API Yoomoney - unofficial python library
This is an unofficial YooMoney API python library.
This repository is based on the official documentation of YooMoney.
Implemented methods:
- Access token - Getting an access token
- Account information - Getting information about the status of the user account.
- Operation history - This method allows viewing the full or partial history of operations in page mode. History records are displayed in reverse chronological order (from most recent to oldest).
- Operation details - Provides detailed information about a particular operation from the history.
- Quickpay forms - The YooMoney form is a set of fields with information about a transfer. You can embed payment form into your interface (for instance, a website or blog). When the sender pushes the button, the details from the form are sent to YooMoney and an order for a transfer to your wallet is initiated.
You can install with:
pip install yoomoney --upgrade
You can install from source with:
git clone https://github.com/AlekseyKorshuk/yoomoney-api --recursive
cd yoomoney-api
python setup.py install
Quick start
Access token
First of all we need to receive an access token.
- Log in to your YooMoney wallet with your username. If you do not have a wallet, create it.
- Go to the App registration page.
- Set the application parameters. Save CLIENT_ID and YOUR_REDIRECT_URI for net steps
- Click the Confirm button.
- Paste CLIENT_ID and REDIRECT_URI insted of YOUR_CLIENT_ID and YOUR_REDIRECT_URI. Choose scopes and run code.
- Follow all steps from the program.
from yoomoney import Authorize
You are done with the most difficult part!
Account information
Paste YOUR_TOKEN and run this code:
from yoomoney import Client
token = "YOUR_TOKEN"
client = Client(token)
user = client.account_info()
print("Account number:", user.account)
print("Account balance:", user.balance)
print("Account currency code in ISO 4217 format:", user.currency)
print("Account status:", user.account_status)
print("Account type:", user.account_type)
print("Extended balance information:")
for pair in vars(user.balance_details):
print("\t-->", pair, ":", vars(user.balance_details).get(pair))
print("Information about linked bank cards:")
cards = user.cards_linked
if len(cards) != 0:
for card in cards:
print(card.pan_fragment, " - ", card.type)
print("No card is linked to the account")
Account number: 410019014512803
Account balance: 999999999999.99
Account currency code in ISO 4217 format: 643
Account status: identified
Account type: personal
Extended balance information:
--> total : 999999999999.99
--> available : 999999999999.99
--> deposition_pending : None
--> blocked : None
--> debt : None
--> hold : None
Information about linked bank cards:
No card is linked to the account
Operation history
Paste YOUR_TOKEN and run this code:
from yoomoney import Client
token = "YOUR_TOKEN"
client = Client(token)
history = client.operation_history()
print("List of operations:")
print("Next page starts with: ", history.next_record)
for operation in history.operations:
print("\tStatus -->", operation.status)
print("\tDatetime -->", operation.datetime)
print("\tTitle -->", operation.title)
print("\tPattern id -->", operation.pattern_id)
print("\tDirection -->", operation.direction)
print("\tAmount -->", operation.amount)
print("\tLabel -->", operation.label)
print("\tType -->", operation.type)
List of operations:
Next page starts with: None
Operation: 670278348725002105
Status --> success
Datetime --> 2021-10-10 10:10:10
Title --> Пополнение с карты ****4487
Pattern id --> None
Direction --> in
Amount --> 100500.0
Label --> 3784030974
Type --> deposition
Operation: 670244335488002313
Status --> success
Datetime --> 2021-10-10 10:10:10
Title --> Перевод от 410019014512803
Pattern id --> p2p
Direction --> in
Amount --> 100500.0
Label --> 7920963969
Type --> incoming-transfer
Operation details
Paste YOUR_TOKEN with an OPERATION_ID (example: 670244335488002312) from previous example output and run this code:
from yoomoney import Client
token = "YOUR_TOKEN"
client = Client(token)
details = client.operation_details(operation_id="OPERATION_ID")
properties = [i for i in details.__dict__.keys() if i[:1] != '_']
max_size = len(max(properties, key=len))
for prop in properties:
print(prop, " " * (max_size - len(prop)), "-->", str(details.__getattribute__(prop)).replace('\n', ' '))
operation_id --> 670244335488002312
status --> success
pattern_id --> p2p
direction --> in
amount --> 100500.0
amount_due --> None
fee --> None
datetime --> 2021-10-10 10:10:10
title --> Перевод от 410019014512803
sender --> 410019014512803
recipient --> None
recipient_type --> None
message --> Justtext
comment --> None
codepro --> False
protection_code --> None
expires --> None
answer_datetime --> None
label --> 7920963969
details --> Justtext
type --> incoming-transfer
digital_goods --> None
Quickpay forms
Run this code:
from yoomoney import Quickpay
quickpay = Quickpay(
targets="Sponsor this project",