An unofficial Python wrapper for the 'Binance exchange REST API'


Welcome to binex_f v0.1.0

many interfaces are heavily used by myself in product environment, the websocket is reliable (re)connected.

Latest version: v0.1.0

Quick Start

Install from pip:

pip install binex-f==0.1.0

Install from source code:

python3 install
import time
from binex_f import Dict2Class, RestApi as RA

restapi = RA()

# Dict2Class object as response of all the interfaces.
# Dict2Class has to_val(static method) to convert obj to a python struct value.
def __print_obj(resp):
    if resp.hasattr("code") and 200 != int(resp.code):
        print ("ERROR: %s" % Dict2Class.to_val(resp))
        print (Dict2Class.to_val(resp))

# Test Connectivity
resp =

# Check Server Time
resp = restapi.get_servertime()

# Exchange Information
resp = restapi.get_exchange_info()

# Order Book
resp = restapi.get_book_depth(symbol="btcusdt", limit=10)

# Recent Trades List
resp = restapi.get_recent_trades(symbol="btcusdt", limit=100)

# Old Trades Lookup (MARKET_DATA)
resp = restapi.get_historical_trades(symbol="btcusdt")

# Compressed/Aggregate Trades List
resp = restapi.get_aggregate_trades(symbol="btcusdt")

# Kline/Candlestick Data
resp = restapi.get_klines(symbol="btcusdt", interval="4h", limit=100)

# Continuous Contract Kline/Candlestick Data
resp = restapi.get_continuous_klines(pair="btcusdt", contractType="PERPETUAL", interval="4h", limit=100)

# Index Price Kline/Candlestick Data
resp = restapi.get_index_price_klines(pair="btcusdt", interval="4h", limit=100)

# Mark Price Kline/Candlestick Data
resp = restapi.get_mark_price_klines(symbol="btcusdt", interval="4h")

# Mark Price
resp = restapi.get_mark_price()

# Get Funding Rate History
resp = restapi.get_funding_rate()

# 24hr Ticker Price Change Statistics
resp = restapi.get_ticker_24hr()

#Symbol Price Ticker
resp = restapi.get_ticker_price()

# Symbol Order Book Ticker
resp = restapi.get_book_ticker()

# Open Interest
resp = restapi.get_open_interest(symbol="btcusdt")

# Open Interest Statistics
resp = restapi.get_open_interest_hist(symbol="btcusdt", period="4h", limit=30)

# Top Trader Long/Short Ratio (Accounts)
resp = restapi.get_top_long_short_account_ratio(symbol="btcusdt", period="4h", limit=30)

# Top Trader Long/Short Ratio (Positions)
resp = restapi.get_top_long_short_position_ratio(symbol="btcusdt", period="4h", limit=30)

# Long/Short Ratio
resp = restapi.get_global_long_short_account_ratio(symbol="btcusdt", period="4h", limit=30)

# Taker Buy/Sell Volume
resp = restapi.get_taker_long_short_ratio(symbol="btcusdt", period="4h", limit=30)

# Historical BLVT NAV Kline/Candlestick
resp = restapi.get_lvt_klines(symbol="BTCDOWN", interval="4h", limit=300)

# Composite Index Symbol Information
resp = restapi.get_index_info()

# Multi-Assets Mode Asset Index
resp = restapi.get_asset_index()

Websocket Example

An almost finished code example to subscribe user data, enjoy it.

import _thread, time
from binex_f import Dict2Class, RestApi, WsSubscription

class _UserData:
    def __init__(self):
        self.restapi = RestApi(api_key="****************", secret_key="****************")
        self.__ws_subscription = WsSubscription()
        self.channel_id = None

    def get_listenKey(self):
        resp = self.restapi.start_user_data_stream()
        if resp.hasattr("listenKey"):
            return resp.listenKey
        return None

    def subscribe(self, listenKey):
        self.channel_id = self.__ws_subscription.unsubscribe(self.channel_id).\
                                    subscribe_user_data(listenKey, payload_handler, error_handler)

__user_data = _UserData()

def __subscribe_user_data():
        listenKey = __user_data.get_listenKey()
        if listenKey:
            return True
    except Exception as e:
        print (str(e))
    return False

def payload_handler(payload):
    if "ORDER_TRADE_UPDATE" == payload.eventType:
    elif "listenKeyExpired" == payload.eventType:
        _thread.start_new_thread(__subscribe_user_data, ())
    elif "MARGIN_CALL" == payload.eventType:
    elif "ACCOUNT_UPDATE" == payload.eventType:
    elif "ORDER_TRADE_UPDATE" == payload.eventType:
    elif "ACCOUNT_CONFIG_UPDATE" == payload.eventType:
    print (Dict2Class.to_val(payload))

def error_handler(err_msg: 'dict'):
    print (err_msg)

def __listenKey_watch(restapi):
    while True:
        resp = restapi.keep_user_data_stream()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if __subscribe_user_data():
        _thread.start_new_thread(__listenKey_watch, (__user_data.restapi,))

Websocket Example

import _thread
from binex_f import Dict2Class, WsSubscription

ws = WsSubscription()
def f01(pl, el):
    # Aggregate Trade Streams
    ws.subscribe_aggregate_trade(symbol="btcusdt", payload_handler=pl, error_handler=el)

def f02(pl, el):
    # Mark Price Stream
    ws.subscribe_mark_price(symbol="btcusdt", update_time=None, payload_handler=pl, error_handler=el)

def f03(pl, el):
    # Mark Price Stream for All market
    ws.subscribe_all_mark_price(update_time=None, payload_handler=pl, error_handler=el)

def f04(pl, el):
    # Continuous Contract Kline/Candlestick Streams
    ws.subscribe_continuous_kline(pair="btcusdt", contract_type="perpetual", interval="4h", payload_handler=pl, error_handler=el)

def f05(pl, el):
    # Kline/Candlestick Streams
    ws.subscribe_kline(symbol="btcusdt", interval="4h", payload_handler=pl, error_handler=el)

def f06(pl, el):
    # Individual Symbol Mini Ticker Stream
    ws.subscribe_symbol_miniticker(symbol="btcusdt", payload_handler=pl, error_handler=el)

def f07(pl, el):
    # All Market Mini Tickers Stream
    ws.subscribe_all_miniticker(payload_handler=pl, error_handler=el)

def f08(pl, el):
    # Individual Symbol Ticker Streams
    ws.subscribe_symbol_ticker(symbol="btcusdt", payload_handler=pl, error_handler=el)

def f09(pl, el):
    # All Market Tickers Streams
    ws.subscribe_all_ticker(payload_handler=pl, error_handler=el)

def f10(pl, el):
    # Individual Symbol Book Ticker Streams
    ws.subscribe_symbol_bookticker(symbol="btcusdt", payload_handler=pl, error_handler=el)

def f11(pl, el):
    # All Book Tickers Stream
    ws.subscribe_all_bookticker(payload_handler=pl, error_handler=el)

def f12(pl, el):
    # Liquidation Order Streams
    ws.subscribe_symbol_liquidation(symbol="btcusdt", payload_handler=pl, error_handler=el)

def f13(pl, el):
    # All Market Liquidation Order Streams
    ws.subscribe_all_liquidation(payload_handler=pl, error_handler=el)

def f14(pl, el):
    # Partial Book Depth Streams
    ws.subscribe_book_depth(symbol_list=["btcusdt", "ethusdt"], limit=5, update_time="@100ms", payload_handler=pl, error_handler=el)

def f15(pl, el):
    # Diff. Book Depth Streams
    ws.subscribe_diff_book_depth(symbol_list=["btcusdt", "ethusdt"], update_time="@100ms", payload_handler=pl, error_handler=el)

def f16(pl, el):
    # BLVT Info Streams
    ws.subscribe_nav(tokenName="TRXDOWN", payload_handler=pl, error_handler=el)

def f17(pl, el):
    # BLVT NAV Kline/Candlestick Streams
    ws.subscribe_nav_kline(tokenName="TRXDOWN", interval="4h", payload_handler=pl, error_handler=el)

def f18(pl, el):
    # Composite Index Symbol Information Streams
    ws.subscribe_composite_index(symbol="btcusdt", payload_handler=pl, error_handler=el)

def __payload_handler(payload: 'Dict2Class'):
    print (Dict2Class.to_val(payload))

def __error_handler(err_msg: 'dict'):
    print (err_msg)

_thread.start_new_thread(f01, (__payload_handler, __error_handler,))

Bash Show

>> from binex_f import RestApi >>> restapi = RestApi() >>> {'limits': {}} >>> restapi.get_servertime() >>> restapi.get_servertime().asdict() {'serverTime': 1639041680361, 'limits': {'X-MBX-USED-WEIGHT-1M': '2'}} >>> restapi.get_servertime().serverTime 1639041691379 >>> exc = restapi.get_exchange_info() >>> print (len(exc.symbols)) 145 >>> print (exc.symbols[0]) >>> print (exc.symbols[0].asdict()) {'symbol': 'BTCUSDT', 'pair': 'BTCUSDT', 'contractType': 'PERPETUAL', 'deliveryDate': 4133404800000, 'onboardDate': 1569398400000, 'status': 'TRADING', 'maintMarginPercent': '2.5000', 'requiredMarginPercent': '5.0000', 'baseAsset': 'BTC', 'quoteAsset': 'USDT', 'marginAsset': 'USDT', 'pricePrecision': 2, 'quantityPrecision': 3, 'baseAssetPrecision': 8, 'quotePrecision': 8, 'underlyingType': 'COIN', 'underlyingSubType': [], 'settlePlan': 0, 'triggerProtect': '0.0500', 'liquidationFee': '0.012000', 'marketTakeBound': '0.05', 'filters': [{'minPrice': '556.72', 'maxPrice': '4529764', 'filterType': 'PRICE_FILTER', 'tickSize': '0.01'}, {'stepSize': '0.001', 'filterType': 'LOT_SIZE', 'maxQty': '1000', 'minQty': '0.001'}, {'stepSize': '0.001', 'filterType': 'MARKET_LOT_SIZE', 'maxQty': '120', 'minQty': '0.001'}, {'limit': 200, 'filterType': 'MAX_NUM_ORDERS'}, {'limit': 10, 'filterType': 'MAX_NUM_ALGO_ORDERS'}, {'notional': '5', 'filterType': 'MIN_NOTIONAL'}, {'multiplierDown': '0.9500', 'multiplierUp': '1.0500', 'multiplierDecimal': '4', 'filterType': 'PERCENT_PRICE'}], 'orderTypes': ['LIMIT', 'MARKET', 'STOP', 'STOP_MARKET', 'TAKE_PROFIT', 'TAKE_PROFIT_MARKET', 'TRAILING_STOP_MARKET'], 'timeInForce': ['GTC', 'IOC', 'FOK', 'GTX']} ">
Python 3.8.8 (default, Apr 13 2021, 19:58:26)
[GCC 7.3.0] :: Anaconda, Inc. on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from binex_f import RestApi
>>> restapi = RestApi()
{'limits': {}}
>>> restapi.get_servertime()
<binex_f.utils.Dict2Class object at 0x7f43a355a070>
>>> restapi.get_servertime().asdict()
{'serverTime': 1639041680361, 'limits': {'X-MBX-USED-WEIGHT-1M': '2'}}
>>> restapi.get_servertime().serverTime
>>> exc = restapi.get_exchange_info()
>>> print (len(exc.symbols))
>>> print (exc.symbols[0])
<binex_f.utils.Dict2Class object at 0x7f43a34fc8e0>
>>> print (exc.symbols[0].asdict())
{'symbol': 'BTCUSDT', 'pair': 'BTCUSDT', 'contractType': 'PERPETUAL', 'deliveryDate': 4133404800000, 'onboardDate': 1569398400000, 'status': 'TRADING', 'maintMarginPercent': '2.5000', 'requiredMarginPercent': '5.0000', 'baseAsset': 'BTC', 'quoteAsset': 'USDT', 'marginAsset': 'USDT', 'pricePrecision': 2, 'quantityPrecision': 3, 'baseAssetPrecision': 8, 'quotePrecision': 8, 'underlyingType': 'COIN', 'underlyingSubType': [], 'settlePlan': 0, 'triggerProtect': '0.0500', 'liquidationFee': '0.012000', 'marketTakeBound': '0.05', 'filters': [{'minPrice': '556.72', 'maxPrice': '4529764', 'filterType': 'PRICE_FILTER', 'tickSize': '0.01'}, {'stepSize': '0.001', 'filterType': 'LOT_SIZE', 'maxQty': '1000', 'minQty': '0.001'}, {'stepSize': '0.001', 'filterType': 'MARKET_LOT_SIZE', 'maxQty': '120', 'minQty': '0.001'}, {'limit': 200, 'filterType': 'MAX_NUM_ORDERS'}, {'limit': 10, 'filterType': 'MAX_NUM_ALGO_ORDERS'}, {'notional': '5', 'filterType': 'MIN_NOTIONAL'}, {'multiplierDown': '0.9500', 'multiplierUp': '1.0500', 'multiplierDecimal': '4', 'filterType': 'PERCENT_PRICE'}], 'orderTypes': ['LIMIT', 'MARKET', 'STOP', 'STOP_MARKET', 'TAKE_PROFIT', 'TAKE_PROFIT_MARKET', 'TRAILING_STOP_MARKET'], 'timeInForce': ['GTC', 'IOC', 'FOK', 'GTX']}

Other examples

See example/

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