Official Pytorch Implementation of: "ImageNet-21K Pretraining for the Masses"(2021) paper


ImageNet-21K Pretraining for the Masses

Paper | Pretrained models

Official PyTorch Implementation

Tal Ridnik, Emanuel Ben-Baruch, Asaf Noy, Lihi Zelnik-Manor
DAMO Academy, Alibaba Group


ImageNet-1K serves as the primary dataset for pretraining deep learning models for computer vision tasks. ImageNet-21K dataset, which contains more pictures and classes, is used less frequently for pretraining, mainly due to its complexity, and underestimation of its added value compared to standard ImageNet-1K pretraining. This paper aims to close this gap, and make high-quality efficient pretraining on ImageNet-21K available for everyone. Via a dedicated preprocessing stage, utilizing WordNet hierarchies, and a novel training scheme called semantic softmax, we show that different models, including small mobile-oriented models, significantly benefit from ImageNet-21K pretraining on numerous datasets and tasks. We also show that we outperform previous ImageNet-21K pretraining schemes for prominent new models like ViT. Our proposed pretraining pipeline is efficient, accessible, and leads to SoTA reproducible results, from a publicly available dataset.

Getting Started

Note - repo under construction, more contetnt will be added.

(1) Pretrained Models on ImageNet-21K-P Dataset

Backbone ImageNet-21K-P semantic
top-1 Accuracy
top-1 Accuracy
batch size
training speed
inference speed
MobilenetV3_large_100 73.1 78.0 488 1210 5980
Ofa_flops_595m_s 75.0 81.0 288 500 3240
ResNet50 75.6 82.0 320 720 2760
TResNet-M 76.4 83.1 520 670 2970
TResNet-L (V2) 76.7 83.9 240 300 1460
ViT_base_patch16_224 77.6 84.4 160 340 1140

See this link for more details.
We highly recommend to start working with ImageNet-21K by testing these weights against standard ImageNet-1K pretraining, and comparing results on your relevant downstream tasks. After you will see a significant improvement (you will), proceed to pretraining new models.

(2) Obtaining and Processing the Dataset

See instructions for obtaining and processing the dataset in here.

(3) Training Code

To use the traing code, first download ImageNet-21K-P semantic tree to your local ./resources/ folder Example of semantic softmax training:

python \
--batch_size=4 \
--data_path=/mnt/datasets/21k \
--model_name=mobilenetv3_large_100 \
--model_path=/mnt/models/mobilenetv3_large_100.pth \

For shortening the training, we initialize the weights from standard ImageNet-1K. Recommended to use ImageNet-1K weights from this excellent repo.

To be added soon

  • KD training code
  • Inference code
  • Model weights after transferred to ImageNet-1K
  • More...


      title={ImageNet-21K Pretraining for the Masses}, 
      author={Tal Ridnik and Emanuel Ben-Baruch and Asaf Noy and Lihi Zelnik-Manor},
  • imagenet1k pretrain model

    imagenet1k pretrain model

    Why do we need to load pretrained ImageNet-1K model if we are going to pretrain based on the imagenet21k dataset?

    opened by cissoidx 24
  • General fail in preprocessing

    General fail in preprocessing

    I did a full preprocessing using your script on the winter21_whole.tar.gz dataset. Is it normal to have tons of general fail messages? Will these fails of images impact final training results? 截屏2021-07-05 下午6 35 15

    opened by cissoidx 13
  • Val Result

    Val Result

    Dear author : When I test resnet50 model you provide on imagenet21k-p val dataset, the ImageNet-21K-P semantic top-1 Accuracy is just 69%, but what you have claimed is 75.6%, but I indeed see the improvement on downstream task, what's the problem?

    opened by wtt0213 10
  • can't download metadata

    can't download metadata

    i tried to run, but there is a httperror

    urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, filename)

    Exception has occurred: HTTPError HTTP Error 403: Forbidden

    how can it be solved?

    opened by ghkhk 9
  • cant run

    cant run


    Unknown model (vit_base_patch16_224_miil_in21k)

    how to run with my own wight

    opened by jaffe-fly 7
  • how to use DPP to start ``````

    how to use DPP to start ``````

    1 machine 2 GPUs I cant use command line to start how to start in the wInternal code to use DDP

    i cant find where to save mode, how to save in the DDP

    opened by jaffe-fly 7
  • The strategy of transferring ImageNet-21k ViT model to cifar100

    The strategy of transferring ImageNet-21k ViT model to cifar100

    Hi @mrT23, thanks for your great work! Currently I use timm to finetune the 'vit_base_patch16_224_miil_in21k' model on cifar100, however I can't get the reported result 94.2%. Here is my running script.

    python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 --master_port 6016 \
    /data/cifar-100-images/ \
    -b=64 \
    --img-size=224 \
    --epochs=50 \
    --color-jitter=0 \
    --amp \
    --lr=2e-4 \
    --sched='cosine' \
    --model-ema --model-ema-decay=0.995 --reprob=0.5 --smoothing=0.1 \
    --min-lr=1e-8 --warmup-epochs=3 --train-interpolation=bilinear --aa=v0 \
    --model=vit_base_patch16_224_miil_in21k \
    --pretrained \
    --num-classes=100 \
    --opt=adamw --weight-decay=1e-4 \

    I try several settings: adam, lr=2e-4, wd=1e-4 92.44% adamw, lr=2e-4, wd=1e-4 92.90% sgd, lr=2e-4, wd=1e-4 87.49% adamw, lr=4e-4, wd=1e-4 92.24% adamw, lr=2e-4, wd=1e-2 93.08% Could you give me some suggestions?

    opened by Dyfine 5
  • pretrain head of vit

    pretrain head of vit

    In the vit paper, it says:

    The classification head is implemented by a MLP with one hidden layer at pre-training time and by a single linear layer at fine-tuning time

    So if you are using timm package, they define the head like this:

    Did you reach the stats in your paper using single layer head or head of one hidden layer?

    opened by cissoidx 5
  • The strategy of transferring ImageNet-21k models to ImageNet-1K.

    The strategy of transferring ImageNet-21k models to ImageNet-1K.

    Hi, I try to transfer the ImageNet-21k model (resnet50_miil_21k) to ImageNet-1K according to the details provided in your paper and But I only get 79.5% top-1 acc on ImageNet-1K, lower than the 82.0% in your readme. Could you give me some suggestions?

    My training command is as follows: python3 -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8
    --model-ema --model-ema-decay=0.995 --reprob=0.5 --smoothing=0.1
    --min-lr=1e-8 --warmup-epochs=3 --train-interpolation=bilinear --aa=v0
    --opt=adam --weight-decay=1e-4

    opened by whai362 5
  • About Training Setting Parameters

    About Training Setting Parameters

    Could you provide the training parameters when using 8 * V100 with DDP? When I use the following command line python3 -u -m torch.distributed.launch --nnodes 1 --node_rank 0 --nproc_per_node 8 --master_port 2221 --data_path /data/imagenet22kp_fall/ --model_name mobilenetv3_large_100 --epochs 80 --weight_decay 1e-4 --batch_size 1024 --lr 3e-4 --num_classes 11221 --tree_path ./data/imagenet21k_miil_tree.pth --model_path=./mobilenetv3_large_100.pth The accuracy is only 71.366%, which is far lower than 73.1% reported in the paper.

    opened by SJLeo 5
  • Model weights trained on Stanford cars

    Model weights trained on Stanford cars


    Can you please share the link to the weights file of model trained on Stanford cars data set. I am unable to get the expected results using

    Please guide.


    opened by ma-siddiqui 5
  • Anyone here have trouble reaching the mentioned accuracy for ViT-B?

    Anyone here have trouble reaching the mentioned accuracy for ViT-B?

    Anyone here have trouble reaching the mentioned accuracy for ViT-B? For some reason, the best accuracy I can get is 77% top1 without KD. While in the paper they said they reach 81% top1 without KD and 84.4% top1 with KD. Anyone manage to get that accuracy? If so, can you tell me what hyperparameters did you use? Thanks!

    opened by CharlesLeeeee 0
  • What is the teacher model when using semantic softmax with KD?

    What is the teacher model when using semantic softmax with KD?

    What is the teacher model when using semantic softmax with KD? The figure in the paper is not clear on what the teacher is. Or in there is no code example on how to use the KD

    opened by CharlesLeeeee 0
  • Missing details on Dropout and momentum value used for SGD when fine tuning on ImageNet1k

    Missing details on Dropout and momentum value used for SGD when fine tuning on ImageNet1k

    Nowhere on the paper or code where it mentions what Dropout prob and momentum value used for SGD when fine tuning on ImageNet1k. Is is the same as ? Also can you provide the code for imagenet1k. I would like to see how the images are normalized for that stage?

    opened by CharlesLeeeee 0
  • Hyperparameters to finetune ResNet50 from IN21k to IN1k

    Hyperparameters to finetune ResNet50 from IN21k to IN1k

    Good morning, thank you very much for your work. Can you share the hyperparameters/training procedure that have been used to perform the finetuning of resnet50 to standard ImageNet?

    Thank you very much in advance!

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