command injection vulnerability in the web server of some Hikvision product. Due to the insufficient input validation, attacker can exploit the vulnerability to launch a command injection attack by sending some messages with malicious commands.



CVE-2021-36260 POC command injection vulnerability in the web server of some Hikvision product. Due to the insufficient input validation, attacker can exploit the vulnerability to launch a command injection attack by sending some messages with malicious commands.

Exploit Title: Hikvision Web Server Build 210702 - Command Injection Exploit Author: bashis Vendor Homepage: Version: 1.0 CVE: CVE-2021-36260 Reference:

All credit to Watchful_IP


  1. This code will not verify if remote is Hikvision device or not.
  2. Most of my interest in this code has been concentrated on how to reliably detect vulnerable and/or exploitable devices. Some devices are easy to detect, verify and exploit the vulnerability, other devices may be vulnerable but not so easy to verify and exploit. I think the combined verification code should have very high accuracy.
  3. 'safe check' (--check) will try write and read for verification 'unsafe check' (--reboot) will try reboot the device for verification

[Examples] Safe vulnerability/verify check: $./ --rhost --rport 8080 --check

Safe and unsafe vulnerability/verify check: (will only use 'unsafe check' if not verified with 'safe check') $./ --rhost --rport 8080 --check --reboot

Unsafe vulnerability/verify check: $./ --rhost --rport 8080 --reboot

Launch and connect to SSH shell: $./ --rhost --rport 8080 --shell

Execute command: $./ --rhost --rport 8080 --cmd "ls -l"

Execute blind command: $./ --rhost --rport 8080 --cmd_blind "reboot"

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