajectory error (ATE) between our estimation of camera parameters and COLMAP estimation during training. This target can also start training from a COLMAP initialisation and refine the COLMAP camera parameters.
  2. task/refine_nerfmm/train.py: This is the training script that refines a pretrained nerfmm system.
  3. task/any_folder/train.py: This is a training script that takes a folder that contains forward-facing images and trains with our nerfmm system without making any comparison with COLMAP. It is similar to what we offer in our CoLab notebook and we treat this any_folder target as a playgraound, where users can try novel view synthesis by just providing an image folder and do not care how the camera parameter estimation compares with COLMAP.

For each target, we provide relevant utilities to evaluate our system. Specifically,

  • for the nerfmm target, we provide three utility files:
    • eval.py to evaluate image rendering quality on validation splits with PSNR, SSIM and LPIPS, i.e, results in Table 1.
    • spiral.py to render novel views using a spiral camera trajectory, i.e. results in Figure 1.
    • vis_learned_poses.py to visualise our camera parameter estimation with COLMAP estimation in 3D. It also computes ATE between them, i.e. E1 in Table 2.
  • for the refine_nerfmm target, all utilities in nerfmm target above are compatible with refine_nerfmm target, since it just refines a pretrained nerfmm system.
  • for the any_folder target, it has its own spiral.py and vis_learned_poses.py utilities, as it does not compare with COLMAP. It does not have a eval.py file as this target is treated as a playground and does not split images to train/validation sets. It only provides novel view synthesis results via the spiral.py file.

Table of Content


We provide a requirement.yml file to set up a conda environment:

git clone https://github.com/ActiveVisionLab/nerfmm.git
cd nerfmm
conda env create -f environment.yml

Generally, our code should be able to run with any pytorch >= 1.1 .

(Optional) Install open3d for visualisation. You might need a physical monitor to install this lib.

pip install open3d

Get Data

We use the NeRF-LLFF dataset with two small structural changes:

  1. We remove their image_4 and image_8 folder and downsample images to any desirable resolution during data loading dataloader/with_colmap.py, by calling PyTorch's interpolate function.
  2. We explicitly generate two txt files for train/val image ids. i.e. take every 8th image as the validation set, as in the official NeRF train/val split. The only difference is that we store them as txt files while NeRF split them during data loading. The file produces these two txt files is utils/split_dataset.py.

In addition to the NeRF-LLFF dataset, we provide two demo scenes to demonstrate how to use the any_folder target.

We pack the re-structured LLFF data and our data to a tar ball (~1.8G), to get it, run:

wget https://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~ryan/nerfmm2021/nerfmm_release_data.tar.gz

Untar the data:

tar -xzvf path/to/the/tar.gz


We show how to:

  1. train a nerfmm from scratch, i.e. initialise camera poses with identity matrices and focal lengths with image resolution:
    python tasks/nerf/train.py \
    --base_dir='path/to/nerfmm_release/data' \
  2. train a nerfmm from COLMAP initialisation:
    python tasks/nerf/train.py \
    --base_dir='path/to/nerfmm_release/data' \
    --scene_name='LLFF/fern' \
    --start_refine_pose_epoch=1000 \
    This command initialises a nerfmm target with COLMAP parameters, trains with them for 1000 epochs, and starts refining those parameters after 1000 epochs.
  3. train a nerfmm from a pretrained nerfmm:
    python tasks/refine_nerfmm/train.py \
    --base_dir='path/to/nerfmm_release/data' \
    --scene_name='LLFF/fern' --start_refine_epoch=1000 \
    This command initialises a refine_nerfmm target with a set of pretrained nerfmm parameters, trains with them for 1000 epochs, and starts refining those parameters after 1000 epochs.
  4. train an any_folder from scratch given an image folder:
    python tasks/any_folder/train.py \
    --base_dir='path/to/nerfmm_release/data' \
    This command trains an any_folder target using a provided demo scene desk.

(Optional) set a symlink to the downloaded data:

mkdir data_dir  # do it in this nerfmm repo
cd data_dir
ln -s /path/to/downloaded/data ./nerfmm_release_data
cd ..

this can simplify the above training commands, for example:

python tasks/nerfmm/train.py


Compute image quality metrics

Call eval.py in nerfmm target:

python tasks/nerfmm/eval.py \
--base_dir='path/to/nerfmm_release/data' \
--scene_name='LLFF/fern' \

This file can be used to evaluate a checkpoint trained with refine_nerfmm target. For some scenes, you might need to tweak with --opt_eval_lr option to get the best results. Common values for opt_eval_lr are 0.01 / 0.005 / 0.001 / 0.0005 / 0.0001. The default value is 0.001. Overall, it finds validation poses that can produce highest PSNR on validation set while freezing NeRF and focal lengths. We do this because the learned camera pose space is different from the COLMAP estimated camera pose space.

Render novel views

Call spiral.py in each target. The spiral.py in nerfmm is compatible with refine_nerfmm target:

python spiral.py \
--base_dir='path/to/nerfmm_release/data' \
--scene_name='LLFF/fern' \

Visualise estimated poses in 3D

Call vis_learned_poses.py in each target. The vis_learned_poses.py in nerfmm is compatible with refine_nerfmm target:

python spiral.py \
--base_dir='path/to/nerfmm_release/data' \
--scene_name='LLFF/fern' \


Shangzhe Wu is supported by Facebook Research. Weidi Xie is supported by Visual AI (EP/T028572/1).

The authors would like to thank Tim Yuqing Tang for insightful discussions and proofreading.

During our NeRF implementation, we referenced several open sourced NeRF implementations, and we thank their contributions. Specifically, we referenced functions from nerf and nerf-pytorch, and borrowed/modified code from nerfplusplus and nerf_pl. We especially appreciate the detailed code comments and git issue answers in nerf_pl.


  title={Ne{RF}$--$: Neural Radiance Fields Without Known Camera Parameters},
  author={Zirui Wang and Shangzhe Wu and Weidi Xie and Min Chen and Victor Adrian Prisacariu},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.07064},
  • Test with few images

    Test with few images


    Thank you for sharing this work.

    I tested the code with 6 images of one scene. I found if colmap can converge on these images, original NeRF can produce better performance than nerfmm. In my experiment, nerfmm's output is very blurry. It seems nerfmm get stuck in a local minima because I got same result when tseting with 10000 epochs and 20000 epochs.

    Did you try some experiments using less than 10 images? I hope nerfmm can process few images better.

    By the way, your paper shows one limitation of nerfmm is that it cannot produce a good result with images which have few overlaps. I think it is a big problem of nerf-related models. I expect new method coming out to solve this problem.

    opened by hengfei-wang 7
  • Storage Issue

    Storage Issue

    Hi. I'm not sure if I am running the code incorrectly or not, but when trying to use the any_folder script on either of the scenes it creates an error where the script is trying to make use of over ~980GB of memory, which my laptop doesn't have. I have been running the script through wsl so I'm not sure if this is adding to the issue or not, but I assume it shouldn't do if its a pure memory issue.

    Has any else had this issue/know how to solve the issue. I'm just trying to set this up to extract the actual depth information from the image and no necessarily create a novel view.

    I appreciate any help.

    opened by erorggys 5
  • [Request] Pre-trained model

    [Request] Pre-trained model

    Hi! Thanks for your great work!It inspired me a lot use such a NVS system. Thses days,I run this office code and cannot get the same result(but quite close you know (^_^)). Will you release pre-trained model for all dataset?

    Best JamesG

    opened by jamesgzl 5
  • BLEFF data download too slow

    BLEFF data download too slow

    Hi, thanks for the BLEFF data. However, it is downloading too slowly on my side, only 80kB/s and that would take 3 days to download... Is it possible to upload it to e.g. google drive for a faster download?

    opened by kwea123 3
  • eval.py test on 'latest_nerf.pth'?

    eval.py test on 'latest_nerf.pth'?

    Dear authors: I have a question about the evaluation implementation. I found on "eval.py" that you only test the results on "latest_nerf.pth". This indicates that you are using the latest NERF model, which is trained with 10,000 epochs (as set on args) for comparing the performance of each baseline method (like the original NERF model). Am I right? Thank you for your time!

    opened by y6216886 2
  • Gap between retraining results and demonstrated results.

    Gap between retraining results and demonstrated results.

    Dear authors: Thanks for your excellent work. I try to reproduce the results as shown in the paper (e.g., PSNR 22.48 in Tab.1). I use the scene LLFF/fern and the following command python tasks/nerfmm/train.py \ --base_dir='/mnt/cephfs/dataset/NVS/' \ --scene_name='LLFF/fern' However, the best PSNR only reaches 21.171 as recorded in the log.txt. 9TCMD~@XQ9 T{NLE22J5K)6

    Are there details I neglected when reproducing the results?
    opened by y6216886 2
  • Dataloader is slow

    Dataloader is slow


    First of all, thank you for your work!

    When I train the any_folder task, I don't know why the speed of the data loader is too slow.

    Thank you in advance.

    Best regards

    opened by cshennju 2
  • about gpu usage

    about gpu usage

    https://github.com/ActiveVisionLab/nerfmm/blob/27faab66a927ea14259125e1140231f0c8f6d14c/tasks/any_folder/train.py#L206 In this line, you backward gradient per image, so I guess it will consume more GPU resources when compute all gradients. I want to know how much GPU memory do you use in your practice. Thanks in advance!

    opened by DRosemei 2
  • Question about the pos_enc.py

    Question about the pos_enc.py

    Hi, I highly appreciate your work and I am learning your code recently. But I noticed that the position encoder didn't multiple the pi, I wandered whether it was a mistake. BTW I also found some other NeRF codes didn't multiple pi.

    opened by wolfball 2
  • Multiply the distance by the norm of direction

    Multiply the distance by the norm of direction

    Hi there, thanks for sharing the code!

    When computing the distances of samples during rendering, some open sourced codes such as nerf_pl and mip-nerf multiplies the distances with the norms of direction. Seems like there's no such operation in this repo. (volume_op.py#L191) Could you give any hint on the difference?

    opened by dichen-cd 2
  • get_ndc_rays function returns inf ray_o and ray_d.

    get_ndc_rays function returns inf ray_o and ray_d.


    While testing out with a custom unbounded dataset (with colmap init) the get_ndc_rays function returns ray_o and ray_d with inf values.

    More specifically, in the below snippet (from the get_ndc_rays) the rays_o is being reinitialised in such a way that the last column (rays_o[...,2]) is zeros. And in the last two equations of the snippet a divide by zero is leading to inf.

     t = -(near + rays_o[..., 2]) / rays_d[..., 2]
    rays_o = rays_o + t[..., None] * rays_d   ##### last column of rays_o are all zeros.
    # Store some intermediate homogeneous results
    ox_oz = rays_o[..., 0] / rays_o[..., 2]
    oy_oz = rays_o[..., 1] / rays_o[..., 2]

    I am unable to figure out why something like this could be happening.

    And also it is worth mentioning that this happened with only one of the three dataset that I tested with, the other two are working fine.

    It would be great if I would get any suggestions on why this might be happening. And please do let me know if more information is needed.

    Thanks in Advance,

    opened by nischal-sanil 2
  • BLEFF: pretrained weights and experiement setup

    BLEFF: pretrained weights and experiement setup

    Thanks for providing such a nice repositoy

    I was wondering of you can make your nerf-- checkpoints available and specifiy more in detail which dataset setup you used for the experiments reported in the paper

    opened by HannahHaensen 0
  • A confusion about the implementation details in the paper

    A confusion about the implementation details in the paper

        Hello, thank you for your great work!     I saw in the paper that when initializing the NeRF model, it uses the Kaiming initialisation, but I checked the code and didn't see this step implemented.     So I'm curious if the initialization has an effect on the final result.

        In addition I would like to ask a question, has the author tried to load known camera parameters directly together with the optimization, the final rendering effect will be improved?     Sorry to bother you, hope for your reply!

    opened by YZsZY 2
  • `nerfmm/spiral.py` bug if trained with colmap initialized pose

    `nerfmm/spiral.py` bug if trained with colmap initialized pose


    Thanks for you great work!

    One bug I have encountered here is if train with:

    --start_refine_pose_epoch 1000
    --start_refine_focal_epoch 1000

    There will be a field named init_c2ws in the models state dict of LearnPose.

    However if use spiral for inference, the default action is to initialize a LearnPose with self.init_c2ws as None, which leads to Unexpected key(s) in state_dict: "init_c2w". when load it in spiral.py.

    Maybe this can be fixed by add a arg that controlls whether the R, t in LearnPose is learnt from scratch or the offset from COLMAP ones in nerfmm/spiral.py

    opened by SuX97 4
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