Code examples for my Write Better Python Code series on YouTube.

  • Coupling alternative

    Coupling alternative

    Saw your posts on reddit and watched your first video, the one on coupling. Before watching the walk-through, I had a try at improving the "before" code alone. I thought it could be fun to discuss that here, if you or someone else is up to it (btw, thanks for putting this up in a repo, super convenient!). Maybe it's silly. In any case, it's hard to find the right kind of feedback on these kinds of exercises (when you're self-learning and it's not just Hello World with a SyntaxError anymore) ;). And maybe you get something out of it by seeing how viewers "interpret" your content.

    import random
    import string
    from dataclasses import dataclass, field
    from enum import Enum
    from typing import Union
    class VehicleRegistry:
        def __init__(self, id_length) -> None:
            self.id_length = id_length
        def random_id(self):
            length = self.id_length
            id = "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase, k=length))
            license = f"{id[:2]}-{''.join(random.choices(string.digits, k=2))}-{''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase, k=2))}"
            return id, license
    class PropulsionTax(Enum):
        ELECTRIC = 0.02
        COMBUSTION = 0.05
    class Vehicle:
        make: str
        model: str
        price: int
        tax_bracket: PropulsionTax
        # Include in class data (repr, ...), but do not init it, calculate it later:
        tax: float = field(init=False)
        # Straight from the factory, doesn't have any of these yet:
        id: Union[str, None] = None
        license: Union[str, None] = None
        def __post_init__(self):
   = self.price * self.tax_bracket.value
    class Application:
        def __init__(self, vehicle: Vehicle):
            self.vehicle = vehicle
            self.registry = VehicleRegistry(12)
        def register_vehicle(self):
  , self.vehicle.license = self.registry.random_id()
            print("Registration complete. Vehicle information:")
    vehicle = Vehicle(
    app = Application(vehicle)

    Comparing to your after code, there are some differences. There are a bunch of assumptions which might be incorrect.

    • Instead of implementing print methods, implement __str__ (or __repr__) and call built-in print on the objects. But wait...
    • When you drafted up your classes by putting type hints at the top, I thought you'd definitely convert them into dataclasses in a wild plot twist! That didn't end up happening, yet those bad boys are perfect for this use case. They have built-in representation for all their member variables, so the previous step is solved automatically.
    • Taxes are an Enum. Advantages:
      • Can be extended (hydrogen!) and used pretty arbitrarily
      • We get nice names/reprs, no hard-coded magic except in that one central place
    • License and ID generation are kind of the same thing. The license strictly depends on the generated ID. We therefore call both methods one after the other anyway, everytime. There's no instance where we call only one of each. So they can be the same thing, one method returning a tuple of ID and license plate.
    • I assumed VehicleRegistry was some kind of office that does... vehicle registrations. As such, it probably uses (again, an assumption) IDs of the same length anyway, for all vehicles. Hence, this is now a parameter to the constructor itself.
    • I thought you'd definitely hand in an Application for a vehicle. This makes sense. You hand in a string representing the vehicle, but we can just hand in the vehicle object itself. Makes it much more dynamic and less coupled, in my view.
    • Maybe the strangest thing to me was how the Application or, rather, its register_vehicle method creates the vehicle. I thought of the process more like real-life:
      1. Vehicle gets created in some car factory, it just exists for now (I just do vehicle = Vehicle(...) on the module level). At that point, it doesn't have a registration ID or license plate yet, but it comes with "empty slots" (defaults of None) for them. This abstraction works especially well for the license plate. Cars literally come with a blank space where that will go later, for which None is the perfect representation.
      2. Now, the consumer takes the car to the registry. They create an Application which has a (as opposed to is a/inheritance) vehicle. Makes sense, the application form contains the vehicle data sheet (the Vehicle dataclass instance object itself).
      3. The registry then only generates a new random ID/license plate for the new car. In the current state, it doesn't need to know/do anything else. This might change, at which point my shit breaks apart.
      4. We "take" the Application to the registry, where we simply slap on the new ID/license plate onto the new car, replacing None.

    I think using dataclasses is a big improvement and nicely showcases the "batteries included" aspect of Python. Lots of boilerplate taken care of for us. Secondly, pulling out the "car creation" process entirely makes things much simpler, too, while being more in line with the metaphore, in my mind. This all leads to very short (cohesive?) functions/methods will quite low coupling.

    Would be happy to hear your or someone else's thoughts on this! Loving the series so far, finally good content that fills the huge gap between Hello World (for which approx. 484092 guides exist) and actually working in the industry.

    opened by alexpovel 3
  • Why string, not str ?

    Why string, not str ?

    opened by ozkansen 1
  • Undefined name 'Blog' in type hint

    Undefined name 'Blog' in type hint

    $ flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics

    ./betterpython/7 - dealing with errors/monadic-error-handling/ F821 undefined name 'Blog'
    def fetch_blog(blog_id) -> Result['Blog', Exception]:
    ./betterpython/7 - dealing with errors/monadic-error-handling/ F821 undefined name 'Blog'
    def blog_to_dict(item) -> 'Blog':
    ./betterpython/7 - dealing with errors/monadic-error-handling/ F821 undefined name 'Blog'
    def verify_access(blog) -> 'Blog':
    3     F821 undefined name 'Blog'
    opened by cclauss 0
  • Create


    Hi Arjan,

    thanks a lot for your videos on YouTube, it's super helpful for me to learn more about Python. You are doing a great work to the community, really appreciating.

    Here is just my simple idea how to (possibly) use composition instead of inheritance in the Please if you have some time, could you check this code and comment what would you change (if anything) and if you think it make sense we could even merge it.

    Thanks again.

    opened by m1009d 0
  • Minor spacing and naming fixes

    Minor spacing and naming fixes

    Hi there.

    I like your examples, so I'd like to propose some minor changes in the SOLID examples. The proposed changes are spacing and naming changes so the code is more consistent with PEP8. I hope this helps out your project!

    opened by mickeybeurskens 0
  • used default dict in api_v2/event instead of normal dict

    used default dict in api_v2/event instead of normal dict


    • The functionality of both dictionaries and defualtdict are almost same except for the fact that defualtdict never raises a KeyError.

    • When key is not present it will return --> [] (empty list)

    • This is how it improves the code

    • Before

    if event_type not in subscribers:
        subscribers[event_type] = []
    • After
    opened by ujass 3
  • get rid of redundant class

    get rid of redundant class

    If you find yourself creating a class just to call a function, you probably just needed a function... Also, Enums are better than dictionaries for holding an immutable table as in this demo, and dataclasses make the init declaration for you.

    opened by Motherboard 1
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