Natural Language Processing for Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) Detection


Natural Language Processing for Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) Detection

This repo contains code from a project to identify ADRs in discharge summaries at Austin Health. The model uses the HuggingFace Transformers library, beginning with the pretrained DeBERTa model. Further MLM pre-training is performed on a large corpus of unannotated discharge summaries. Finally, fine-tuning is peformed on a corpus of annotated discharge summaries (annotated using Prodigy). The model performs NER, but final performance is measured at the document level using the maximum token-level score.

We used Weights and Biases for experiment tracking.

The pretrain script takes a folder containing discharge summaries stored in CSV folders, tokenizes and continues MLM training on deberta-base.

Fine-tuning can then be performed with the finetune script using CLI commands. This script assumes the data is either a JSONL file of annotated text exported from Prodigy (--datafile example.jsonl), or a saved HuggingFace Datasets. If you run this script once on a JSONL file of annotations, you can choose to save the Dataset into a folder (--save_data_dir "save_to_here") and use this for subsequent training runs (--datafile "save_to_here").

Example usage:

python .\ --folds 5 --epochs 15 --lr 5e-5 --wandb_on --hub_off --project 'CLI Tests' --run_name cross-validation --datafile 'data'

Note: you might find that your exported annotations (JSONL file) is not encoded using UTF-8, which will prevent this code from working. There are various methods to change the encoding and these can all be found with a quick Google search. On a windows machine, for example, modify the following in powershell:

Get-Content .\name_of_file.jsonl -Encoding Unicode | Set-Content -Encoding UTF8 .\name_of_new_file.jsonl
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