This is a place where I'm playing around with pandas to analyze data in a csv/excel file.
A very simple cheat sheet of how to open and view the data type of any given csv or excel file.
Normally, the given data set is not an ideal one. This folder is for data cleaning, including how to play with null value and filter out rows with certain words.
Also, sometimes we'll need an additional data source to join the original one. In the dog analysis, I joined two datasets to reveal deeper insights.
This is for more challenge and exciting real-world dataset. Usually we have to deal with some huge data sets, like a 5G csv file. It's important to limit the rows and do some preliminary analysis first, before we feed the computer with a large number of data. Trust me, your computer will hate it and hurt.
And I tried more complicated analysis, like pivot table and rolling average, to deal with more real story ideas.
This is more like a compensation. In the last assignment, unfortunately, I used some stupid methods to deal with the datetime. So I figure out a better way to play with time. Journalists always love time because it can help reveal trends!