BARF: Bundle-Adjusting Neural Radiance Fields 🤮 (ICCV 2021 oral)


BARF 🤮 : Bundle-Adjusting Neural Radiance Fields

Chen-Hsuan Lin, Wei-Chiu Ma, Antonio Torralba, and Simon Lucey
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2021 (oral presentation)

Project page:
arXiv preprint:

We provide PyTorch code for the NeRF experiments on both synthetic (Blender) and real-world (LLFF) datasets.


This code is developed with Python3 (python3). PyTorch 1.9+ is required.
It is recommended use Anaconda to set up the environment. Install the dependencies and activate the environment barf-env with

conda env create --file requirements.yaml python=3
conda activate barf-env

Initialize the external submodule dependencies with

git submodule update --init --recursive


  • Synthetic data (Blender) and real-world data (LLFF)

    Both the Blender synthetic data and LLFF real-world data can be found in the NeRF Google Drive. For convenience, you can download them with the following script: (under this repo)
    # Blender
    gdown --id 18JxhpWD-4ZmuFKLzKlAw-w5PpzZxXOcG # download
    rm -f
    mv nerf_synthetic data/blender
    # LLFF
    gdown --id 16VnMcF1KJYxN9QId6TClMsZRahHNMW5g # download
    rm -f
    mv nerf_llff_data data/llff
    The data directory should contain the subdirectories blender and llff. If you already have the datasets downloaded, you can alternatively soft-link them within the data directory.
  • iPhone (TODO)

Running the code

  • BARF models

    To train and evaluate BARF:

    # <GROUP> and <NAME> can be set to your likes, while <SCENE> is specific to datasets
    # Blender (<SCENE>={chair,drums,ficus,hotdog,lego,materials,mic,ship})
    python3 --group=<GROUP> --model=barf --yaml=barf_blender --name=<NAME> --data.scene=<SCENE> --barf_c2f=[0.1,0.5]
    python3 --group=<GROUP> --model=barf --yaml=barf_blender --name=<NAME> --data.scene=<SCENE> --data.val_sub= --resume
    # LLFF (<SCENE>={fern,flower,fortress,horns,leaves,orchids,room,trex})
    python3 --group=<GROUP> --model=barf --yaml=barf_llff --name=<NAME> --data.scene=<SCENE> --barf_c2f=[0.1,0.5]
    python3 --group=<GROUP> --model=barf --yaml=barf_llff --name=<NAME> --data.scene=<SCENE> --resume

    All the results will be stored in the directory output/<GROUP>/<NAME>. You may want to organize your experiments by grouping different runs in the same group.

    To train baseline models:

    • Full positional encoding: omit the --barf_c2f argument.
    • No positional encoding: add --arch.posenc!.

    If you want to evaluate a checkpoint at a specific iteration number, use --resume=<ITER_NUMBER> instead of just --resume.

  • Training the original NeRF

    If you want to train the reference NeRF models (assuming known camera poses):

    # Blender
    python3 --group=<GROUP> --model=nerf --yaml=nerf_blender --name=<NAME> --data.scene=<SCENE>
    python3 --group=<GROUP> --model=nerf --yaml=nerf_blender --name=<NAME> --data.scene=<SCENE> --data.val_sub= --resume
    # LLFF
    python3 --group=<GROUP> --model=nerf --yaml=nerf_llff --name=<NAME> --data.scene=<SCENE>
    python3 --group=<GROUP> --model=nerf --yaml=nerf_llff --name=<NAME> --data.scene=<SCENE> --resume

    If you wish to replicate the results from the original NeRF paper, use --yaml=nerf_blender_repr or --yaml=nerf_llff_repr instead for Blender or LLFF respectively. There are some differences, e.g. NDC will be used for the LLFF forward-facing dataset. (The reference NeRF models considered in the paper do not use NDC to parametrize the 3D points.)

  • Visualizing the results

    We have included code to visualize the training over TensorBoard and Visdom. The TensorBoard events include the following:

    • SCALARS: the rendering losses and PSNR over the course of optimization. For BARF, the rotational/translational errors with respect to the given poses are also computed.
    • IMAGES: visualization of the RGB images and the RGB/depth rendering.

    We also provide visualization of 3D camera poses in Visdom. Run visdom -port 9000 to start the Visdom server.
    The Visdom host server is default to localhost; this can be overridden with --visdom.server (see options/base.yaml for details). If you want to disable Visdom visualization, add --visdom!.

Codebase structure

The main engine and network architecture in model/ inherit those from model/ This codebase is structured so that it is easy to understand the actual parts BARF is extending from NeRF. It is also simple to build your exciting applications upon either BARF or NeRF -- just inherit them again! This is the same for dataset files (e.g. data/

To understand the config and command lines, take the below command as an example:

python3 --group=<GROUP> --model=barf --yaml=barf_blender --name=<NAME> --data.scene=<SCENE> --barf_c2f=[0.1,0.5]

This will run model/ as the main engine with options/barf_blender.yaml as the main config file. Note that barf hierarchically inherits nerf (which inherits base), making the codebase customizable.
The complete configuration will be printed upon execution. To override specific options, add --<key>=value or --<key1>.<key2>=value (and so on) to the command line. The configuration will be loaded as the variable opt throughout the codebase.

Some tips on using and understanding the codebase:

  • The computation graph for forward/backprop is stored in var throughout the codebase.
  • The losses are stored in loss. To add a new loss function, just implement it in compute_loss() and add its weight to opt.loss_weight.<name>. It will automatically be added to the overall loss and logged to Tensorboard.
  • If you are using a multi-GPU machine, you can add --gpu=<gpu_number> to specify which GPU to use. Multi-GPU training/evaluation is currently not supported.
  • To resume from a previous checkpoint, add --resume=<ITER_NUMBER>, or just --resume to resume from the latest checkpoint.
  • (to be continued....)

If you find our code useful for your research, please cite

  title={BARF: Bundle-Adjusting Neural Radiance Fields},
  author={Lin, Chen-Hsuan and Ma, Wei-Chiu and Torralba, Antonio and Lucey, Simon},
  booktitle={IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision ({ICCV})},

Please contact me ([email protected]) if you have any questions!

  • How to create a 3D-model from the output of iphone experiment?

    How to create a 3D-model from the output of iphone experiment?

    Hi Chen-Hsuan,

    I successfully created an experiment in the style. That is, without any information of camera poses. Is it possible to create a 3D model from the output?

    Thanks in advance,

    opened by franciscoWizz 16
  • Cannot reproduce results on llff:fern

    Cannot reproduce results on llff:fern

    Thanks for your sharing of codes.

    I followed all your tips in the ReadME and tried to reproduce the results of your paper. However, the rotation error of my test is much higher than yours in the paper.

    | llff:fern | rotation | translation( x100 ) | | :-----| ----: | :----: | | paper | 0.191 | 0.192 | | reproduce | 0.689 | 0.193 |

    Can you give some advice? Besides, the depth map and the rendered RGB seem good. image


    opened by Yannnnnnnnnnnn 13
  • train loss converged, but val loss do not

    train loss converged, but val loss do not

    I use Nuscenes data, a auto-driving dataset which have camera to world transform matrix, to train the barf. And I normalize the translation matrix between 1 to 10. I used tensorboard to visualize the training process and found the train loss converged, but the val loss went up. Do you have some ideas about the reason for this? Screenshot from 2022-06-20 18-24-10 Screenshot from 2022-06-20 18-28-35

    opened by ylhua 8
  • How was focal length calculated for the iPhone 12 in the example?

    How was focal length calculated for the iPhone 12 in the example?

    In the example in data/ the focal length is computed as self.focal = self.raw_W * 4.2 / (12.8 / 2.55). I am wondering what the specific constants mean?

    opened by reynoldscem 7
  • Multi-GPU training (DataParallel)

    Multi-GPU training (DataParallel)

    Hi @chenhsuanlin

    Thank you for sharing this nice work. I'm just curious if you happen to have multi-gpu training code by hand? I was trying to train BARF with multi GPU, but got stuck in a weird OOM issue: the GPU memory explode into over 50G, while your original code base takes less than 10G on blender/lego

    Here's the edit I made: The command to run: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python --group=blender --model=barf --yaml=barf_blender --name=lego_baseline --data.scene=lego --gpu=1 --visdom! --batch_size=2

    Do you know what might be the leading to the OOM here? Thank you!

    opened by Ir1d 5
  • Documentation on the LLFF data scene?

    Documentation on the LLFF data scene?

    Hi Chen-Hsuan,

    Do you have any documentation regarding how to set up another scene experiment? I did not found anything on the readme nor in the paper.

    I'm refering to this folders and files: Data_LLFF

    Thanks in advance,

    opened by franciscoWizz 5
  • Weird traning behavior of barf

    Weird traning behavior of barf

    Hi, @chenhsuanlin

    Thanks for your great work. I'm trying barf on other scenes. However, the training behavior seems weird. As you can see from the image below, the rotation error is decreasing, but the translation error keeps increasing. image

    When I took a look at the synthesized validation image, it seems the result was biased by several pixels from the original image, and also the scale is not consistent with the original image. image

    For my experimental setting, I used COLMAP to compute the ground truth camera poses and intrinsics. The initial camera poses for barf are not identities instead of perturbing by a small pose with noise to be 0.15. I wonder if there are any parameters we need to fine tune?

    Part of the scene looks like this: P1000686

    And the reconstructed scene: image

    opened by AIBluefisher 4
  • Out of memory problem

    Out of memory problem

    Hi! Thank you for sharing your fantastic work! When I was trying to train the network with a 3090 in barf mode with position encoding with blender datasets, after validating, it always show that RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 5.25 GiB (GPU 0; 23.70 GiB total capacity; 15.75 GiB already allocated; 4.71 GiB free; 15.77 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch) Could you please tell me which parameter I should change to avoid this problem? Thank you very much!

    opened by samcao416 4
  • Camera Pose Optimization with Geometry Prior

    Camera Pose Optimization with Geometry Prior


    I am trying to optimize the camera positions given a non textured mesh. Right now NeRF implementation does not consider this prior and samples random rays. I was wondering how do I provide my mesh as initial input to BARF? Since I already have the mesh it should be instant to fix the camera poses!

    I've tried to use PyTorch3D as differentiable renderer with BARF's additional parameters for camera pose optimisation, but it doesn't work. The cameras drift away and loss becomes NaN.

    opened by satyajitghana 4
  • Result seems not right

    Result seems not right

    Hello, thanks for your great work! I ran the barf code on the chair of the blender dataset, but the validation result doesn't seem right on tensorboard, is this normal? Train: MZO$U7N$IG($FQ(L(}BOT

    Test: loss

    opened by zhouzhenghong-gt 4
  • Question about camera pose transformation for LLFF

    Question about camera pose transformation for LLFF

    Hi, Chen-Hsuan Lin. Thank you for sharing the great work!

    I have been reading the code and I did not understand very well about camera pose transformation when calling __getitem__ method for LLFF dataset:

    In my understanding, camera pose in returned values from parse_cameras_and_bounds is camera-to-world matrix and its coordinate system is [right, up, backwards].

    Then, the camera pose is transformed by parse_raw_camera when calling __getitem__, but I could not follow what the transformation did: Could you please let me know?

    opened by t2kasa 4
  • AttributeError: 'Model' object has no attribute 'train_data'

    AttributeError: 'Model' object has no attribute 'train_data'

    When I run “”. It seems that there is no data loaded. What's the matter? image At the same time, the external parameters of the program I run are as follows “python --group=G1 --model=barf --yaml=barf_blender --name=First --data.scene=chair --data.val_sub= --resume”

    opened by XuLinFeng569212510 2
  • fix rotation to quaternion conversion error.

    fix rotation to quaternion conversion error.

    Fix bug on R_to_q function in

    As I know, you didn't use this method at implementation of barf yet, but for further developments, this fixation might helps for others.

    you can check the corner cases and the brief explanations at my colab notebook

    opened by sangminkim-99 0
  • Reduce memory consumption by gathering a subset of rays earlier

    Reduce memory consumption by gathering a subset of rays earlier

    Hi, First of all, great work! Enjoyed your paper, project page, and code (neat options parser, btw!).

    I'd like to contribute a small change which makes GPU memory consumption wrt the output image size scale much nicer. I encountered the issue when I tried fitting some pretty big images, which resulted in OOM.

    Here you can see a before/after comparison of GPU% usage on a Tesla T4 for the "ship" scene:

    | | Main | This PR | | --------- | -------- | -------- | | 400x400 | 30.43% | 24.98% | | 800x800 | 55.78% | 28.67% |

    opened by sirykd 0
  • Misaligned axes when converting LLFF data format to BARF coordinate frame

    Misaligned axes when converting LLFF data format to BARF coordinate frame

    In data/, in the parse_cameras_and_bounds method, we are converting the poses_bounds.npy and ingesting it to use the given camera poses. Per LLFF's specification, it seems like the convention of this dataset has the transformation matrix for axes [down, right, backward] (i.e. positive x is down, positive y is right, positive z is backward).

    Per line 49 in the aforementioned file, it seems like we are swapping these axes to switch to a new convention

    poses_raw[...,0],poses_raw[...,1] = poses_raw[...,1],-poses_raw[...,0]

    moving from [down, right, backward] to [right, up, backward] (i.e. positive x is right, positive y is up, positive z is backward).

    However, the translation vector doesn't seem to be receiving the same modification. Is this behavior intended, as it seems inconsistent with the rest of the change?

    opened by mniverthi 14
Chen-Hsuan Lin
Research scientist @NVIDIA, PhD in Robotics @ CMU
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